Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big fat sigh

Today has been one of those days when I want to remind all my friends without kids about birth control.

Heather Armstrong

Today was a beautiful day. 22 degree weather, sunshine and a breeze.

We had a great morning with Milo cereal brekkie, played with our Bop It! (and scored 22 points together - teamwork!), then read about construction machines and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Aidan can read/recognise a few words other than his name now. Like THE and AND. Whenever we read books together I make an effort to point the words out and pause so he can fill in the blanks, and he's always excited when it's his turn to read THE or AND.

In the arvo we visited EG at the cafe and caught up with friends of my parents and their daughter who's planning to study here. Then visited TWO libraries and even squeezed in 20 mins at the Boathouse playground. Phew! So many activities!

By the time I got home I was ready to crash, and was thankful we had enough leftovers to constitute dinner. But I decided to get a head start on a cake I needed to make for a party this weekend. 

And that's when the s**t hit the wall. LITERALLY.

Since the last time I made the cake for another party it didn't rise as much as I thought it would, I increased the amount. It filled the tin just right. And I assumed it would rise a little bit, but not by much.

20 minutes later it looked like a sludgy Jabba the Hut.
I freaked out! Then calmed down, removed the oven's base plate (because the chocolate batter had oozed out and dripped down onto it), popped the cake tin onto a baking tray (which I should have done so in the first place, duh), and shut the oven door. And since the oven temperature dropped I adjusted the timing.

But it just kept oozing and oozing! Molten lava from a chocolate volcano. My hopes of salvaging the cake melted like the village of Pompeii. ARGH.

I turned to bring Aidan up for his bath, and the sweet bunny had finished his dinner and was bringing his empty bowl to the kitchen...dropping a million grains of rice along the way, as well as around his table. But he gets a gold star for the effort!

Back to the oven to stop the batter from oozing over the side of the baking tray and onto the exposed oven base. Too late! ARGH!

This is what it looked like, fully cooked. 

Jabba the Hut cake monster...nomnomnom I wanna eatchooo....

I'll see what I can fix tomorrow...sigh!

Back to Aidan...who had gone upstairs all on his own to poo! Good job!

I decided to take the vacuum out to clean up the rice mess he'd left behind, and as I was vacuuming the kitchen, I inadvertently sucked up the floor rag. ARGH. Which means to retrieve it, I'd have to dig around in the vacuum bag, pull it out covered in God knows what's already in the vac, and have it washed so I could use it again.

10 minutes later... Not so good job; he was standing outside with his underwear pulled up over his t-shirt, POO was smeared on the walls, his toothbrush cup (what the?) was hanging off the toilet paper holder.

Here's my theory. He'd finished his business, somehow got poo on his fingers and tried to climb up to the window sill where the toilet paper was sitting (EG'd put it there 'coz he keeps unravelling it while sitting on the dunny). He realised the mess he'd made, then dashed to grab water in his toothbrush cup to clean the mess up. Sigh...

This is what the poo mess looked like:

Just kidding!

Off to the bathroom. No recriminations. But no bedtime story either.