We'll be going for our first hospital baby class later and from what I hear, it's pretty gory. I think that the hospital is obliged to tell you all that can go wrong during the childbrith and it has apparently freaked some of our friends out. Will definitely give the review of the class when we get home later.
Thanks to Euge and May, we've been priviledged to be part of this baby course by Gary Azzo that the Quahs are running. Very useful and practical stuff, definitely helps in getting us prepare for the journey ahead. Stuff like feeding routines, Godly principles, sleeping routines, etc.
Saz and I still sometimes catch ourselves in awe of this whole process of becoming parents. Soon enough he'll be able to walk then run then date and get married, how freaky is that? But seriously, we can't wait to meet this little guy.
Couple more weeks now...
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I've been hounding EG to blog, but guess faithful readers, it's still me again!
It's been a pretty wild week - lots been stirring and happening. And more sleepness nights - either 'coz the baby's kicking, or I'm just, Awake! Or a little hungry... heh.
It's crazy to think that the baby's due in just 7 weeks time. Or as soon as 4 weeks, since they can arrive between Week 37 & 42 of the pregnancy. I hope he comes on time though - even though I can't wait to meet him already! Very excited, but also pretty anxious.
Last night, been thinking about our future, with baby, as a new family (not that we aren't a family already!), and the ramifications. Like finances, routines... our lives will change irrevocably. Each day is a new step of Faith for us.
Having our office team prayer time, and memorising Ps. 121 y'day was pretty revealing. The Psalmist wrote it on his pilgramage in the wilderness (from what I recall), so it's pretty ironic to believe that "The Lord will keep you from harm" even when he's going through deep suffering. Just as J did bearing the Cross alone (where angels are standing by but can't intervene in a journey that can only be forged by one man laying down his life) for us, a journey into wilderness is a revelation of where our own faith and spirituality, and Christianity lies. Do we possess the courage, as Frodo did, to advance towards Mordor, and relinquish the pressure to lay our lives for others? As we give and others receive, as we mature as Christians, persevere, producing character and releasing Hope, we realise the journey is often borne alone. Though others can cheer us from afar, only God can be our strength, our keeper from harm (though not necessarily suffering), whom we can blame because the land is cursed and wild and arid, and there is no one around - even Samwise Gamgee has to stay behind, before the final leg. But there is Hope. There is always glorious Hope.
And so I learn, we learn, to lay our lives down for our brothers and sisters in our Father's creation. Everything is connected, and the God who neither sleeps nor slumbers, is always intervening. And each step we take, represents a Faith that believes.
It's been a pretty wild week - lots been stirring and happening. And more sleepness nights - either 'coz the baby's kicking, or I'm just, Awake! Or a little hungry... heh.
It's crazy to think that the baby's due in just 7 weeks time. Or as soon as 4 weeks, since they can arrive between Week 37 & 42 of the pregnancy. I hope he comes on time though - even though I can't wait to meet him already! Very excited, but also pretty anxious.
Last night, been thinking about our future, with baby, as a new family (not that we aren't a family already!), and the ramifications. Like finances, routines... our lives will change irrevocably. Each day is a new step of Faith for us.
Having our office team prayer time, and memorising Ps. 121 y'day was pretty revealing. The Psalmist wrote it on his pilgramage in the wilderness (from what I recall), so it's pretty ironic to believe that "The Lord will keep you from harm" even when he's going through deep suffering. Just as J did bearing the Cross alone (where angels are standing by but can't intervene in a journey that can only be forged by one man laying down his life) for us, a journey into wilderness is a revelation of where our own faith and spirituality, and Christianity lies. Do we possess the courage, as Frodo did, to advance towards Mordor, and relinquish the pressure to lay our lives for others? As we give and others receive, as we mature as Christians, persevere, producing character and releasing Hope, we realise the journey is often borne alone. Though others can cheer us from afar, only God can be our strength, our keeper from harm (though not necessarily suffering), whom we can blame because the land is cursed and wild and arid, and there is no one around - even Samwise Gamgee has to stay behind, before the final leg. But there is Hope. There is always glorious Hope.
And so I learn, we learn, to lay our lives down for our brothers and sisters in our Father's creation. Everything is connected, and the God who neither sleeps nor slumbers, is always intervening. And each step we take, represents a Faith that believes.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Emotional Crutch
Yesterday could really rival the Baudelaire children in terms of a series of unfortunate events. Even as I write this, I am barely able to type...
It all started the night before with a really vivid dream of E, *gasp* having an affair! We were uni students, queuing in to the exam hall, and he was ahead of the queue, *gasp* holding another girl close as he would me. Naturally I looked confused and puzzled - he glanced up, saw me, looked guilty, and shifted attention back down again to the girl (who was a secondary-school mate of mine), leaving me more confused than ever. The girl - C - looked pretty puzzled as well, even though she didn't look uncomfortable in his arms. At this point, she looked up at him, then at me, then did a surprising thing - she pulled him out of the queue, pulled me out, and told him that he should be with me, that he was doing the wrong thing, and she didn't want to have anything to do with an "affair". All this in front of the entire student assembly!
I was surprised, and couldn't be stuffed with the exam, and decided to request for special consideration. However I was denied by the examining panel, to which a huge protest was mounted by the student body! It was a huge ruckus, lots of shouting and banners, everyone saying I should have the right for special consideration based on emotional trauma, and how they were all witnesses etc. And we WON! And everyone celebrated and partied their victory (instead of sitting for their own exams, which was rather strange, but anyhoo...)
As I packed my stuff and headed away from the darkened hall (it was night-time already), I saw EG in a distance walking away with his books. And I turned and saw C, and I gave her a fierce hug and whispered, "Thank you. You did an honourable thing today, and I really appreciate it." I had tears in my eyes... and then the dream melded into another one...
WELL! Couldn't sleep for the rest of the night could I?!! Grrr.... that plus heaviness of Baby. They do say you get weird dreams when you're preggers...
After waking up the next morning in absolute fatigue, I started making my way towards the train station using my new crutch. YES PEOPLE! The physio recommended I use a crutch to ease the pressure off my SIJ. So Day 2 of getting used to a crutch that felt uncomfortable since (a) I seem to lean all weight on my left side, esp. my crutch hand in order to balance myself, and (b) it slowed me down considerably, and then I see my train zooming past me (half thought of throwing the crutch aside and making a break for it). Sigh. So I decide to get a hot chocolate, then realise I don't have cash, and the next 3 cafes don't take EFTPOS, or need a minimum of $10. So I trudge towards the ATM, and it starts to rain on me!!
I took it all in with a sigh of resignation, and determined that it wouldn't ruin my day. And it didn't - the rest of the day passed without event, and I actually felt invigorated after spending a 2-hr session with Prof. De Raadt and learning from him. And looking forward to dinner with the Yarravillers and E.
Which leads me to why I type with less dexterity today. As we got into the car, eased into my seat the way I now have to - which is to hang onto the car roof, ease into the seat, then swing both my legs in - which helps with the SIJ pain. Except this time, the pain felt more intense, and waitaminit! It ain't coming from my hips, but this searing bone-crushing pressure was coming from my left hand. Yup, you got it folks - as E got into her seat behind me, she closed the car door on my left index finger and thumb. YIKES. Looks like I won't be needing the left-hand crutch for awhile!
Thankfully, it could've been much worse. No broken bones, just a bad bruise. What a great way to end the day!!
It all started the night before with a really vivid dream of E, *gasp* having an affair! We were uni students, queuing in to the exam hall, and he was ahead of the queue, *gasp* holding another girl close as he would me. Naturally I looked confused and puzzled - he glanced up, saw me, looked guilty, and shifted attention back down again to the girl (who was a secondary-school mate of mine), leaving me more confused than ever. The girl - C - looked pretty puzzled as well, even though she didn't look uncomfortable in his arms. At this point, she looked up at him, then at me, then did a surprising thing - she pulled him out of the queue, pulled me out, and told him that he should be with me, that he was doing the wrong thing, and she didn't want to have anything to do with an "affair". All this in front of the entire student assembly!
I was surprised, and couldn't be stuffed with the exam, and decided to request for special consideration. However I was denied by the examining panel, to which a huge protest was mounted by the student body! It was a huge ruckus, lots of shouting and banners, everyone saying I should have the right for special consideration based on emotional trauma, and how they were all witnesses etc. And we WON! And everyone celebrated and partied their victory (instead of sitting for their own exams, which was rather strange, but anyhoo...)
As I packed my stuff and headed away from the darkened hall (it was night-time already), I saw EG in a distance walking away with his books. And I turned and saw C, and I gave her a fierce hug and whispered, "Thank you. You did an honourable thing today, and I really appreciate it." I had tears in my eyes... and then the dream melded into another one...
WELL! Couldn't sleep for the rest of the night could I?!! Grrr.... that plus heaviness of Baby. They do say you get weird dreams when you're preggers...
After waking up the next morning in absolute fatigue, I started making my way towards the train station using my new crutch. YES PEOPLE! The physio recommended I use a crutch to ease the pressure off my SIJ. So Day 2 of getting used to a crutch that felt uncomfortable since (a) I seem to lean all weight on my left side, esp. my crutch hand in order to balance myself, and (b) it slowed me down considerably, and then I see my train zooming past me (half thought of throwing the crutch aside and making a break for it). Sigh. So I decide to get a hot chocolate, then realise I don't have cash, and the next 3 cafes don't take EFTPOS, or need a minimum of $10. So I trudge towards the ATM, and it starts to rain on me!!
I took it all in with a sigh of resignation, and determined that it wouldn't ruin my day. And it didn't - the rest of the day passed without event, and I actually felt invigorated after spending a 2-hr session with Prof. De Raadt and learning from him. And looking forward to dinner with the Yarravillers and E.
Which leads me to why I type with less dexterity today. As we got into the car, eased into my seat the way I now have to - which is to hang onto the car roof, ease into the seat, then swing both my legs in - which helps with the SIJ pain. Except this time, the pain felt more intense, and waitaminit! It ain't coming from my hips, but this searing bone-crushing pressure was coming from my left hand. Yup, you got it folks - as E got into her seat behind me, she closed the car door on my left index finger and thumb. YIKES. Looks like I won't be needing the left-hand crutch for awhile!
Thankfully, it could've been much worse. No broken bones, just a bad bruise. What a great way to end the day!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Of aches and pains...
Well! it's been awhile I've blogged I must admit! (sorry Soph!!)
What's new? Well the Perth trip was awesome, being able to connect with family, and having my Uncle Y. all protective about me. Heehee... and getting all these baby stuff!
Since then I've grown bigger (lots of people have said that I'm HUGE! - you can judge for yourself), and the joints and aches are returning :-( So having seen my physio last Thurs she suggested ice-ing the area, and hiring a crutch to relieve pressure off my right SIJ, while also doing exercises and stuff the strengthen the muscles around it. Plus tonight, I've finally decided to put those bathers I bought months ago to good use, and go swimming!
The previous night was pretty torturous though, I shouldn't have eaten before bed, 'coz I spent the whole night tossing and turning and downright feeling uncomfortable. The discomfort followed right through to the next day (yesterday), so it was just as well that it was my day off. Which I spent miserably on the couch trying to get my mind off it.
But last night we also started our first Parenting class ("Along the Infant Way", formerly Growing Kids God's Way - the same company also did the Baby Wise series) with Euge and May who were facilitating. Yuli & Chris were there, as well as Ed (Lynn was home with baby Ben), and newcomers Anita & Bobby. We're all due within the first half of September, so that's pretty exciting!! And the course has been great so far - Lesson 1: The Husband-Wife relationship should dominate (providing security for the child), and we shouldn't get trapped in child-centred parenting. And there's homework - which I'm looking forward to doing with EG.
Anyhoo, here're some pics from me last week! (Excuse the daggy-ness, it was taken before bed-time). And for some reason the photo isn't rotated when I post on Blogger...

What's new? Well the Perth trip was awesome, being able to connect with family, and having my Uncle Y. all protective about me. Heehee... and getting all these baby stuff!
Since then I've grown bigger (lots of people have said that I'm HUGE! - you can judge for yourself), and the joints and aches are returning :-( So having seen my physio last Thurs she suggested ice-ing the area, and hiring a crutch to relieve pressure off my right SIJ, while also doing exercises and stuff the strengthen the muscles around it. Plus tonight, I've finally decided to put those bathers I bought months ago to good use, and go swimming!
The previous night was pretty torturous though, I shouldn't have eaten before bed, 'coz I spent the whole night tossing and turning and downright feeling uncomfortable. The discomfort followed right through to the next day (yesterday), so it was just as well that it was my day off. Which I spent miserably on the couch trying to get my mind off it.
But last night we also started our first Parenting class ("Along the Infant Way", formerly Growing Kids God's Way - the same company also did the Baby Wise series) with Euge and May who were facilitating. Yuli & Chris were there, as well as Ed (Lynn was home with baby Ben), and newcomers Anita & Bobby. We're all due within the first half of September, so that's pretty exciting!! And the course has been great so far - Lesson 1: The Husband-Wife relationship should dominate (providing security for the child), and we shouldn't get trapped in child-centred parenting. And there's homework - which I'm looking forward to doing with EG.
Anyhoo, here're some pics from me last week! (Excuse the daggy-ness, it was taken before bed-time). And for some reason the photo isn't rotated when I post on Blogger...
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