Just to keep track of my day (and to validate my existence), I've decided to jot down what I did today:
1. Confirmed details with Ps. Tim for house church tomorrow.
2. Threw out the rubbish (which EG was supposed to do last night) and Aidan's dirty diapers.
3. Collected the mail.
4. Prepared and fed Aidan breakfast. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
5. Had my own breakfast, and fed Aidan some again (he demanded "MORE!!").
6. Washed the laundry. Hung the laundry.
7. Collected the dry clothes from the last batch and folded them.
8. Read Aidan a story then put him down for his morning nap.
9. Packed the DVDs he'd pulled out of the bookshelves.
10. Did the dishes.
11. Loaded another batch into the dishwasher.
12. Unloaded the dishwasher and put away the crockery.
13. Organised final details for this Sunday's communion lunch.
14. Prepared and cooked Aidan's lunch. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
15. Replied and wrote some emails.
16. Played with Aidan.
17. Cleaned the walls that Aidan marked by scratching an electrical plug against it.
18. Put him down for his afternoon nap.
19. Scrubbed the downstairs toilet.
20. Met a guy regarding quotes for evaporative cooling.
21. Rang around and sourced for more quotes for evaporative cooling.
22. Fed Aidan his dinner. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
23. Re-cleaned the walls, as he's just marked it again while I'm writing this post. Argh!!
Not bad! I feel better now!
On another note, here's his progress:
1. All that training's finally paid off - now he knows to keep out of the kitchen! He'll stand at the edge and either whine so that I'll pick him up, or he'll stand (yes, stand!) there and chat with me. Hee!
2. Speaking of standing, he's doing quite well standing on his own and walking with the walker or using furniture to cruise around. I pretty much think he can walk on his own already, just that he doesn't want to! Anyways, my point is, he now likes to climb the stairs one step at a time, one foot on each step! How cute!
3. He's tumbled enough times over the edge of my bed to know not to do it again. Now he just wavers at the edge tremulously, and whines so I'll pick him up.
Hmm. Must do something about all that whining.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Oh I forgot to add in my previous post, he did the cutest thing the other day. Y'know how he's been saying "more" when it comes to food - quite vehemently I might add - especially when he wants our food? The other day he shuttled back and forth between his dad and me on the couch, asking for noodles! We were eating dinner in front of the telly, and he'd go up to EG say "more", then when EG gave him a noodle strand from his chopsticks, he'd tip his head back, as far as he could, and bite the noodle. And 'coz he hasn't learned how to slurp yet he'd press his lips together to inch the noodle into his mouth. Think of a mama bird feeding her chickies worms - yup! Then he'd move down the couch towards me, and repeat the same thing all over again. Too cute!!
Cuteness aside, the past couple of weeks he's been waking in the middle of the night again, and won't sleep on his own after I've calmed him down. It happened again last night, he was screaming and crying and the only way we could all get some sleep was for me to cuddle him to sleep. Yup, another night on the futon in his room. Sigh. I really wonder what it is - hunger? Separation anxiety? Teething woes? Whatever the reason, I hope it resolves soon. It's hard enough for EG to rest as it is, with his long days at work, let alone with a wailing baby waking you in the middle of the night!
Cuteness aside, the past couple of weeks he's been waking in the middle of the night again, and won't sleep on his own after I've calmed him down. It happened again last night, he was screaming and crying and the only way we could all get some sleep was for me to cuddle him to sleep. Yup, another night on the futon in his room. Sigh. I really wonder what it is - hunger? Separation anxiety? Teething woes? Whatever the reason, I hope it resolves soon. It's hard enough for EG to rest as it is, with his long days at work, let alone with a wailing baby waking you in the middle of the night!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New photos
Some shots from Singapore Day a couple weeks back. Loved the freebies, hated the queues and bureaucracy ("Sorry you must queue all over again....")
All right. Now the following is a series of b-boy shots we took with Aidan's new cap. (Only $1 at the baby 2nd-hand market - we got lotsa steals from there.) Be warned - you just might collapse from his ultra-cuteness!!

All right. Now the following is a series of b-boy shots we took with Aidan's new cap. (Only $1 at the baby 2nd-hand market - we got lotsa steals from there.) Be warned - you just might collapse from his ultra-cuteness!!
This is a picture of an average B-Boy.

This is B-Boy-Boy, super cruncher, popper (pooper?), and styl-o krumpster!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but we've been busy! Setting up the new bookshelves, still sorting out house stuff! Plus we bought a painting at yesterday's Women's Conference at Life* Expedition to hang on the wall!
Speaking of the conference, Aidan was really well-behaved throughout - well looked after but Uncle Zakky and Uncle Aun, amongst other friends who love playing with him. Such a darling - he can really walk now with assistance! You should see how black his feet were after yesterday! As usual his socks came off and off he went, teetering and crawling around super fast! But I really got some got "refreshment" at the conference, hearing from the two speakers. Especially Ps. Shirley Osborne who spoke about the roles that tend to box women in, within societal constructs or institutions like the church. The loud "Mmm hmm!" from the back came from me, when she said "All I did was cook and clean all day!" Heh! But then again, she did have 4 kids by age 23...
On another note, we also got some great bargains and freebies at the Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo on Friday. Bought him a baby wetsuit and swim nappy so he'll have his first go at swimming! Or at least water familiarisation. Loved the freebies we got at the expo though, from nappies and creams to drink bottles etc. Even a Poo Cracker from the potty training booth - basically you toss what's essentially a packing peanut into the toilet, and your child's meant to aim for it. Lasts 2-3 flushes. Interesting! Although potty training's one of those things I wish we can stave off for as long as possible!
Speaking of the conference, Aidan was really well-behaved throughout - well looked after but Uncle Zakky and Uncle Aun, amongst other friends who love playing with him. Such a darling - he can really walk now with assistance! You should see how black his feet were after yesterday! As usual his socks came off and off he went, teetering and crawling around super fast! But I really got some got "refreshment" at the conference, hearing from the two speakers. Especially Ps. Shirley Osborne who spoke about the roles that tend to box women in, within societal constructs or institutions like the church. The loud "Mmm hmm!" from the back came from me, when she said "All I did was cook and clean all day!" Heh! But then again, she did have 4 kids by age 23...
On another note, we also got some great bargains and freebies at the Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo on Friday. Bought him a baby wetsuit and swim nappy so he'll have his first go at swimming! Or at least water familiarisation. Loved the freebies we got at the expo though, from nappies and creams to drink bottles etc. Even a Poo Cracker from the potty training booth - basically you toss what's essentially a packing peanut into the toilet, and your child's meant to aim for it. Lasts 2-3 flushes. Interesting! Although potty training's one of those things I wish we can stave off for as long as possible!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Baby's 1st bump
Poor bubba! The nice painted canvas sign sitting on top of his toy shelves toppled onto his head this morning! Small but nasty bump on his head now. But he only cried a little, what a trooper! Back to his normal curious bouncy self almost immediately. He was pretty brave yesterday as well when he had his 12-month immunisations! I think he was upset more at the fact we were restraining him than he was at getting pricked by 3 needles.
Speaking of injury, I've also got a cut from Aidan's sharp nails - on my EYEBALL. Eek. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, and I didn't even quite feel it till I saw myself in the mirror. Here's hoping it'll heal naturally.
Should I do something about his bump? Massage or ice it?
Speaking of injury, I've also got a cut from Aidan's sharp nails - on my EYEBALL. Eek. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, and I didn't even quite feel it till I saw myself in the mirror. Here's hoping it'll heal naturally.
Should I do something about his bump? Massage or ice it?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Jailbreak jailbait
This has been happening very often lately. Looks like the playpen ain't enough to keep him in no more!
If you look closely, the playpen was originally located on top of his playmat, where the window is. He's actually managed to push it around the corner! You can even hear him grunting with sheer exertion!
Other than this new display of superhuman strength ("Aidan, Super Baby Extraodinaire!"), his physical dexterity has translated into mental deftness as well. Teach him something new - be it words or actions - and he picks it up almost immediately! He can now point to his nose when you ask him "Aidan, where's your nose?", clap his hands when you ask him to, and the cutest gesture, raise his fist to his ear (or if there's a phone handy) when you say "Hello?" or "Wei?" ("hello" in Mandarin). I'm working on teaching him numbers from 1 to 5 with his fingers - mind you I've been doing it for awhile, since he was about 3 months old - and now I've expanded to teaching it to him in Mandarin and Italian as well! He does the cutest thing when he sees me counting out the digits on my hand; he leans into my palm once I reach the number 5 'coz everytime I count and hit 5 I cover his little face with my hand. Now he expects it! Heh!
His vocabulary has extended beyond Deh deh and Ma ma too, to Door!, Ball! and most commonly - and insistently - MORE!. He says MORE! for everything, and especially when he sees us eating - even after he's had a full meal! The other night, after a HUGE bowl of porridge, he still insisted on having some of our pizza - I gave him a couple of crusts - and when we undressed him for a bath we could see his distended belly sticking out! Like some African kid! It was hilarious.
In other news, I had my first Bodypump session this morning... in FIVE years! So my arms are quite wobbly and weak...eeks. On the upside though, Aidan did terrific at the gym's childcare - the minders there actually said he was a joy to have, was well-adjusted and sociable, and played well with the other kids. All this on his 1st time there! So proud of little bubba, especially since he really hated his previous childcare place. Not sure if it's 'coz he's older and adapts quicker to new environments, or if it's the centre itself that's more welcoming, but I'm glad he did well. Hooray!
If you look closely, the playpen was originally located on top of his playmat, where the window is. He's actually managed to push it around the corner! You can even hear him grunting with sheer exertion!
Other than this new display of superhuman strength ("Aidan, Super Baby Extraodinaire!"), his physical dexterity has translated into mental deftness as well. Teach him something new - be it words or actions - and he picks it up almost immediately! He can now point to his nose when you ask him "Aidan, where's your nose?", clap his hands when you ask him to, and the cutest gesture, raise his fist to his ear (or if there's a phone handy) when you say "Hello?" or "Wei?" ("hello" in Mandarin). I'm working on teaching him numbers from 1 to 5 with his fingers - mind you I've been doing it for awhile, since he was about 3 months old - and now I've expanded to teaching it to him in Mandarin and Italian as well! He does the cutest thing when he sees me counting out the digits on my hand; he leans into my palm once I reach the number 5 'coz everytime I count and hit 5 I cover his little face with my hand. Now he expects it! Heh!
His vocabulary has extended beyond Deh deh and Ma ma too, to Door!, Ball! and most commonly - and insistently - MORE!. He says MORE! for everything, and especially when he sees us eating - even after he's had a full meal! The other night, after a HUGE bowl of porridge, he still insisted on having some of our pizza - I gave him a couple of crusts - and when we undressed him for a bath we could see his distended belly sticking out! Like some African kid! It was hilarious.
In other news, I had my first Bodypump session this morning... in FIVE years! So my arms are quite wobbly and weak...eeks. On the upside though, Aidan did terrific at the gym's childcare - the minders there actually said he was a joy to have, was well-adjusted and sociable, and played well with the other kids. All this on his 1st time there! So proud of little bubba, especially since he really hated his previous childcare place. Not sure if it's 'coz he's older and adapts quicker to new environments, or if it's the centre itself that's more welcoming, but I'm glad he did well. Hooray!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Two nights ago, I had YET another dream where EG had an affair. Suffice to say, it's pretty disturbing how I keep having these dreams - EG says it's my unconscious insecurities seeping in. I doubt that. Maybe I'm subconsciously wanting a fresh start but am too chicken to, so being the victim leaves me both free, and sympathetic. Win-win! ;-)
Over the years he's left me for:
1. another Uni student
2. some random woman (these women always appear faceless and nameless)
3. Tan Kheng Hua!!
With this latest incarnation, I do think my psyche has evolved. Rather than play the hurt and confused victim, I actually felt calm, distant, in control. I remember my dream-self thinking, "All right, that's enough, this is the last straw. I'm going to take Aidan and leave." Apparently I was the long-suffering wife who's just had enough of her husband's infidelity!
The crucial matter here folks, is that I actually said "I'm TAKING Aidan with me!" Whereas previously the thought would've scared the bejesus out of me, and I'd rather leave the poor kid so they could both fend for themselves while I restarted my life as a brilliant (and beautiful!) career-woman, this time I took the bubba with me.
SO! I reckon the dream spoke volumes more about my feelings as a mother, than as a wife. Hah! It could actually mean I've come to a point where I'm confident enough as a mum to survive on my own! Although I have to say, I was more than a little testy this morning while changing Aidan's nappy - he kept grabbing his crotch even though there was poo there, and it really really annoyed me! This, added to the fact we were out of bin liners and I couldn't dispose of the soiled nappy properly, leaving it to balance precariously on top of the bin cover. Ewww.
Hmm. Might have to reconsider dumping the adulterer after all. He could come in useful with nappy-changes.
Over the years he's left me for:
1. another Uni student
2. some random woman (these women always appear faceless and nameless)
3. Tan Kheng Hua!!
With this latest incarnation, I do think my psyche has evolved. Rather than play the hurt and confused victim, I actually felt calm, distant, in control. I remember my dream-self thinking, "All right, that's enough, this is the last straw. I'm going to take Aidan and leave." Apparently I was the long-suffering wife who's just had enough of her husband's infidelity!
The crucial matter here folks, is that I actually said "I'm TAKING Aidan with me!" Whereas previously the thought would've scared the bejesus out of me, and I'd rather leave the poor kid so they could both fend for themselves while I restarted my life as a brilliant (and beautiful!) career-woman, this time I took the bubba with me.
SO! I reckon the dream spoke volumes more about my feelings as a mother, than as a wife. Hah! It could actually mean I've come to a point where I'm confident enough as a mum to survive on my own! Although I have to say, I was more than a little testy this morning while changing Aidan's nappy - he kept grabbing his crotch even though there was poo there, and it really really annoyed me! This, added to the fact we were out of bin liners and I couldn't dispose of the soiled nappy properly, leaving it to balance precariously on top of the bin cover. Ewww.
Hmm. Might have to reconsider dumping the adulterer after all. He could come in useful with nappy-changes.
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