Aaah... just the perfect start to my 29th year. Mwei, eat your heart out. ;-)
Oh course, I'm sure EG and Aidan (and the rest of my friends who chipped in) will see some returns from this, so it's really an investment isn't it?
Whatever the case, I spent a lovely Saturday at a wedding in beautiful weather, checking out gowns with Cher, a nice cuppa at South Melbourne market, and a great dinner with close friends after. This, after a nice drive to Miss Marples on Friday and buying some new clothes (including a magic slimming dress! My very own optical illusion.)
In other news, I think we're confirmed with Highpoint Kinder Haven next year for one day a week while I'm at class. Just waiting for the rego pack to arrive. Hope Aidan adjusts well...sigh! He's been rather clingy lately. Although the last 2 days he's been sleeping on a mattress in my room while Velle and Tony came down to visit from Can-bore-a, oops I mean Canberra, and that's been nice! He slept well and didn't wake (too often). But it's back to his cot tonight!