Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jokes aside

Aidan's been learning to tell knock knock jokes lately, and I could only supply the couple that I vaguely remember. For example:

Aidan: Who's there?
Me: Lettuce!
Aidan: Lettuce who??
Me: Lettuce in, it's cold outside!

Then it's his turn to tell one.

Me: Who's there?
Aidan: TRUCK!!
Me: (ooh, that's so cute!) Truck who??

Hmm...methinks he's yet to get the hang of it...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

If you can stomach this...

Some exciting news! Aidan spent the day at school yesterday in underpants! He insisted that he didn't want to wear the nappies, but wanted underwear like a big boy!

And today Kev and Charmaine arrived with Kienan and Jonah. Happy times ahead as we learn to live  and share our lives together over the next month! :-))

In other news, this article is so poignant, nuanced and HEARTBREAKING. About parents forgetting their kids in cars...and how it ends in tragedy. Reminds me of when Aidan locked himself accidentally in the car in our garage before, along with my bag and handphone!

Sigh. Having kids in your life bring so much joy, and so much heartache sometimes, whether of your own doing or not...


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Model child 2

OK! So it's official, Aidan's now signed up with Brats Models.

We took awhile to decide, but they seemed to be one of the bigger agencies around, and the guy has had heaps of experience, so we really do hope Aidan gets some work out of this!

In the meantime, enjoy some pics we took over the weekend, hanging out with the Chews.

Family photo!


Chew family, with their latest addition, Noah!

Hmm...maybe that's where Aidan gets his cheesy smile from...

I want chips...PWEEASSSEEE!!!

And today...we made sushi for lunch! Aidan loves his sushi, especially the vegetarian rolls we get at food courts. Today we made salmon onigiri!! Aidan had a lot of fun pressing the rice molds and popping the sushi out.

Start with some steamed rice - I used less water so it'll be more sticky

Add some onigiri seasoning

Some sushi molds - Teddy, little boy and little girl.

Stuff mold with rice

Pop the lid on and squish real tight

Pop the rice out




I LOVE Sushi!!