Monday, November 12, 2007
Some pics
Here're some pics taken awhile back. He's a lot rounder and bigger now. His next checkup is this Thursday - anyone wanna hedge some bets on his weight?!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Until Now
I thought my natural instincts would kick in – I was so looking forward to this! Oh the arrogance of the ignorant – to think EG and I nodded to ourselves when our friends complained of their little one, and said, “we’ll never speak of our child and his infancy with such despair or complaint – we must always speak with hope and faith.” Such lofty ideals! I tumble in and out of despair each day, with each feed, each cry. Joy if he sleeps past the hour, exuberance if he naps for two! The malaise of self-doubt sets in with every whimper and piercing yell he makes – what did I do wrong? What’s happening with him? Why won’t he stop? And exhaustion kicks in, and I spiral, and cry as he cries, my tears dropping quicker than his rhythmic screams.
What a tumultuous nine weeks it has been. Feeds and sleeps (or lack there of), cries and sushes, routines and diversions. We had quickly relinquished our need to withhold the pacifier from him – oh the joy of discovering the baby Mute button! I wonder, daily, guiltily, if my complaints are merely because he is not a convenient baby, because he doesn’t quite go by the book.
Every time he smiles, the type that reaches his eyes and crinkles his entire face, every time he gurgles and sticks his little tongue out in a game of mimicry with him (I copy him), I melt. I melt and wonder if I’m doing right by him. I hope I’m doing right by him. I hope I’m up to the task to educate and raise a child, this child, with reading and playtime and paying wholehearted attention. I wish I weren’t so shallow to look at my expanded body and wish it weren’t. I wish I could stop feeling so tired and regretful of giving birth. I wish I hadn’t set such high expectations of myself, still having them, still letting them kick me in the head.
His quiet cry
His quiet song
His rest
His peace
His light
And bliss
Reflecting images of despair
Yet mournful with joy
Touched with new life
My life
My love
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Health Check
Aidan weighed in at 3.160 kg at 1.30pm EST - that, the nurse said, was 3 times what they hoped for him to gain in the last week! And he poos and farts a lot too. Sir Chubalot is taking after his parents very well...
More updates soon - going to read the stuff she gave me (am feeling a little lazy at committing more ponderous thoughts to the blog, heh). I feel like my head's saturated with all this baby info! But she did show me a couple of tricks with breast feeding though, that really helped!
In the Quiet
1. Eurghhharaarrghhhh!!
2. What the...?!
3. HALP!
That should pretty much summarise it.
(And if you're waiting for the "but, seriously" part, please scroll back to Point 1.)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Short version, since I'm typing the gist of this entry (read: harrowing ordeal) while the baby's asleep.
Labour was long - 24 hours from the first minor contraction, to the final birth (felt small cramps at about 10.15/10.30pm on Sunday night).
Babe was born 1045pm, Monday, 10 September 2007. He was 2.880 kg (which is about 6.3 lbs for the old-skool folks)
Pics will be up asap!
Love you all heaps - thanks for the support throughout the last 9 months!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Today's the day when Aidan arrives.
Sigh - it seems the little bubba's too content to be inside me, so he's holding out. I'm feeling tired and big, and the pregnancy rhinitis has returned. Hallelujah!...
Well - maybe he'll decide tomorrow's the day! Apparently if you're born on 8th September, which is International Literacy Day, you get a book for your next 5 birthdays. (I tried googling it, I'm not sure if it's true...)
Ah wells, in the meantime, it's been fun with mum around - lotsa great food! :-)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
T-minus 3 days
EG once mentioned I'm like a ticking time-bomb - I'm literally waiting to explode. Sorta.
It's 39 1/2 weeks, Friday marks D-day. I've actually taken new pics of how Heffalump-ish (husband's words, not mine) I look now, and the last month of binge-eating Nutella bread and potatoes (fries, chips, roasted) has sadly left me with a bloated mien. And a double-chin.
But all is well and good. Mum's arriving on Thursday early-morning (4! am!) which heralds the arrival of much nuttiness (she's me on ditzy steroids!) and good food. Finally! Someone in the house who can cook properly!
Gearing up to this Friday, I've found myself painting a little - completed 3 canvases with C last week, and 2 mini ones yesterday after much distress. It seems that inspiration seldom strikes when you most want it to. But I still managed to churn out 2 impressions of flowers - an ageing tulip, and a plastic calla lily.
Okies! Pictures will be up soon I promise. Once I can transfer it from my camera to the comp - my card-reader's busted and won't recognise any of the files. SIGH! In the meantime, grateful thanks to the Chews for their seasons of West Wing, so I feel my brain has some sort of stimulation. And my Sis for her choice weblinks...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Another manic Thursday...not...
There's only so much email you can check, and only so much you can google before you get bored (last google item: "Fiat Pinto", to prove that it exists, since only the Fiat Punto is available here, which is what my neighbour drives). Have also just processed another shipment of Threadless tees, watched Van Wilder: Party Liaison over lunch, and read the first couple of chapters of Mao's Last Dancer. Other than the latter, the other activities are eliciting gag reflexes in my head right now. GAGH....
On the upside, C is popping by in a short while and we're gonna paint some canvases for the nursery!
I need some proper antidote to all the crap that's been filling my mind today. At least yesterday I had a decent lunch with Aunty K (in the outside world!), and spent the arvo at Borders.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Letter to Aidan
It was the 4th day of maternity leave, and now the beginning of the 5th. Today will be exciting - officially 38 weeks, and going in for our next checkup. Perhaps the midwife will tell me your head's engaged (which could explain the pressure on the pelvic/pubic bone), and you'll be arriving anytime soon. I hope my blood test results show that my iron levels have passed muster, so I can eliminate another pill from my daily routine.
Mostly, I've been rather excited anticipating your arrival. What you'll look like. How to nurse you. How to bathe you. And spending money on what you'll wear! The sheets are washed and waiting to be ironed, some of your tiny baby clothes are already pressed and packed in the drawer, the next batch awaiting the same attention. I just purchased a 3-pc ensemble on sale at Baby's Got Style (green! cute! aliens!), and it should be arriving on Monday. Gagh...
You're really going to throw my life into a tizzy! I can't wait - well, half anxiously half excitedly though. I'm not thoroughly sure I'll know what to do when you're here. What if you just plain like screaming your head off? What if you don't like to scream at all? Will I get tired being around you? Will I ever get back into shape? Will I throttle your grandma with my bare hands when she stays with us for your first month and interferes annoyingly? (And if so, should I bury her in the backyard or out front?) Questions, questions, QUESTIONS!
I pray that as you grow, you'll learn the best from me and your dad (and leave the worst behind). I hope we know to steward you well - to teach you what we know (to the best of our knowledge!) To teach you to love and fear your Creator, who's knitted you together in my womb, who's formed your innermost being. That you'll learn to treat others with respect and decency, and exude the confidence from knowing you, yourself, are respected and decent. May you be bold, adventurous, curious, and kind. May you be warm and patient with those who can't be, may you extend love to those who are often un-lovely. And may you, eventually, become a Man, who will teach his own son these things.
Soh let it be.
Monday, August 20, 2007
At the cusp
I have grand plans for today: pack my hospital bag, the nursery, maybe do a little baby reading, my SOAP devotions, and prepare for the core team meeting later, when the girls come over for dinner to talk about Thursday's house church gathering.
So far, and I've been awake for 4 hours, I've accomplished....NONE of the above. Except maybe decide what to cook tonight.
Yes! I woke up at 8.30am, had brekkie, watched Sunrise and the Morning Show on Channel 7 (which introduced the Raising Children website & DVD, a comprehensive initiative from the Australian govt.), felt a bit sleepy from my full breakfast, headed upstairs and curled up in bed again from 11am-noon. Hey - I'm finally on leave, I get to sleep in if I wanna ok?! ;-)
But I'd better get up and about. No sense in wasting the sunny day!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Growing Baby Strong
Anyhoo! Just some trigger thots. Having yet another insomnious night last night, I headed downstairs to grab a bite to eat and turned on the telly. Erwin McManus was on Life Today with James Robison, and it was pretty interesting - he spoke about the broken-ness in our world, and our responses. (Erwin, if you recall, heads up Mosaic church in L.A., and visited with Expedition sometime in 2005.)
One thing he said that struck me was the word Gratefulness - he said how no matter how much you keep doing things for people, how you keep loving and supporting them, they will never appreciate it, or benefit and receive from it, until their hearts are Grateful. They will only keep expecting more and more.
It got me thinking, especially with the advent of the baby - loving presents itself in 2 ways - unconditional love (I suppose, feminised, a "mother's love"), and the discipline/tough love ("a father's love").
How many of us receive with such certainty, Love, and yet are so un-Grateful for it? Regardless of the toil and heartache and prayers we hold for someone we care about as a brother or sister-in-Christ, it will never reach an un-Grateful heart. And an un-Grateful heart will never be able to receive sound discipline - love that shapes and grows us and forces us to mature - because it is selfish and immature.
Do we want to Grow Strong? Maybe we should all aim towards a Grateful heart - position ourselves in spaces where a Grateful heart may develop and grow. And that in itself, positioning oneself for growth, is already a sign of maturity.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thanks to Euge and May, we've been priviledged to be part of this baby course by Gary Azzo that the Quahs are running. Very useful and practical stuff, definitely helps in getting us prepare for the journey ahead. Stuff like feeding routines, Godly principles, sleeping routines, etc.
Saz and I still sometimes catch ourselves in awe of this whole process of becoming parents. Soon enough he'll be able to walk then run then date and get married, how freaky is that? But seriously, we can't wait to meet this little guy.
Couple more weeks now...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
It's been a pretty wild week - lots been stirring and happening. And more sleepness nights - either 'coz the baby's kicking, or I'm just, Awake! Or a little hungry... heh.
It's crazy to think that the baby's due in just 7 weeks time. Or as soon as 4 weeks, since they can arrive between Week 37 & 42 of the pregnancy. I hope he comes on time though - even though I can't wait to meet him already! Very excited, but also pretty anxious.
Last night, been thinking about our future, with baby, as a new family (not that we aren't a family already!), and the ramifications. Like finances, routines... our lives will change irrevocably. Each day is a new step of Faith for us.
Having our office team prayer time, and memorising Ps. 121 y'day was pretty revealing. The Psalmist wrote it on his pilgramage in the wilderness (from what I recall), so it's pretty ironic to believe that "The Lord will keep you from harm" even when he's going through deep suffering. Just as J did bearing the Cross alone (where angels are standing by but can't intervene in a journey that can only be forged by one man laying down his life) for us, a journey into wilderness is a revelation of where our own faith and spirituality, and Christianity lies. Do we possess the courage, as Frodo did, to advance towards Mordor, and relinquish the pressure to lay our lives for others? As we give and others receive, as we mature as Christians, persevere, producing character and releasing Hope, we realise the journey is often borne alone. Though others can cheer us from afar, only God can be our strength, our keeper from harm (though not necessarily suffering), whom we can blame because the land is cursed and wild and arid, and there is no one around - even Samwise Gamgee has to stay behind, before the final leg. But there is Hope. There is always glorious Hope.
And so I learn, we learn, to lay our lives down for our brothers and sisters in our Father's creation. Everything is connected, and the God who neither sleeps nor slumbers, is always intervening. And each step we take, represents a Faith that believes.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Emotional Crutch
It all started the night before with a really vivid dream of E, *gasp* having an affair! We were uni students, queuing in to the exam hall, and he was ahead of the queue, *gasp* holding another girl close as he would me. Naturally I looked confused and puzzled - he glanced up, saw me, looked guilty, and shifted attention back down again to the girl (who was a secondary-school mate of mine), leaving me more confused than ever. The girl - C - looked pretty puzzled as well, even though she didn't look uncomfortable in his arms. At this point, she looked up at him, then at me, then did a surprising thing - she pulled him out of the queue, pulled me out, and told him that he should be with me, that he was doing the wrong thing, and she didn't want to have anything to do with an "affair". All this in front of the entire student assembly!
I was surprised, and couldn't be stuffed with the exam, and decided to request for special consideration. However I was denied by the examining panel, to which a huge protest was mounted by the student body! It was a huge ruckus, lots of shouting and banners, everyone saying I should have the right for special consideration based on emotional trauma, and how they were all witnesses etc. And we WON! And everyone celebrated and partied their victory (instead of sitting for their own exams, which was rather strange, but anyhoo...)
As I packed my stuff and headed away from the darkened hall (it was night-time already), I saw EG in a distance walking away with his books. And I turned and saw C, and I gave her a fierce hug and whispered, "Thank you. You did an honourable thing today, and I really appreciate it." I had tears in my eyes... and then the dream melded into another one...
WELL! Couldn't sleep for the rest of the night could I?!! Grrr.... that plus heaviness of Baby. They do say you get weird dreams when you're preggers...
After waking up the next morning in absolute fatigue, I started making my way towards the train station using my new crutch. YES PEOPLE! The physio recommended I use a crutch to ease the pressure off my SIJ. So Day 2 of getting used to a crutch that felt uncomfortable since (a) I seem to lean all weight on my left side, esp. my crutch hand in order to balance myself, and (b) it slowed me down considerably, and then I see my train zooming past me (half thought of throwing the crutch aside and making a break for it). Sigh. So I decide to get a hot chocolate, then realise I don't have cash, and the next 3 cafes don't take EFTPOS, or need a minimum of $10. So I trudge towards the ATM, and it starts to rain on me!!
I took it all in with a sigh of resignation, and determined that it wouldn't ruin my day. And it didn't - the rest of the day passed without event, and I actually felt invigorated after spending a 2-hr session with Prof. De Raadt and learning from him. And looking forward to dinner with the Yarravillers and E.
Which leads me to why I type with less dexterity today. As we got into the car, eased into my seat the way I now have to - which is to hang onto the car roof, ease into the seat, then swing both my legs in - which helps with the SIJ pain. Except this time, the pain felt more intense, and waitaminit! It ain't coming from my hips, but this searing bone-crushing pressure was coming from my left hand. Yup, you got it folks - as E got into her seat behind me, she closed the car door on my left index finger and thumb. YIKES. Looks like I won't be needing the left-hand crutch for awhile!
Thankfully, it could've been much worse. No broken bones, just a bad bruise. What a great way to end the day!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Of aches and pains...
What's new? Well the Perth trip was awesome, being able to connect with family, and having my Uncle Y. all protective about me. Heehee... and getting all these baby stuff!
Since then I've grown bigger (lots of people have said that I'm HUGE! - you can judge for yourself), and the joints and aches are returning :-( So having seen my physio last Thurs she suggested ice-ing the area, and hiring a crutch to relieve pressure off my right SIJ, while also doing exercises and stuff the strengthen the muscles around it. Plus tonight, I've finally decided to put those bathers I bought months ago to good use, and go swimming!
The previous night was pretty torturous though, I shouldn't have eaten before bed, 'coz I spent the whole night tossing and turning and downright feeling uncomfortable. The discomfort followed right through to the next day (yesterday), so it was just as well that it was my day off. Which I spent miserably on the couch trying to get my mind off it.
But last night we also started our first Parenting class ("Along the Infant Way", formerly Growing Kids God's Way - the same company also did the Baby Wise series) with Euge and May who were facilitating. Yuli & Chris were there, as well as Ed (Lynn was home with baby Ben), and newcomers Anita & Bobby. We're all due within the first half of September, so that's pretty exciting!! And the course has been great so far - Lesson 1: The Husband-Wife relationship should dominate (providing security for the child), and we shouldn't get trapped in child-centred parenting. And there's homework - which I'm looking forward to doing with EG.
Anyhoo, here're some pics from me last week! (Excuse the daggy-ness, it was taken before bed-time). And for some reason the photo isn't rotated when I post on Blogger...
Friday, June 15, 2007
Baby's first plane ride
I'm here in Perth, having landed about an hour 1/2 ago, to spend some raucous time with my aunts and uncle and my parents. Woohoo! Have left poor hubby behind, missing him dearly though...
So far the 4 hour ride's been ok, and the bubs wasn't kicking much of a fuss (although he was still kicking me). Had to get up and stretch frequently so I wouldn't wear out my back, and we had in-flight Foxtel for FREE 'coz the system wasn't working properly mid-flight so they reset it so everyone could watch - poor suckers that paid $10. Baby and I were pretty happy... ;-)
Perth's much warmer than Melbie, so that's been good for us. My mum teared when she saw me and the growing bump - her first grandchild - and she quickly acknowledged that it brought back memories when she was pregnant with me. Sniff! How time flies eh? Meanwhile, Dad was looking sharp and savvy, with his new black-frame glasses - kinda like mine. Like Father like Daughter!
The Ding-Dong Aunties (and Uncle) were adorable as usual, cooking up a storm (yum! beehoon & gingko nut porridge), swarming over the Krispy Kremes I brought (nearly "confiscated" by a drooling customs official at the airport scanner), and plying me with heaps (and I mean HEAPS) of baby clothing. All blue! Only Aunty E was nice enough to remember the mum in this situation - hehe, she bought me a necklace. Oh and the nice angpow from Uncle S.
But mum also brought a music chime that I had when I was a baby, and I still remember it! She tied it with the ribbon from my wedding invite 2 years ago - how sentimental! Plus she also passed on a family heirloom - a gold anklet handed to me by my grandma, now for my son. Wow. Firstborn to firstborn... I love the idea of leaving a legacy, to pass on tradition, mementos, moments caught in time, in some meaningful way to the next generation.
Feeling very pampered, which is always nice! Tonight it's off to Fremantle with the Cousins and dinner at the Japanese restaurant Uncle K's friends have opened (whom I knew back in GMC days). Then it's down the coast touring and sight-seeing over the next few days, and also seeing Uncle Y!
Really wish EG is here to share this! (Don't be jealous! You have your PS2 & God-of-War...)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Baby's first musical
It was magical, and I've found that EG has a secret fondness of musicals, or rather, as he puts it "well-performed stage productions". Ahem. He does not think that Cameron Mackintosh's Miss Saigon holds a candle to Andrew Lloyd Webber's production of Les Miz tho'. Quite the connoisseur he is, wouldn't you think?
That aside, it was such a tremendous performance - there's nothing like being captured by a story being played out - LIVE! - in front of you. Beautiful sets and costumes, constant melodrama, tremulous voices that crescendo - how engaging! We were pleasantly surprised to see the appearance of a (slightly greyed) RJ Rosales on-stage, claiming him as "ours", ('coz 1. he was quite the reputable thespian in SG theatre circles - Chang & Eng remember?!! - even if he wasn't formed from our ranks , and 2. I last saw him in Rent, so, like, I really know him alright?)
But having watched certain scenes replayed ad nauseum on screen - the helicopter (they replaced the mechanical one for a video depiction!) or Kim & Chris singing as they fall in love, I was quite unprepared for the actual storyline, which really really touched a chord with me. Maybe it's to do with having a child soon (yay, 28 weeks tomorrow, 12 weeks to go), or the scene where Kim hugs Tam knowing he will have a better life in America without her; it all sent me in a tizzy and tears started falling. There's just something about separation, sacrifice and love, that I believe only mothers (& fathers I guess!) will understand.
My nose did not run though, thankfully, 'coz I didn't listen to N's advice and bring tissues! (There I was, thinking I was going to be all stalwart and stoic, 'coz no schmaltzy musical was gonna make me cry!)
And the kid that played Tam was SO ADORABLE! He looked about 4 or 5, such a cute precocious chap. I even loved the way he bowed at the end. Sigh... I hope my baby grows up in showbiz being adorable like that... (can anyone say Stage-mum-zilla?)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Oh yes!
I'm currently wearing the Bellybra I purchased, and it's helping quite a bit with posture and holding the tummy up. It's meant to be a little snug, for support, but after wearing it for a whole day on Saturday, I find the edge of the shoulder straps really bite into your flesh (sits right near the armpit). I think they could do with cutting the straps a little thinner, although I'm not sure if that'll affect the support element of the garment.
Hmm...maybe I should feedback to the manufacturer...
PS. Er, that's NOT me in the picture...
I do...
I have failed to account for the swiftness of pregnancy change. Thought my feet fit nicely into those size 7/size 38 shoes last week, this week is another matter altogether.
My feet, sad to admit (and I still won't admit this to EG) have swollen a little with my expanding girth (27 weeks and counting!) resulting in a proportionate stretch to the shoe leather.
My poor new flats are beginning to bite back! The delicious black trim has developed barely-perceptible incisors that fang into my bulbous toes, while the beautiful round top-edge of the shoe has conspired to wedge my aching feet under my groaning weight.
I DO feel like a giant, waddling, walrus.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Nursery pics
Our bubba's nursery-in-progress
Monday, June 4, 2007
Setting up the nursery
We finally bought our first big ticket item for A and it's a cot from Baby Buntings. Went there on Sunday with a few other expecting mothers for the sale and spent pretty much the whole afternoon trying to figure out how the Bugaboo works. Well, many sore thumbs and fingers later I think C, J and M kinda figured it out. So anyone still wants to buy the Bugaboo?
Man, figuring out which pram to get is hard, then there's also which car seat/baby capsule as well. So many decisions and they don't come cheap as well. Expect to pay up to about $600-$700 for a pram, and another $300-$400 for a car seat. This baby industry is definitely booming. We had to make a special trip to Coles today because Huggies diapers were on sale, so being the typical Singaporeans that we are, we bought 4 boxes (each with 108 diapers)
Wasn't it soo much easier during our parent's time. They were all carried around in baskets or slung to their mothers with a piece of cloth.
Anyway, on to the nursery. Sarah will probably be putting up some photos soon. We finally cleared the room or the clutter and set up the cot that we bought. It's looking good, a little plain at the moment but we plan to put some colours on the walls by way of a few simple paintings that we plan to do ourselves. Rearranged the spare bed in the room to accomodate a "feeding chair" as well as the cot and "tadah" a nursery is born. Now all we need is a baby.
So as we continue to fill the room with more baby stuff, the date draws closer to when A will be born. How exciting! We can't wait to meet you little man.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Mobility again
I had my back cracked by Chiro T on Thursday, and Friday morning ('coz Thurs's L5 spinal crack initiated Sat's pain again...the twinges and sharp stabs) but Friday's crack provided much relief - and my joints felt free-er. :-)
I still hurt now and again - almost a reminder to take care of my body - so I've to be careful. Am planning to get the bellybra - which'll provide some relief I hope! It's a huge cossack that lifts my belly and keeps my torso in the right posture, so that should be good news for me. It's apparently clinically proven, so fingers crossed!
Now it's back to waking up in the middle of the night (or early morning, should I say), not 'coz of pain, but 'coz of hunger again! Sheessshh... will it never end!
Can't wait till the bubs is born! 15 weeks to go and counting...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Pet pregnancy peeve
Can't spell, meaning they spell it the American way.
As in "Mom" or "Mommy".
Which is what my mum does. As in "mommy and papa will get this for you, lah".
EURGH... it just grates on my nerves for some reason! Especially when I read it in an email or blog by friends who should know better.
OK! Enough ranting from this mummy2be.
Still love my mum though!
Baby-back ribs
Those months of growth and stretch due to pregnancy hormones have led to a dreadful impasse yesterday morning.
Couldn't move without feeling pain!
As it turned out, my SIJ's (sacroiliac joint) "inflamed". It's the joint where your spine and pelvis meet, and with the softening of all my ligaments and joints in general to make way for birth & labour, simple movements have taken a toll on the SIJ. The way I sleep, sit, walk, stand, bend, squat, has contributed to a firstly sharp, then numbing pain at the base of my spine. Boo...
It hurts most when I lie down, and shifting my weight while trying to sleep comfortably has been quite an exercise in pain management and maneuverability.
The GP I saw yesterday said that in most of these cases, they usually take an X-ray, pump me full of anti-inflammatory drugs, and send me for intensive physio - quite aggressive treatment. But since I'm preganant, I can't do any of the above, so was sent home to rest - major bedrest he said ("don't underestimate rest, or your pain could get worse.") - and have been happily delegating tasks to EG, like pulling chairs out for me so I could waddle into it.
Thankfully, the pain today's much less acute (the power of prayer!), and I can walk without shuffling, as EG puts it, like a lame pirate. (May has already offered Dell as the accompanying parrot for my shoulder.) At tomorrow's checkup, I'm hoping they can suggest some pain relief or physio exercises that could help.
Shopping Fun
So the only Aussie sites I frequent are, purely for information and directory listings, and
If you're planning to get us anything eventually (cheeky wink), we'd love a gift voucher from babysgotstyle - 'coz the clothes are so adorable and actually cool (read: my baby won't look like a chubby reindeer). And if my baby looks cool, it means his mum looks cool, so by association, even if I've vomit and spit on me and it's a frumpy day, I still look like I've got taste.
Ah...babies...they're perfect accessories!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
One of those days...
Today was not one of those.
I feel blotchy
I feel pimply
My hair's overgrown
My skin's bumpy
I feel like a walrus
Clothes - those I own don't fit (have stretched the long and stretchy tops as far as I can go); those that I can afford to buy look blech.
All I see in the mirror is how awful I look!
And even though EG tries his best to affirm me (he's been SO good and patient and loving, I don't know how he does it!), I cannot let the words "You are beautiful" sink in - because I don't believe it.
And worse, I feel guilty for feeling ugly. For not believing that "I am Beautiful"
I think I need to be affirmed that it's ok to feel this way, to not always feel a 100%, that it's ok to feel tired and blotchy and depressed and hysterical. That I'm normal (whatever happened to that pregnancy glow I'm supposed to have??!!) even amongst others who don't experience what I do.
I love my baby, I love how my body's growing to accomodate him. I've never once regretted it!
I just wish I looked better while we're at it.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Met a good GP at QV Medical One.
Had my 12-week ultrasound at COGUS in Balwyn; saw our little one, about 6cm long. He/she had his/her hand to his/her mouth - kinda looked like he/she was rapping.
Had my first visit at the Royal Women's on Apr 2nd, went pretty well, glad I was finally seeing them (was 17 weeks!!). The visit took about 2-3 hours, including like a 1 1/2 hour waiting time!!
Went to Easter Camp with the gang. Kinda funny not to be running around during the games, but it was still such an awesome time connecting with people.
Had our 2nd anniversary on Apr was fantastic. Went up to Mt. D with friends Irv n Wendy n Charles, ate at Miss Marples. Great anniversary, ended poignantly with a great conversation between me and EG. *mush alert* He said he couldn't have imagined being more in love with me since our wedding, ('coz he thought the wedding was like the epitome of how one could love another), and yet... with my pregnant self he still finds me beautiful, and is constantly affirming me. He's been an absolute gem during this time...I kinda think the pregnancy's brought us closer as a wedded couple.
Had our 20-week ultrasound recently. The baby's so developed now! We could see its features, hands, legs, bones, brain (yes, brain stem and all!), heart etc. And it's a BOY!! (We couldn't tell...the doctor told us right at the end. I didn't even notice his er..boy bits)
Had a checkup 2 days ago on Monday, and EG listened to the baby's heart beat using a Doppler device. It's pretty rapid - about 120 bpm. :-) How cute!
Yesterday, I think I felt the baby move! It was kinda fluttery, so at first I thought it was gas or my food digesting. It was above the belly button so I thought it couldn't be the baby (at 21 weeks, the uterus stretches from around the belly button to the pelvic bone - about 22cm; baby's about 18cm I think? Span of my hand from wrist to 3rd fingertip). But today I spoke to A. Kat, who's a nurse, and she says it's probably the baby, since a) you can feel the baby about now, b) especially after dinner, when you're relaxed, c) the baby can kick and stretch past the belly button area.
So yeah, I think Baby Soh was kicking!!
Soh far Soh good!!
Will post pictures up soon.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Had a scare
Anyway Sarah made an appointment to see a GP the next day and May Quah followed her there. I was busying trying to move all our stuff to our new place. I was glad to finally hear from Sarah and she told me that the doctor referred her to get a scan. The scan revealed that the zygote (thus the new of our blog) is doing well, all 2mm of him/her. Sarah could even hear the heartbeat. Life is beginning...thank God. It was such a relief but at the same time it was a real challenge to where we placed our faith, we've been claiming the life of this child for Christ. We will see this child grow up and love the Lord. Amen.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Day 5 (since knowing)
Mostly 'coz i had gastro at SL's party, and there was lotsa smoke and stuff, and I felt really bloated and my stomach was distended etc. Yuch.
So today E tells me to go see a doc. After deliberation (didn't wanna spend the money - I AM my father's daughter haha...) I saw the doc at QV Medical One - this Indian lady, and she was so nice! TOld me I had gastro, and when I told her I was experiencing some confusion with the clinic checks and tests and bloodwork etc. (she asked if the prev. doc did any tests, I said no...), she promptly offered to care for me.
I've made a follow-up arrangement to see her next Sat morning. She was really sweet and assuring, very motherly, and told me she could take care of me throughout the whole way - shared care with RWH. So phew, that's a load off my mind, coz the previous doc at the clinic I 1st saw (see pic in previous post) wasn't that great. She made me feel things were going to be all right, that at least someone was looking out for us. And we could Medicare it too.
Hooray for Dr. S!!
Seeing the doctor
I'm glad that it's my day off today so we decided to quickly go see the doctor to get some advise. Till now only Jon & Chris, Chris, Em & Bek, Yuchun and Soph, Euge and May know about the pregnancy. We decided to keep it to a small group of close friends to have them pray for us as we all know how risky the 1st trimester is.
Before we left for the doctors we decided to use the 2nd test kit again just to be sure. We paniced for a bit cos the indicator was blinking, but just as we were hyper-ventilating it blinked "pregnant". Phew...
Went to the doc and he tested us again...and yes, we are still pregnant. This is awfully nerve wrecking, just a mixture to excitment, fear, anticipation, etc. Anyway he gave us a referral to go to the Royal Women's to make an appointment to start the whole process going. Even after we spoke to him and then went to the hospital and spoke to them, I think that we are still a little lost as to how the Aussie public medical system works. Oh we'll figure it out.
In the beginning...
It all began on the 9th of Jan (well, 5 weeks before that, but let's not go into it), Saz and I have been talking about this whole baby thing for a while and decided that we'll give it a shot (no jokes there...) ad see how we go. Anyway, her period was late so we decided that she should just get a pregnancy kit to test just to get all our uncertainties out of the way.
That was the 9th of Jan, we had this whole discussion of whether we should test when we get home or just go ahead and test it in the office. So there she was, testing herself in the office while I was in Crema trying to fix my fridge. Then the phone call came, "you better see this" the voice said. So I dropped everything and went upstairs. Saz was sitting at a round table with the kit in front of her. She showed it to me.
The excitement is amazing but at the same time the fear strikes just as hard. At this point it really isn't the fear of parenting but the fear of disappointment. The 1st tri-mester is the riskiest time of all, many pregnacies are lost without even knowing it.
Lord I pray for your covering over Sarah and our child. I pray for the safety of both mother and child throughout this pregnacy, and that you will cover them with good health and zero complications. Thank you for this wonderful blessing, the blessing of new life, not just in the form of this child, but in the form of new phase for Sarah and I. In Your Name, Amen.