Canvases we painted last week. My fav's the one on the extreme left, all vibrant colours - unfortunately it was C that painted it, so I can't claim credit ;-) I did the other 2.
These are the 2 mini-canvases I painted on Monday.
oh my gosh I'm so excited!!! anytime now!! thinking of you and E-Gene but more of you because you're the one who's going to pop the baby out. love, soph (and Yuchun)
E-Gene and Sarah are the grateful parents of their precious bundle of joy, Aidan Thomas. Sarah is a stay-at-home-mum and caker (at Buttercup Bakeshoppe) while EG brings others joy in a caffeinated cup.
This site is dedicated to our journey and collective growth as we negotiate the foggy terrain of parenthood, one day at a time. Join us as we live, laugh and love!
oh my gosh I'm so excited!!! anytime now!! thinking of you and E-Gene but more of you because you're the one who's going to pop the baby out. love, soph (and Yuchun)
Yeah! we're pretty excited too!... hope he comes on time!
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