Oh my. You'd think that the presence of zits only heralds the tumultuous times of teenage-hood. But no. It can happen in infancy.
Boohoooohoooo....first eczema then a zit. On his left cheek. A whitehead. Sniff. Poor thing!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
OOH! Before I forget to mention this, Aidan's really teething now! The tip of his bottom tooth is edging out above his gum - you can really see it, and feel it too (esp. when breastfeeding, yikes!) Will try to take some pics if he'll let me.
Here're some shots of him STANDING up in his cot! And bouncing up and down too...

This last pic is the one I wrote about y'day, about coming into his room after hearing his fuss/cry for about 10 mins, and he's finally fallen asleep. It was waaaaay past his naptime - he skipped his earlier nap in fact! - and hates falling asleep alone (he has this thing for hands and fingers. He must grip or be close to our hands to sleep!), especially when he's sitting up and doesn't quite know how to lie back down on his own. But as you can see, he eventually did - doubled-up!
Here're some shots of him STANDING up in his cot! And bouncing up and down too...
This last pic is the one I wrote about y'day, about coming into his room after hearing his fuss/cry for about 10 mins, and he's finally fallen asleep. It was waaaaay past his naptime - he skipped his earlier nap in fact! - and hates falling asleep alone (he has this thing for hands and fingers. He must grip or be close to our hands to sleep!), especially when he's sitting up and doesn't quite know how to lie back down on his own. But as you can see, he eventually did - doubled-up!
Monday, May 26, 2008
I keep finding him...
1. Standing! In his cot, in his playpen. Adorability factor: warp-speed 5!

2. Falling asleep doubled-up. As in he's bent from the waist down over his legs, face on the mattress or pillow. It's what happens when he's fussing and crying and then falls asleep sitting up! EG took a few photos; I'll put them up soon.
SO! Ho hum today was another day I spent indoors but with the cool addition of EG around. It's really nice having the whole family together, I will miss it when he starts getting really busy when the cafe's up and running. Treasuring these moments while I can.
I love where we live right now - too bad we've gotta move soon! The house we bought is nearing completion, and we'd have to say goodbye to the convenience of Puckle Street. I'll miss that. I'll also miss having Ellie hanging around the house - she's so great with Aidan, she's a BIG help, and she really keeps me sane (hard when it's just the baby and me in the house alone!). I'm really hoping she can move in with us to the new house, but we'll have to see - it's a touch inconvenient for her (altho we can work that out), and EG's concerned his parents won't have a place to stay when they come visit if she takes the 3rd bedroom. But it'll really help with rent, and EG, Aidan and I really love having Ellie around!
Anyhoos! Aidan's cold has cleared up, altho he's still scratching away at his face again. Booo... my sis-in-law suggested coconut oil that's really helped her daughter, so we're gonna go check it out and see if we can get some. The emu oil we bought worked a little, then stopped - same with the pharmaceutical medicines (like cortisone and elidel), so we're a little tired of trying now. I've even stopped eating whole eggs! Still praying!
2. Falling asleep doubled-up. As in he's bent from the waist down over his legs, face on the mattress or pillow. It's what happens when he's fussing and crying and then falls asleep sitting up! EG took a few photos; I'll put them up soon.
SO! Ho hum today was another day I spent indoors but with the cool addition of EG around. It's really nice having the whole family together, I will miss it when he starts getting really busy when the cafe's up and running. Treasuring these moments while I can.
I love where we live right now - too bad we've gotta move soon! The house we bought is nearing completion, and we'd have to say goodbye to the convenience of Puckle Street. I'll miss that. I'll also miss having Ellie hanging around the house - she's so great with Aidan, she's a BIG help, and she really keeps me sane (hard when it's just the baby and me in the house alone!). I'm really hoping she can move in with us to the new house, but we'll have to see - it's a touch inconvenient for her (altho we can work that out), and EG's concerned his parents won't have a place to stay when they come visit if she takes the 3rd bedroom. But it'll really help with rent, and EG, Aidan and I really love having Ellie around!
Anyhoos! Aidan's cold has cleared up, altho he's still scratching away at his face again. Booo... my sis-in-law suggested coconut oil that's really helped her daughter, so we're gonna go check it out and see if we can get some. The emu oil we bought worked a little, then stopped - same with the pharmaceutical medicines (like cortisone and elidel), so we're a little tired of trying now. I've even stopped eating whole eggs! Still praying!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Colds and sniffles
The past few days have been pretty hard, 'coz Aidan's down with a cold again. Snotty nose, drool, and 'coz of the dehydration, dry stools. Poor baby!
That also means the day-sleeps are erratic (if he does sleep at all), although thankfully he still sleeps for a stretch at night. But it's been tiresome having to cajole him to take his naps, or entertain him when the cajoling fails. He's being extra clingy as well, so it's tiring!
Right now he's still half-crying, half-whining in his cot. I hear smatterings of other syllables which is a good sign - that just means he's complaining too, and not just crying the whole way through! He actually fell asleep earlier on, but I made the mistake of covering him with his blanket and he woke up and has refused to return to sleep since then! How tiresome... poor bubba. His skin's not helping either.
Sigh! It's gonna be a long day again... 3 days stuck at home without stepping out once! (Didn't want the cold air to affect him) The spell will break tonight - I'm heading out to catch up with some of my old house-church girls and see how they're doing!
That also means the day-sleeps are erratic (if he does sleep at all), although thankfully he still sleeps for a stretch at night. But it's been tiresome having to cajole him to take his naps, or entertain him when the cajoling fails. He's being extra clingy as well, so it's tiring!
Right now he's still half-crying, half-whining in his cot. I hear smatterings of other syllables which is a good sign - that just means he's complaining too, and not just crying the whole way through! He actually fell asleep earlier on, but I made the mistake of covering him with his blanket and he woke up and has refused to return to sleep since then! How tiresome... poor bubba. His skin's not helping either.
Sigh! It's gonna be a long day again... 3 days stuck at home without stepping out once! (Didn't want the cold air to affect him) The spell will break tonight - I'm heading out to catch up with some of my old house-church girls and see how they're doing!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wii Fit part 2
I tell ya, the Wii Fit really works out your abs - maybe not in the way you think. Just imagine those abdominal muscles contracting as you convulse in laughter. You get the idea!
So! For YOUR benefit as well, here's some ab training for you!
PS. EG really got a good workout outta this one. So did I. Seriously, hoola-hooping can be extremely tiring! Phew!
So! For YOUR benefit as well, here's some ab training for you!
PS. EG really got a good workout outta this one. So did I. Seriously, hoola-hooping can be extremely tiring! Phew!
Monday, May 19, 2008
We had a bit of a scare last night, when EG went to pick Aidan up to resettle him. His face was reddish, and when EG looked at his own left shoulder (the one Aidan was leaning on) his white t-shirt was covered in blood! Lots of it. Poor bubba had scratched his face badly, and I think his gums too. His breath smelled of blood.
Sigh. Last week his eczema had completely cleared up! It lasted for 2 days, then came back. I'm wondering if we over-used the cream that was working for him. We've stopped using that now, and upp-ed his sorbolene moisturiser. Boo... poor baby. I never realised how distressed I was by it until it actually cleared up and I good sense my mood lighten up! But now...ah wells. At least the discharge in his eye cleared up after medication drops, and he's sleeping through!
YES, did I mention it before? He's sleeping through! After all the routines and sleep training and upp-ing his solids intake, my bubba can sleep till 7am without me needing to resttle him in the middle of the night! He's doing 9pm to 7am, with a sleepy top-up at 11pm, although we're gonna try eliminating that last one, and adjusting him eventually so he can do 7pm - 7am. FINALLY!
So overall, I'm grateful. I'm getting more sleep. We've got a comfortable life here in Australia. I've got a fantastic husband who does more than his fair share of caring for bubba while working hard to provide for us. God is good. Life is good too!
Sigh. Last week his eczema had completely cleared up! It lasted for 2 days, then came back. I'm wondering if we over-used the cream that was working for him. We've stopped using that now, and upp-ed his sorbolene moisturiser. Boo... poor baby. I never realised how distressed I was by it until it actually cleared up and I good sense my mood lighten up! But now...ah wells. At least the discharge in his eye cleared up after medication drops, and he's sleeping through!
YES, did I mention it before? He's sleeping through! After all the routines and sleep training and upp-ing his solids intake, my bubba can sleep till 7am without me needing to resttle him in the middle of the night! He's doing 9pm to 7am, with a sleepy top-up at 11pm, although we're gonna try eliminating that last one, and adjusting him eventually so he can do 7pm - 7am. FINALLY!
So overall, I'm grateful. I'm getting more sleep. We've got a comfortable life here in Australia. I've got a fantastic husband who does more than his fair share of caring for bubba while working hard to provide for us. God is good. Life is good too!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
1. He can retain object permanence, meaning when an object is hidden under, say, a cloth, he'll pull the cloth away to find it! This can be cute, but also dangerous 'coz I can't hide his tubes of creams for his eczema away from his fast fingers and mouth.
2. When you put a finger to his lips, he'll make a continuous sound 'coz he knows you'll tap his lips so he can go "boo boo boo boo boo...boo boo boo boo boo..." Haha!
3. He crawls FAST. Pounds across the carpet floor to whatever piques his interest.
4. He understands No. Or rather, the tone associated with No. He'll pick up say, a power cord, and I'll call out "No, Aidan!" sternly, and he'll drop it, turn to look at me, or just pause and sits there. Then he'll try again. Cheeky boy!!
Anyhoos, yesterday we went to Stephen's birthday dressed as a pirate family! Yup, it was a Pirate-themed costume party, and boy did we look good! Me with my one hooped earring and b/w scarf wrapped around my head, EG with his loose white shirt and bandanna, and a faux parrot stuck to his shoulder (ok, it was a toy mandarin duck - and it quacks!), and little Aidan went as deck-swabber castaway boy - the lowest on the pirate pecking order. He was a cutie.

The 2nd one we were supposed to look like fierce pirates, but obviously Aidan and I misheard the instructions.
2. When you put a finger to his lips, he'll make a continuous sound 'coz he knows you'll tap his lips so he can go "boo boo boo boo boo...boo boo boo boo boo..." Haha!
3. He crawls FAST. Pounds across the carpet floor to whatever piques his interest.
4. He understands No. Or rather, the tone associated with No. He'll pick up say, a power cord, and I'll call out "No, Aidan!" sternly, and he'll drop it, turn to look at me, or just pause and sits there. Then he'll try again. Cheeky boy!!
Anyhoos, yesterday we went to Stephen's birthday dressed as a pirate family! Yup, it was a Pirate-themed costume party, and boy did we look good! Me with my one hooped earring and b/w scarf wrapped around my head, EG with his loose white shirt and bandanna, and a faux parrot stuck to his shoulder (ok, it was a toy mandarin duck - and it quacks!), and little Aidan went as deck-swabber castaway boy - the lowest on the pirate pecking order. He was a cutie.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I love the green and and gold of Autumn leaves cascading down outside my window. It's gorgeous! Crisp and scrunchy. Aidan loves sitting amongst them and picking the leaves as they fall atop him one by one, shaken from their branches by the cool breeze. They cover the courtyard decking in a blanket of gorgeous golden light.
How wonderful Creation can be.
I look at Aidan and I remember that everyday. My beautiful boy, alert, active, quick on his feet, and with his hands too! My iBook spacebar is no longer the same after he had a go at it yesterday. Forgivemyrun-onsentencebutthat'swhathappenswithaspacebarthat'sbeenri ppedfromitshomeandreattached.
What a cheeky bugger!

How wonderful Creation can be.
I look at Aidan and I remember that everyday. My beautiful boy, alert, active, quick on his feet, and with his hands too! My iBook spacebar is no longer the same after he had a go at it yesterday. Forgivemyrun-onsentencebutthat'swhathappenswithaspacebarthat'sbeenri ppedfromitshomeandreattached.
What a cheeky bugger!

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Fit as a fiddle
I am now the proud owner of the Wii Fit! Hooray - exercise at my convenience. No more having to dress Aidan up and lugging all his possessions around just so I can endure a 1-hr gym class. Now, whenever he's asleep, I can do yoga, play soccer, dance etc. all in the comfy of my own home!
At least, that's what I hope my latest purchase will encourage me to do. I still have another 7 kgs to lose (can u believe it? I've lost 10 already! Albeit about 3 kgs were the baby and fluids... but still, that's an achievement!)
We shall see!
At least, that's what I hope my latest purchase will encourage me to do. I still have another 7 kgs to lose (can u believe it? I've lost 10 already! Albeit about 3 kgs were the baby and fluids... but still, that's an achievement!)
We shall see!
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