2. Falling asleep doubled-up. As in he's bent from the waist down over his legs, face on the mattress or pillow. It's what happens when he's fussing and crying and then falls asleep sitting up! EG took a few photos; I'll put them up soon.
SO! Ho hum today was another day I spent indoors but with the cool addition of EG around. It's really nice having the whole family together, I will miss it when he starts getting really busy when the cafe's up and running. Treasuring these moments while I can.
I love where we live right now - too bad we've gotta move soon! The house we bought is nearing completion, and we'd have to say goodbye to the convenience of Puckle Street. I'll miss that. I'll also miss having Ellie hanging around the house - she's so great with Aidan, she's a BIG help, and she really keeps me sane (hard when it's just the baby and me in the house alone!). I'm really hoping she can move in with us to the new house, but we'll have to see - it's a touch inconvenient for her (altho we can work that out), and EG's concerned his parents won't have a place to stay when they come visit if she takes the 3rd bedroom. But it'll really help with rent, and EG, Aidan and I really love having Ellie around!
Anyhoos! Aidan's cold has cleared up, altho he's still scratching away at his face again. Booo... my sis-in-law suggested coconut oil that's really helped her daughter, so we're gonna go check it out and see if we can get some. The emu oil we bought worked a little, then stopped - same with the pharmaceutical medicines (like cortisone and elidel), so we're a little tired of trying now. I've even stopped eating whole eggs! Still praying!
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