Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, June 27, 2008

More precious moments

Lately Aidan's been doing the most adorable little gestures. Like blinking then rolling his eyes heaven-ward when he eats his mini rice-crispies, as if in total rapture.

Or finally swallowing his water from a cup, instead of spitting it out immediately.

Or tugging at his bib to try to yank it off (which he's done before successfully).

Or going "mam-mam-mam-mam-mam" when he wants something (I think he associates "mam" with food? He says it and reaches for his bowl! While kicking his legs repeatedly in the highchair).

Or sticking his tongue out a la Gene Simmons from Kiss, so he can feel his two baby teeth (the baby website says teething children often do this!)

It's all too adorable! Here're some of my favourite moments:

Hmmm little piece of pear...I'm a gonna eat choo!

Yarm yarm yum...

I know

Daddy and I outside our neighbour's house. On our way to my first day at childcare!

Daddy! You're supposed to have your eyes open when we take pictures!!

Mmm...yummy rice crispy...


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