Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Living with Aidan is very much like living with a small animal. He chews, spits, tears papers apart, and once I found a bread-clip in his mouth! The whole thing! It emerged between his lips like a CD out of a my iBook's disc-slot. I immediately plunged my index finger into his mouth to see if he was hiding anything else in the inner recesses of his chubby cheeks. Gold, perhaps?

So it was really funny just now, as he wandered around the couch, when he popped up between our legs sucking on his missing pacifier! We were wondering where it went, 'coz it mysteriously disappeared last night in the living room. We completely burst out laughing and he joined in with that little twinkle in his eye, the pacifier still lodged firmly in his mouth. What a cheeky little boy.

Another milestone too - he's learnt to climb the stairs! Well, he did it only once really, but we were so surprised when Ellie exclaimed "oh my gosh, he's climbing!" and true enough he was leveraging one knee on a step to boost him onto the next one. How clever! I tried to get him to do it again, but he got a little distracted. Ah wells! Maybe next time!!

Edit: Oooh! Only read EG's post after I posted this! Hee. There you go readers, 3-for-1 special today!

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