Things have been terrific over the last couple of weeks here in SG, after the initial adjustment period. Am thoroughly appreciating the love and help that our extended family has well, extended to us, with babysitting and feeding and entertaining duties. And everyone just is amazed and loves Aidan, which makes the trip so worthwhile! Just to see him interact with his 2 sets of grandparents and his cousins and uncles and aunts...lots of memories here. I can sense him changing and evolving during this trip, as he learns and absorbs and mimics from the people around him. Such a quick learner! And such a happy camper!
The flight over was a lot easier than we thought it'd be - so hopefully he'll be good on our way back! While we're here, everyone's astounded and the amount he can stomach for such a tiny body - I reckon he weighs in at about 9.4-9.5kgs now. Not even the weight of a sack of rice yet! But he's getting there. It can be quite embarassing though, the way he eats and how skinny he is - people might think I've been starving him! But he's just got heaps of energy to burn...running around here and there and getting up to all sorts of mischief. Following all the bigger kids around and learning how to play from and with them.
It's fantastic watching him grow up!
Anyhoos! Some pics, finally!
(Notice my chipmunk cheeks - post-op effects from removing my wisdom teeth!)
("hey, stop running away from me!" his expression seems to say)
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