The in-laws have arrived!
It's gonna be a fun few weeks :-) Yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning, getting ready for their arrival today.
Looking forward to it!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Fame? Part 3
So, great news, we got picked for the new ad! We're not sure if it's gonna be a print ad or an online one, or if he'll even be featured in the final edit, but we're just really excited to be part of the experience.
The shoot takes place on Monday, and we'll have more details then. My MIL's coming along, since my in-laws arrive tomorrow morning. Yay! We're really looking forward to their visit!'s always great to have family around. :-)
Anyhoos, in other news, Aidan's vocabulary has been expanding daily. He greets me "Morning!" when he wakes up, before asking "Dada, where?!" then "Work!", he can name all his body parts (some even in Chinese!) says "Hi" and "Bye" (did I mention this before?). Yesterday he said "No no NO THANKS!" (hmm...firm but polite I guess!), he can also say the 3 Cs - "cookie", "cake", and "cracker", the 3 Bs - "bird", "bubbles", "bath", "phone", his own name, "Mama, Dada, IVY!" and lots more, I can't keep up! He can even recognise ring tones, and knows whether it's Mama's phone or Dada's.
There are also some words that tickle him to bits which I prefer him not to say. Like "kookoo", which Ivy and Stephen taught him. HARRUMPH! Now he keeps pointing to himself and saying it! Adorable I guess, at this age, but not so when he's like, er, 22.
He's also getting better with sitters, although times at childcare can still be teary. The other day, before I'd even finished leaving instructions with Jon, he'd already said "BYE!!" and waved me off. The same on Monday at Em's too, when I was just heading out to load the car! Cheeky little bugger!
Well, the Foos and Kienan are arriving on's gonna be great to see the 2 boys play together again!!
Here's a photo sequence taken at a friend's wedding the past weekend, featuring the Soh boys and Faith, one of Aidan's run-around playmates. Thanks Joy for the photos and captions.

Girl: Wheee!
Boy: Just a minute...

The shoot takes place on Monday, and we'll have more details then. My MIL's coming along, since my in-laws arrive tomorrow morning. Yay! We're really looking forward to their visit!'s always great to have family around. :-)
Anyhoos, in other news, Aidan's vocabulary has been expanding daily. He greets me "Morning!" when he wakes up, before asking "Dada, where?!" then "Work!", he can name all his body parts (some even in Chinese!) says "Hi" and "Bye" (did I mention this before?). Yesterday he said "No no NO THANKS!" (hmm...firm but polite I guess!), he can also say the 3 Cs - "cookie", "cake", and "cracker", the 3 Bs - "bird", "bubbles", "bath", "phone", his own name, "Mama, Dada, IVY!" and lots more, I can't keep up! He can even recognise ring tones, and knows whether it's Mama's phone or Dada's.
There are also some words that tickle him to bits which I prefer him not to say. Like "kookoo", which Ivy and Stephen taught him. HARRUMPH! Now he keeps pointing to himself and saying it! Adorable I guess, at this age, but not so when he's like, er, 22.
He's also getting better with sitters, although times at childcare can still be teary. The other day, before I'd even finished leaving instructions with Jon, he'd already said "BYE!!" and waved me off. The same on Monday at Em's too, when I was just heading out to load the car! Cheeky little bugger!
Well, the Foos and Kienan are arriving on's gonna be great to see the 2 boys play together again!!
Here's a photo sequence taken at a friend's wedding the past weekend, featuring the Soh boys and Faith, one of Aidan's run-around playmates. Thanks Joy for the photos and captions.
Girl: Wheee!
Boy: Just a minute...
Girl: Ooh, I'm way up high!
Boy: He's MY daddy!
Boy: He's MY daddy!
Boy: Get off my dad's arm.
Girl: Eh? What did I miss?
Girl: Eh? What did I miss?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fame? Part 2
So we made it to the casting today, after driving for about 45 mins in peak hour morning traffic. I was so nervous about being late that I couldn't really sleep the night before! But we got there with enough time to spare, and for me to compose myself after the harried zipping and speeding through the streets, praying I wouldn't hit a traffic jam.
It lasted for about 15 mins, after the initial "wah" factor of arriving at the made-to-impress office - they own the BUILDING. Yikes! And it's all open-plan, so you can see everyone working as you arrive. And the impressive ad campaigns all strung up on the walls.
We were led by a very pretty lady to a room where the art director, a petite girl, got Aidan to play with some pots and pans with wooden spoons (phew! His favourite activity at the moment!), while she took some shots. He was shy at first, but banged and smiled happily away, occasionally looking up to half-smile at the camera. She said she got some cute pics, so hopefully that's good news for us!
After filling up some forms and such, we were handed a Heinz goodie bag, and whisked back to the car in the morning drizzle. Fingers crossed. Maybe he could be the next Heinz Nurture baby! They said the ad could either be a print or online ad, and I had to sign a talent-release form stating the compensation paid for the shots, if we were chosen ($800 for main kid, $400 for the back-ups), would be for unlimited use worldwide.
I did some googling last night, wondering what it'd take to start Aidan's career as a child genius slash star slash prodigy slash beloved national treasure, and found out it'd take a LOT. Modelling agencies charge a registration fee, followed by an annual fee to maintain an online profile of your child, head shots, composite etc. For $500!! Every year!! And that doesn't even guarantee your kid'll get picked!
Methinks it'll be awhile before I'm a stage mum.
Anyhoos, after we left, I dropped him off at childcare where he did his usual sobby goodbye. And of course I felt really terrible and guilty leaving, even though I knew he'd stop once I left (his carers always say he's pretty happy the rest of the day, and whenever I arrive to pick him up and spy through the class window, he's always toddling around playing and having fun).
But I just couldn't shake the feeling today, and I felt so lonely and anxious and purposeless at home, that I decided to head out again and catch up with C over lunch. It was pretty good to have our chat.
I wonder if I'll ever shake the horrible feeling like I'm abandoning him there, even though I know the environment's really good for him and he learns a lot there, especially interacting with the other (ang moh) kids. SIGH! Man, when he starts real school...
It lasted for about 15 mins, after the initial "wah" factor of arriving at the made-to-impress office - they own the BUILDING. Yikes! And it's all open-plan, so you can see everyone working as you arrive. And the impressive ad campaigns all strung up on the walls.
We were led by a very pretty lady to a room where the art director, a petite girl, got Aidan to play with some pots and pans with wooden spoons (phew! His favourite activity at the moment!), while she took some shots. He was shy at first, but banged and smiled happily away, occasionally looking up to half-smile at the camera. She said she got some cute pics, so hopefully that's good news for us!
After filling up some forms and such, we were handed a Heinz goodie bag, and whisked back to the car in the morning drizzle. Fingers crossed. Maybe he could be the next Heinz Nurture baby! They said the ad could either be a print or online ad, and I had to sign a talent-release form stating the compensation paid for the shots, if we were chosen ($800 for main kid, $400 for the back-ups), would be for unlimited use worldwide.
I did some googling last night, wondering what it'd take to start Aidan's career as a child genius slash star slash prodigy slash beloved national treasure, and found out it'd take a LOT. Modelling agencies charge a registration fee, followed by an annual fee to maintain an online profile of your child, head shots, composite etc. For $500!! Every year!! And that doesn't even guarantee your kid'll get picked!
Methinks it'll be awhile before I'm a stage mum.
Anyhoos, after we left, I dropped him off at childcare where he did his usual sobby goodbye. And of course I felt really terrible and guilty leaving, even though I knew he'd stop once I left (his carers always say he's pretty happy the rest of the day, and whenever I arrive to pick him up and spy through the class window, he's always toddling around playing and having fun).
But I just couldn't shake the feeling today, and I felt so lonely and anxious and purposeless at home, that I decided to head out again and catch up with C over lunch. It was pretty good to have our chat.
I wonder if I'll ever shake the horrible feeling like I'm abandoning him there, even though I know the environment's really good for him and he learns a lot there, especially interacting with the other (ang moh) kids. SIGH! Man, when he starts real school...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Some interesting news. We recently sent in Aidan's photo for a Heinz ad call-out, and got shortlisted! So tomorrow he'll be in for casting/audition, bright and early at 9.30am, and we're keeping our fingers crossed.
Let's hope he'll be his sparkly self and won't be intimidated by all the strangers! Now I'm just contemplating what he'll wear, what I'll wear (*ahem*, ad people DO look at the mums y'know), what time we should leave the house to avoid traffic, and whether the whole shebang's gonna be like that in Mad Men.
There'll be one main kid for the Heinz Nurture print ad campaign, and 2 "back-up" tots who may or may not be in the ad. Hope we get into the top 3! If all goes well, it'll be a fun experience for me (if he behaves), and a real eye-opener.
(And maybe my career as a stage-mum will be kick-started into gear!) Muahhahaha.....
PS. The photos I sent in were the bath troll-hair one, and this:
Let's hope he'll be his sparkly self and won't be intimidated by all the strangers! Now I'm just contemplating what he'll wear, what I'll wear (*ahem*, ad people DO look at the mums y'know), what time we should leave the house to avoid traffic, and whether the whole shebang's gonna be like that in Mad Men.
There'll be one main kid for the Heinz Nurture print ad campaign, and 2 "back-up" tots who may or may not be in the ad. Hope we get into the top 3! If all goes well, it'll be a fun experience for me (if he behaves), and a real eye-opener.
(And maybe my career as a stage-mum will be kick-started into gear!) Muahhahaha.....
PS. The photos I sent in were the bath troll-hair one, and this:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nightmares and dreamscapes
According to BabyCenter:
Night terrors are sleep disturbances in which a child may suddenly sit bolt upright in bed, cry, scream, moan, mumble and thrash about with her eyes wide open, but without being truly awake. Because she's caught in a sort of a twilight zone between being asleep and being awake, she's unaware of your presence and isn't likely to respond to anything you say or do. An episode can last anywhere from two to 40 minutes, and when it's over your child falls back to sleep abruptly with no memory of the incident.
Don't try to wake her. And expect that your efforts to comfort her will be rebuffed – a child having a night terror really can't be calmed down, and if you try to hold her it may make her wilder.
We usually pick him up and try to soothe him but it's usually to no avail...he has to eventually wake up, then he'll calm down, suck on his pacifier, and go back to sleep. Poor bubba. Tonight's episode was longer than usual...I reckon about 30 mins? Sigh...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Winter wonderland
And how completely creative was he this evening, ripping out tons and tons of styrofoam packaging from the new table base that's arrived. Our own indoor snowstorm! Beautiful little dots that foamed around us, covering the table, the floor, my hair, his pyjamas, my dinner. A gorgeous blanket of fluff, specially created for me to clean.
When I used the smacky-stick on his hand, after repeated calls for him to stop, he winced his face in pain, in tears, then blindly walked forwards with arms outstretched for his routine comfort-hug. What sweet embrace. Especially when he turned to the package and said "No, no."
Then repeated the snowstorm again.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Funny faces
Thanks Jo for the video!
BTW, another milestone, Aidan's learned to feed himself! And I'm not just talking about finger-food - he's mastered that awhile ago. I'm talking about bowls of porridge and pasta! I just pop it in front of him with a spoon, and there he goes. If it's too hot, he says "Hot!" (albeit with a funny accent...sounds more like "hu-ot!"), then blows at his spoonful of food. Or he'll wait til it cools down then shovels it in.
Mind you, it's not a very neat experience, but he does it pretty well, and the mess is quite contained, and easy to clean up. Sometimes he helps me wipe up his mess too (he's going through his "let's copy mummy phase"). What a cutie.
Couple more weeks til the in-laws and friends arrive. Can't wait!!
BTW, another milestone, Aidan's learned to feed himself! And I'm not just talking about finger-food - he's mastered that awhile ago. I'm talking about bowls of porridge and pasta! I just pop it in front of him with a spoon, and there he goes. If it's too hot, he says "Hot!" (albeit with a funny accent...sounds more like "hu-ot!"), then blows at his spoonful of food. Or he'll wait til it cools down then shovels it in.
Mind you, it's not a very neat experience, but he does it pretty well, and the mess is quite contained, and easy to clean up. Sometimes he helps me wipe up his mess too (he's going through his "let's copy mummy phase"). What a cutie.
Couple more weeks til the in-laws and friends arrive. Can't wait!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Lucky troll
It's been awhile since my last post since I've really been out of action on two counts - a wedding on Sat we were busily preparing for, and the fact I was pretty sick, sick, SICK the whole of last week. Fever and headaches are not a great combo when you're taking care of a 1.5 year-old.
But now that it's all over and the Easter weekend is coming up, I'm looking forward to a relaxing time ahead. That and the in-laws are coming for a visit at the end of the month, along with some good friends of ours. Really looking forward to having the house filled with fun and laughter! EG and I quite like having people over...we've already had 2 guests sleep on our couch over the last couple weeks...
Anyways, another fav pic we took awhile's my favourite little troll doll!!
But now that it's all over and the Easter weekend is coming up, I'm looking forward to a relaxing time ahead. That and the in-laws are coming for a visit at the end of the month, along with some good friends of ours. Really looking forward to having the house filled with fun and laughter! EG and I quite like having people over...we've already had 2 guests sleep on our couch over the last couple weeks...
Anyways, another fav pic we took awhile's my favourite little troll doll!!

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