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Monday, April 6, 2009

Lucky troll

It's been awhile since my last post since I've really been out of action on two counts - a wedding on Sat we were busily preparing for, and the fact I was pretty sick, sick, SICK the whole of last week. Fever and headaches are not a great combo when you're taking care of a 1.5 year-old.

But now that it's all over and the Easter weekend is coming up, I'm looking forward to a relaxing time ahead. That and the in-laws are coming for a visit at the end of the month, along with some good friends of ours. Really looking forward to having the house filled with fun and laughter! EG and I quite like having people over...we've already had 2 guests sleep on our couch over the last couple weeks...

Anyways, another fav pic we took awhile's my favourite little troll doll!!

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