Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New developments

Some new updates:

1. He's really getting the hang of the meaning of words. Like if I say "Kiss Mama", he'll lean over and give me a drooly smacker on the lips or cheek!

2. Man o man he's great with the walker on carpet! He's gonna take his steps pretty soon!

3. He can repeat words after me. Today I was showing him the flashcards, and saying "Daddy" or "Aidan" or "Mama" and he can repeat it after me. Audibly, still a little garbled for the 1st 2 words, but "Mama" is pretty clear. Heh! That's my reward!

I really wanna take some pics and videos of his progress, but I just can't find our darn chargers! I hope it turns out soon, don't wanna miss his 1st real step! Especially since he can stand for like 10-15 secs (according to EG) on his own without support now!

*NEW, JUST ADDED* (1.52pm)
Oh I forgot to mention, he finally slept through the night last night! The previous nights he'd wake up and I'd have to resettle him, Sunday night he woke, cried, resettled himself, last night he didn't cry at all! Woopee! The offset is though, that he didn't want to have his morning nap, and I only just put him down for one after lunch. Finally, I can eat!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Silly Songs with Sarah

For those who've known me for awhile, you know that I've been writing silly songs for awhile. My little collection has grown well over the years, and it's been real fun composing new ditties when Aidan was born. Now I just need to find my old diary where I wrote everything down! SNIFF! Can't remember which box I've put it in for the move...hope it comes up when we unpack...

Anyhoo! Here's a brand new one I came up with while feeding Aidan lunch yesterday. He seemed to like it, smiling as I sang/composed it while he ate. He's my muse! ;-)

To the tune of "Bicycle Built for Two":

Pumpkin, pumpkin
I'd like to chew on you
You look so yummy, with that golden orange hue
You'd taste so fine and dandy
And if you don't, you won't offend me
'Coz you're so sweet, like a root or a beet
In a belly that's made for you!

Just in case you can't figure out how to fit the third-last line to the tune, you've gotta sing "and if you don't" super fast, on a triple-beat.

Here's another one I came up with before Aidan was born!
As with all my best songs, this one came in the shower.

Squidgy, squeegy,
squishy little hippo
Squidgy, squeegy, squish!
I love to play with all kinds of hippos
Squidgy, squeegy, squish!

Flippy, floopy, flappy little birdies
Flippy, floopy, flap!
I love to play with all kinds of birdies
Flippy, floopy, flap!

I think I had another verse about a bat? Or some
other kinda animal, but I can't remember what!

If I do find my Silly Song diary, I'll jot them all down in upcoming posts. Look out for it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reflections on turning 1

Now that our family has left, the house is much quieter. And lonelier! Although this gives me a chance to get Aidan back on routine, it's just not the same! It was so wonderful to have Aidan hanging our with his cousins and Ah-Bor E-Laine, Mai Po, Gran and Grandad, and they've been such a blessing helping out with the big move and the birthday party.

Although of course with all the revelry and going-outs, and especially 'coz of the move, his routine has been a little off, and he'd been having a hard time getting to sleep on his own in a strange room. The last two weeks was spent cuddling with Mama and Dada in bed, and I don't think he was all that comfy either 'coz he kept waking up crying. But yesterday and today he's getting there - pop him down on the bed and he'll sleep on his own again, phew! At least, for the day-sleeps. He still wakes up at night (last night twice), but he'll adjust eventually. He'd have been there sooner, but he was actually having a fever the last couple of days, reaching 39.6 degrees the other night! The doc said he was probably fighting off a viral infection, so it was a "good" fever. But worrysome to me nonetheless, especially since backup support (Gran and Grandad) have left for home!

I can't believe how the past year has, well, I wouldn't say flown by, since some days are interminably long! But it has moved forward, and we've really progressed. I emailed Simone from, whose book Calm Baby Confident Mum (available on her website and at Koorong too) has been a lifesaver and my baby-caring bible, recounting how it's been a year since we 1st corresponded when Aidan was only 2 weeks old! I wouldn't have known about routines and how to handle some situations (and the crying, oh GOD the crying!), if not for her support, her quick replies via emails and encouragement. She's an amazing lady!

Aidan's 1st birthday feels like a birthday of my own too. An anniversary, something to commemorate a year of hard work and humility, of dying (dying dying dying!) to self, putting someone else 1st in my life (besides EG of course). It hasn't been easy - Aidan's such a lively vivacious precocious child, and I've been thoroughly blessed - but boy I don't have enough energy to keep up! Even my in-laws said they can't keep up either! So thank God we can celebrate this past year, this year of joys, frustrations, heartaches, tantrums, sleeps (or lack therof) and crying - his and my own!

Thank you for reading too! And your support... here's to the next one!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been ONE year...

I can't believe how quickly the past year has flown. I'll probably do a post on my reflections for the past year next, when I've the mind space for it (still lots to do in this new house!), but in the meantime, here're some pics from Aidan's b'day party on Saturday.

Aidan's 1st Birthday