Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 13, 2011


We picked up a free book that teaches kids how to care for their teeth, and the accompanying poster.


It's uncanny isn't it?

Of course, it makes it much easier to coax my little man to brush his teeth "like the Aidan in the poster!"


A day in the life of...

It's only mid-day but I thought I'd share what a Thursday's usually like for us in the Soh household.

Today we started off pretty normal, with Aidan and I snuggling in bed, reading a book and horsing around. It's Day 3 of him sleeping without a nappy at night, and we're pretty excited that accidents have been kept to a minimum. And of course, my rambunctious son likes to jump around and crack jokes. Like "Aaah! The spaceship! It's attacking me!" or "HA HA Mum, I FARTED! In the BED! HA HA!" or

"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Boo Who?"
"Oh don't cry Mum, it's only a joke!"

He was playing pretend again, "Aaah! Somebody's shooting my nan-nan! HA HA HA!!" (I think all this nan-nan business arose from this incident.) To which I replied drolly, "What, is it target practice?"

Harrumph. Boy fart jokes.

Anyhoos, we had a lovely late brekkie of a sausage on cheese toast with milo, and Aidan started to pretend that we're at a tea room. By the way, conversations like the one below are quite typical in this household!

Aidan: "Would you like some tea?"
Me: "Why yes, thank you."
(Goes off and pretends to pour a cuppa)
"Here you go."
Now it's my turn.
"Would you like a cup"
"But, I can't! I'm not a grown up yet!"
Oops, my mistake. " about some hot chocolate then?"
"No, tea thanks."
"Ok, would you like a cup of tea?"
"Yes please."
I go off to the pretend teapot and pour a cuppa.
We both calmly sip our "tea", me secretly thrilled we can play tea-party pretend even though he's a boy and not a little girly girl, when he suddenly spits out his "tea" and shouts, "YUCK! Why are there WORMS in my tea?!!"

So much for my tea party.

And then it was off to swim class, where he's getting better and better at his strokes and stretching out his breathing. (Not that I can tell, I'm off in the big pool trying to get rid of the belly bulge from my love affair with chocolate bikkies.) But we get back together after the lesson and pop into the play pool where he and his friend Nati splash around, jump around and go up and down the froggy slide.

Until he threw up. And the pool is witness to the horrific Exorcist sight of Aidan spewing red bile and bits of sausage. I had to do the painfully embarrassing task of telling all the parents in the pool to Leave Leave Leave, my son has just puked, good God don't get it on your child!!

Typical day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Another milestone


Aidan slept through last night without a nappy.

We thought since he's turned 4 it's about time he started leaving nappies behind...and about time he slept in his undies, like a proper, grown up boy.

That, plus the fact we ran out of nappies. Hah!

Anyhoos, we'll see how tonight goes!

In the meantime, here's a shot we took today. Because, really, he's my hero <3 <3

Looks pretty fierce here, but there's another pic I took where he's smiling...