Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 22, 2007

Had a scare

Had a scare the other day cos Sarah was bleeding a fair bit. This was the day before we were going to move to our new place. We freaked out a little and really got down and prayed. We were reading this book called Supernatural Childbirth and it really brought us a lot of comfort in knowing that this new life is from God and that He is watching over us.

Anyway Sarah made an appointment to see a GP the next day and May Quah followed her there. I was busying trying to move all our stuff to our new place. I was glad to finally hear from Sarah and she told me that the doctor referred her to get a scan. The scan revealed that the zygote (thus the new of our blog) is doing well, all 2mm of him/her. Sarah could even hear the heartbeat. Life is beginning...thank God. It was such a relief but at the same time it was a real challenge to where we placed our faith, we've been claiming the life of this child for Christ. We will see this child grow up and love the Lord. Amen.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 5 (since knowing)

Today was a good day. Yesterday was Not.

Mostly 'coz i had gastro at SL's party, and there was lotsa smoke and stuff, and I felt really bloated and my stomach was distended etc. Yuch.

So today E tells me to go see a doc. After deliberation (didn't wanna spend the money - I AM my father's daughter haha...) I saw the doc at QV Medical One - this Indian lady, and she was so nice! TOld me I had gastro, and when I told her I was experiencing some confusion with the clinic checks and tests and bloodwork etc. (she asked if the prev. doc did any tests, I said no...), she promptly offered to care for me.

I've made a follow-up arrangement to see her next Sat morning. She was really sweet and assuring, very motherly, and told me she could take care of me throughout the whole way - shared care with RWH. So phew, that's a load off my mind, coz the previous doc at the clinic I 1st saw (see pic in previous post) wasn't that great. She made me feel things were going to be all right, that at least someone was looking out for us. And we could Medicare it too.

Hooray for Dr. S!!

Seeing the doctor

Day 2

I'm glad that it's my day off today so we decided to quickly go see the doctor to get some advise. Till now only Jon & Chris, Chris, Em & Bek, Yuchun and Soph, Euge and May know about the pregnancy. We decided to keep it to a small group of close friends to have them pray for us as we all know how risky the 1st trimester is.

Before we left for the doctors we decided to use the 2nd test kit again just to be sure. We paniced for a bit cos the indicator was blinking, but just as we were hyper-ventilating it blinked "pregnant". Phew...

Went to the doc and he tested us again...and yes, we are still pregnant. This is awfully nerve wrecking, just a mixture to excitment, fear, anticipation, etc. Anyway he gave us a referral to go to the Royal Women's to make an appointment to start the whole process going. Even after we spoke to him and then went to the hospital and spoke to them, I think that we are still a little lost as to how the Aussie public medical system works. Oh we'll figure it out.

Praise God for this wonderful blessing!

In the beginning...


It all began on the 9th of Jan (well, 5 weeks before that, but let's not go into it), Saz and I have been talking about this whole baby thing for a while and decided that we'll give it a shot (no jokes there...) ad see how we go. Anyway, her period was late so we decided that she should just get a pregnancy kit to test just to get all our uncertainties out of the way.

That was the 9th of Jan, we had this whole discussion of whether we should test when we get home or just go ahead and test it in the office. So there she was, testing herself in the office while I was in Crema trying to fix my fridge. Then the phone call came, "you better see this" the voice said. So I dropped everything and went upstairs. Saz was sitting at a round table with the kit in front of her. She showed it to me.


The excitement is amazing but at the same time the fear strikes just as hard. At this point it really isn't the fear of parenting but the fear of disappointment. The 1st tri-mester is the riskiest time of all, many pregnacies are lost without even knowing it.

Lord I pray for your covering over Sarah and our child. I pray for the safety of both mother and child throughout this pregnacy, and that you will cover them with good health and zero complications. Thank you for this wonderful blessing, the blessing of new life, not just in the form of this child, but in the form of new phase for Sarah and I. In Your Name, Amen.