He loves bike rides, especially since his Grandad brought him cycling around the neighbourhood when he was here, he's learnt how to fake a snore, and he got up to heaps of mischief with his cousin Ariel while she was visiting.
He's really learned a lot in the last few weeks, new words, an EXTENSIVE vocabulary, and he's really recognising numbers and alphabets now. He can point to the correct word (I've been sticking up labels in his room, like "Clock" or "Wardrobe"), and we've started potty training - he can tell us "Poo Poo", although sometimes it's a false alarm. But now he gets out of his bathtub to pee (we'd put the his bathtub into the grown-ups bathtub, and he steps into the big one to watch himself drip a couple drops), instead of weeing into his bathwater. Although for the very very first time, he pooed into his bath on Monday.
Charles has just taught him 'kah' and 'chiu'. (Can we start with English first before Hokkien?!!) And he's also learnt to say a mumbled grace before meals (which sounds something like "isygwehvviuhwiheioheoif.... AMEN!"), as well as sing "Twinkle twinkle little star", while filling in the last word in other songs we sing together. And he's changed "Oh where...is my hairbrush" to "Oh where....is my Gong Gong (what he calls my dad)!" Bob and Larry would have a fit!
Nowadays he's been playing with my iPhone and learning words and shapes through the Apps. He actually sits still! But I limit it to a couple of minutes, so his eyes won't deteriorate too quickly - ack, video games at 21 months! Terrible!
He's also got his first haircut on Monday. It was meant to be a trim, to retain his Zac Efron look, but I think I've turned him into Moe from the Three Stooges. Although I think it's calmed down since then, and it looks a little better. Will post pics soon.
As for today, we were well on our way to our first swim class, but it started raining...again! Battling howling winds, piercing drizzles and a runaway pram for the 30 minute walk to the (indoor, heated) pool was NOT the way I'd imagined it. And I didn't exactly relish the thought of having to corral the little munchkin in the ladies' locker room for a post-swim shower either. I finally decided to turn around. Sigh...maybe next week...when we actually have the car!
So today's rainy-day activity... baking (healthy) butter cookies!
Also... Aussie readers, look out for his Heinz ad in the July issue of Practical Parenting, out this month!!
Take a photo of the ad when it comes out!
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