We got the Pororo ones from Mama Moo, as well as this thing called the Wean Machine for mushing up baby food, as a baby shower pressie for Ivy, and an anti-bacterial spray (rather than the alcohol gels which are nasty on my dermatitis-ridden hands).
In other news, I had a whole gadzillion of these at my b'day party over the weekend:
which is probably why I fell sick and am still nursing a sore throat. But thanks Candice they were lovely! And she actually gave me the recipe, which I'm dying to try out!
EG has more photos which he'll upload to FB soon!
It was a terrific weekend, I felt so loved! Friday nite out with the girls, a whole day of parties on Saturday with beautiful weather - Ivy's baby shower and Jin's housewarming - followed by a walk around the Flemington Twilight craft markets and dinner (if you can call eating at 5.30pm dinner) at Hellenic Republic where I got stuffed fatter than a Christmas turkey.
Then Sunday with a celebration in the park (great weather again!) with friends. And food prepped by Ivy. Who can ask for more?
Thanks for journeying with me!
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