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We're having a really terrific time here in Singapore, eating and catching up with people and spending quality time with family. And Christmas, oh Christmas!
I have to say, there's definitely more of a Christmas atmosphere here than in Melbourne. The extravagant lights, throngs of people, piped Christmas music, Christmas cheer, it all brings back a rush of memories and revelry.
Some pics via

Lunch was special at my family's where everyone got together to swap presents and stories (Uncle Y's being the most outrageous as usual, something about his Chinese god-daughter hooking up with an Angolese diplomat's son and bearing his child. And its political/legal/moral ramifications.) And we ate and ate and ate.
I think my parents are really enjoying the time with their little grandson - they've been babysitting him, and watched him after the party as we went to catch Avatar 3D. (Pretty amazing movie, a wholly created world! [My hip parents had already caught it before we did - Dad was proudly announcing that he got to watch it on his Senior Citizens pass - just $4 only okay?!]) It's great to see Mum and Dad pouring so much joy and seeing it reciprocated, with Aidan saying "I want to go Por Por's house" (to see/play with the fish in the fake pond apparently) pretty often, or "Por Por where?" Seems like my parents' doting have paid off handsomely. ;p
Of course he's also been having heaps of fun with his cousins and living with Gran and Grandad too - who've been spoiling him with lotsa treats.
Anyhoos! Aidan's much needed haircut - click to see a bigger pic:

On Monday, we welcomed to the world a brand new little brother for Aidan.

No, don't jump your guns, IVY and STEVIE had the baby, not me! Lil' Zacharaiah!! We've been eagerly anticipating your arrival, and now here, you are, you gorgeous thing!

Brilliant thing is, Aidan's been completely enamoured with lil' Z. He's been kissing him, patting him, and telling him off like a big brother does ("No more crying Zachariah!"). And this morning he said "Mama, mama, help me mama! Mama, mama, help!" To which I frantically replied, "What's wrong??!!", and he said, "No, Zachariah cry, 'Mama, help!'" How CUTE!!

And then tonight, just before bed, he copied my exercises! Leg lifts, tricep dips and star toe-touches. It was adorable! "Mama, Aidan try!" I should've taken pictures. But I've taken heaps of videos lately (like one this morning, singing another rousing rendition of Twinkle Star, this time with diamond fingers...will upload it soon!)
What a cutie!
Aidan can wear his pants on his own now!! Woohoo! Just taught him to pop down, put one leg in, then the other, and voila!
So proud of the little bubs. Now if he can only stay put and do a number on the toilet, instead of rolling the toilet paper around, or asking me to sing Around the Mulberry Bush over and over again.