No, don't jump your guns, IVY and STEVIE had the baby, not me! Lil' Zacharaiah!! We've been eagerly anticipating your arrival, and now here, you are, you gorgeous thing!
Brilliant thing is, Aidan's been completely enamoured with lil' Z. He's been kissing him, patting him, and telling him off like a big brother does ("No more crying Zachariah!"). And this morning he said "Mama, mama, help me mama! Mama, mama, help!" To which I frantically replied, "What's wrong??!!", and he said, "No, Zachariah cry, 'Mama, help!'" How CUTE!!
And then tonight, just before bed, he copied my exercises! Leg lifts, tricep dips and star toe-touches. It was adorable! "Mama, Aidan try!" I should've taken pictures. But I've taken heaps of videos lately (like one this morning, singing another rousing rendition of Twinkle Star, this time with diamond fingers...will upload it soon!)
What a cutie!
i love your site saz! (and the other two sohs)
heya pheebs! we miss ya how're u??
i'm good thanks!
have a great time in Sg and a blessed Christmas and New Year's!
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