Hi Everyone!
Thanks for RSVPing to Aidan's invite, I can't believe how time flies! Our little young 'un has turned 3...wow! The last few years have been an amazing journey for us and we can't wait to celebrate it with you next Saturday!
Some of you have asked what to get Aidan, and EG and I both feel he's been blessed above and beyond with gifts already, from his grandparents and all who love him.
But what we can't give him are values, especially learning the value of giving, of selflessness. So this year, we thought it'd be a great idea to have everyone teach him that with their gifts!
This year, we're asking those of you who want to bless Aidan for his birthday (absolutely no obligation of course!) to donate to Invisible Children or to Watoto's Project Gulu.
These two charities have weighed heavily on our hearts as a family, as they seek to rehabilitate former child soldiers in Uganda. They're doing amazing work there (watch the video here) rescuing these children and providing communities, education, protection and lots more to rebuild the nation.
So we hope that while we celebrate one child's blessings here in Melbourne, we can also raise awareness and love for another child in Africa who needs it. Aidan mightn't understand it all now, but we hope that over the years as we peek back on his 3rd birthday, we can teach him the value of selflessness. He already understands that there are other children in other countries who don't have a mummy or daddy who love him as much as we do, especially when we pray for them before bed!
And if you choose to bless Aidan this way, please do sign the card on Saturday!
Looking forward to celebrating with you!
Saz, EG and Aidan
And if you feel moved to do so, join us on this effort too!
aiyer how come we're not invited to the partay? Boooo :(
v + tk
you're more than welcome to come! LMK if u can make it!!
we invited just the neighbours and aidan's friends...sigh now that he's 3, we gotta invite his friends not ours....haha
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