E-Gene and Sarah are the grateful parents of their precious bundle of joy, Aidan Thomas. Sarah is a stay-at-home-mum and caker (at Buttercup Bakeshoppe) while EG brings others joy in a caffeinated cup.
This site is dedicated to our journey and collective growth as we negotiate the foggy terrain of parenthood, one day at a time. Join us as we live, laugh and love!
My goodness Sarah, your lipstick looks so red in the photos!
Aidan looking adorable as usual.
My cousin just gave birth. Her son's name is... Aiden!
teeheehee yeah it's pretty red in real life too! ;p
Yay! another aidan/aiden! :-) y'know, it's gotta be the most popular boy's name of their generation (probably like 'Michelle' is in ours...)
I've men an Aiden, Ayden and Aydin already!!!
Oh gosh.. he looks so cool with his backpack!
Yeah his "backpack"...
muahaha it's really a leash...the monkey's tail loops around my wrist so he can't stray too far!
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