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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Warning: Expletives involved

There's a hilarious "children's" book that's topping the bestseller lists and it's called "Go the F___ to sleep". Now Noni Hazelhurst (an Australian actress who hosted Playschool for like 23 years) has done a video reading for it, and it's pretty damn funny.

You can read the article here.

I can totally relate to the book - I'm sure every parent can! Even now, with Aidan turning four in a couple of months, I STILL had to spend a good 45 minutes last night returning him back to bed in the middle of the night (2.45 - 3.30am, to be precise). Usually I'd just hug him to sleep because I'm just too darn lazy to return him back to bed, but he's going off night nappies soon, and the thought of being actually soaked while dreaming of cruising down the Nile is just too much to bear. That, and having to keep rewashing my sheets.

And then he was back again at 5.30am; this time since EG was already awake to get to work, he brought A back to the room on my behalf. Not that I was asleep anyways, since returning to bed at 3.30am I couldn't get back to sleep properly with my sleep cycle completely disrupted. And I really do think that with bad sleep, your body just can't deal with stress and physical labour (like standing for five straight hours in the kitchen baking & decorating - not back-breaking work, but tiring nonetheless). Hence your immune system is down, and you fall sick, sick, sick.

Throw in the cold weather and germs swarming around us, it really does bring out the inner hypochondriac in me! A's caught conjunctivitis, I'm still having a slight cold, and I'd only just recovered from a viral infection a couple weeks ago. I've washed my hands countless times today; I think my skin's about to peel off.

So I can totally commiserate with parents who, on top of sleep deprivation and their usual work, end their day having to negotiate with a four-year-old as uncompromising as Gaddafi.

While I do spend about a good 20-30 minutes putting Aidan to bed - teeth-brushing, book-reading, and the "three things" (GAWD the "three things", they take too long, why and how did ever we start this routine?!) which are Prayer, Songs, and "Pat-pat 20 times Mum!", I don't need to beg, cajole, bribe or threaten (no...that only happens during  daytime activities, like packing his toys, or getting off the computer - the computer! Aren't we suppose to nag them about the computer only when they reach 13???!!)

Many parents do though, and by the time they get out of the room, there's barely any energy left for quality time between spouses. You flop onto the couch, or into bed, breathe a sigh of relief, and you're out for the count.

That's why EVERY parent needs a book like this:

Just to blow off some steam!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Playdates 'R Us

Since Tess & Pierre left on Tuesday, the house has been rather quiet. We had a really great 2 weeks having my sis around, cooking for us, playing with was wonderful! And we got to celebrate her birthday (a few weeks early) with her too, which is pretty rare since she's usually in Singapore, and we're here in Melbourne, in July. Here's the cake we made for her.

You can read more about this at Buttercup Bakeshoppe's blog

Anyhoos, we solved the general loneliness by having playdates both yesterday and today with our neighbour Sarika's daughter, Samiksha (or Sammi, for short).

What a blast! Had a great tea-time at their house yesterday, and today we're returning the favour. Currently, the two of them are watching some telly as I typed this, and laughing about something memorable. ("Underpants!!" I overhear.)

When Aidan saw Sammi today, after emerging from his shower in the bathroom, he said, and I kid you not, "Hey! Wow, you're all dressed up...You look beautiful Samiksha!" She was wearing a blue-bow hairband and a pink jumper.

O. M. G. What a charmer!! I reckon he's got that silver-tongue from his Dad.

And then they ran off and created a ruckus in the guestroom and downstairs. Hmm. Must get them to pack the mess up before she goes...

 Cheeeeeese and whiskers!!

But the great thing about playdates is that it gives each mum a little time off to herself. I get to bake, and I hope Sarika gets some time to rest, seeing how she also has another baby to care for.

Speaking of baking, lots to prep for this Sunday's Southside Handmade and Vintage market! See you there if you're free, it's 11am-5pm in St. Kilda. :)