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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Playdates 'R Us

Since Tess & Pierre left on Tuesday, the house has been rather quiet. We had a really great 2 weeks having my sis around, cooking for us, playing with was wonderful! And we got to celebrate her birthday (a few weeks early) with her too, which is pretty rare since she's usually in Singapore, and we're here in Melbourne, in July. Here's the cake we made for her.

You can read more about this at Buttercup Bakeshoppe's blog

Anyhoos, we solved the general loneliness by having playdates both yesterday and today with our neighbour Sarika's daughter, Samiksha (or Sammi, for short).

What a blast! Had a great tea-time at their house yesterday, and today we're returning the favour. Currently, the two of them are watching some telly as I typed this, and laughing about something memorable. ("Underpants!!" I overhear.)

When Aidan saw Sammi today, after emerging from his shower in the bathroom, he said, and I kid you not, "Hey! Wow, you're all dressed up...You look beautiful Samiksha!" She was wearing a blue-bow hairband and a pink jumper.

O. M. G. What a charmer!! I reckon he's got that silver-tongue from his Dad.

And then they ran off and created a ruckus in the guestroom and downstairs. Hmm. Must get them to pack the mess up before she goes...

 Cheeeeeese and whiskers!!

But the great thing about playdates is that it gives each mum a little time off to herself. I get to bake, and I hope Sarika gets some time to rest, seeing how she also has another baby to care for.

Speaking of baking, lots to prep for this Sunday's Southside Handmade and Vintage market! See you there if you're free, it's 11am-5pm in St. Kilda. :)

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