Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who's at the door?

Aidan saying goodbye to Tony and Chevelle as they leave our home...
he seems reluctant to say goodbye...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another recollection of an average day...

Cleaned and bathed Aidan
Dressed Aidan
Soaked Aidan's clothes in Napisan. Poo stains. Eww.
Fed him breakfast
Made my own breakfast. Gave him some of my breakfast since he wanted some.
Picked up my shed hair from the bathroom floor - with hands. No vacuum cleaner.
Drove over and collected the x-boxes from Terry
Put Aidan to bed
Made appt. to see GP tomorrow arvo
Cleared emails
Called Vera to remind her about documents for her wedding
Unloaded the dishwasher and stored away crockery and utensils
Brought bins in
Collected mail
Made Aidan's lunch
Ate my lunch
Fed Aidan his lunch and some banana
Ate a mango; fed some to Aidan
Cleaned up Aidan's lunch mess
Kept removing Aidan from kitchen - training time!
Did Aidan's laundry
Arranged for Aidan's ticket reissue for his flight to Singapore (Aidan spelt as A-I-N-D-A-N on the e-ticket!)
Emailed Aunty Kim the responses she needs for House church admin
Updated Flybuys address
Applied for concession on our water bill - so we can save some $$!!
Wrote fax cover for Aidan's ticket reissue (with him screaming in the background...)
Changed Aidan's bum (still screaming...)
Sang songs with Aidan - incy wincy spider and twinkle twinkle little star
Hung laundry to dry - with Aidan's help! (he pulled the wet clothes out of the basket and passed them to me. Until he got distracted by a clothes peg...)
Put Aidan down for nap
Planned weekly meals
Packed up Aidan's playtime messes
Did Italian homework
Put Aidan to bed
Cleaned up after dinner

Was supposed to bake scones for my class party tomorrow, and do the ironing, but I'm exhausted! Phew!

In other news, he's walking really well now! And I love it when he keeps saying "oooohhh!" in a really surprised tone at everything - his guys open wide! And just now, I found him in the courtyard (he's never been in there actually, I keep the door locked), really quietly, silently, dumping pebbles into the deep storm drain.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Re·lief (noun) \ri-ˈlēf\

Defined as the feeling that washes over you when you discover that though your baby has fallen off a change-table that's waist-high, he is all right.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been pretty busy, but I do have many wonderful pictures and videos to upload - if only my poor iBook has the hard drive capacity for it!'s dear little memory bank is almost full.

If you've read the Twitter feed however, you'd know that the little tyke has taken his 1st few steps! It started off with him pushing himself up on his feet, then tumbling down. Then a couple days later, another try. Then a couple weeks later, 3 little steps (L-R-L!) and plop onto the floor. He can walk steadily when you hold his hands and he totters around. But the feeling of euphoria when he walks on his own! 5 steps at Westfield Doncaster (outside the Alannah Hill boutique to be exact), and 5 more at music class 2 weeks ago. Then a whole heapful of walking and tumbling around in Stevie's living-room prarie (with Faith standing by laughing her little head off), and now he's up and about! He's getting better and better each day. Bravo bello! Bellissimmo!

Speaking of which, our Mainly Music performance last Thursday was fun! As expected, Aidan bopped around and looked a little lost while the other kids sang along to the music (no, nobody was dressed as singing vegetables, although there was the appearance of a giant koala at the end), but we had fun, and even got presents at the end!

Anyhoos, when I can finally d/l the pics and vids onto my computer, I'll post them up!

Three weeks till Christmas...and Singapore!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hmm...question. Just what shall I bake for my mother's group tomorrow with my BRAND NEW KITCHEN AID STAND MIXER?!!!

Aaah... just the perfect start to my 29th year. Mwei, eat your heart out. ;-)

Oh course, I'm sure EG and Aidan (and the rest of my friends who chipped in) will see some returns from this, so it's really an investment isn't it?

Whatever the case, I spent a lovely Saturday at a wedding in beautiful weather, checking out gowns with Cher, a nice cuppa at South Melbourne market, and a great dinner with close friends after. This, after a nice drive to Miss Marples on Friday and buying some new clothes (including a magic slimming dress! My very own optical illusion.)

In other news, I think we're confirmed with Highpoint Kinder Haven next year for one day a week while I'm at class. Just waiting for the rego pack to arrive. Hope Aidan adjusts well...sigh! He's been rather clingy lately. Although the last 2 days he's been sleeping on a mattress in my room while Velle and Tony came down to visit from Can-bore-a, oops I mean Canberra, and that's been nice! He slept well and didn't wake (too often). But it's back to his cot tonight!

Friday, November 14, 2008

On the eve of the 29th one

There are some days when I wonder what my life would be like had I not come to study in Melbourne, then stayed on to work, marry and build a life here. What other trajectory destiny's course could have taken me. Maybe I'd be some high-flyer in the media biz, or a corporate slog in some multi-national machine. Maybe I wouldn't be spending my days cleaning and cooking, packing and vacuuming.

He cupped my face this morning with his little hands, and looked at me through limpid eyes. Then he squeezed my cheeks, producing a sound akin to a mouth-fart (EG taught him this!), snuggled back into my embrace and fell asleep.

Sigh. Bliss.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My boy and his posse

Thought it might be good to show everyone the kind of company my boy keeps. Here's a selection of riff-raff he's been fraternising with...tsk tsk.

My homies: Uncles Bryan, Aun (The Rock) and Will.

They've dressed me up as an investment banker
so I can make lotsa moolah for Mama and Dehdeh.

Here I am...counting the profits at Guava Bean.

Hmm...the figures don't look too promising in this economic climate.

I'll stick to my day job - modeling.

At last...some wholesome company. That's Josiah behind me.
He shared his cruskit with me!


This blooming hayfever is really taking a toll on me. My nostrils have run raw, I'm a constant dripping tap, my eyes are watery reservoirs and I can barely rest at night. Breathing through my mouth is drying it out, which also adds to the dehydration, the subsequent refuelling, and constant pee breaks. Eeks.

On the upside though, Obama won!

There's something so Hopeful about impending (good) change. The news headlines highlight the celebrations around the world at this landmark event, from Kenya, to Jakarta to Obama, Japan. Wow!

On the baby front, this has been occupying my little nimble-fingers lately:

Yes, my boy learns early. Mama's power resides in her wallet.

I've had to tell him off a couple times for other offences - like touching electrical outlets, X-Box controllers etc. I usually say "Aidan, NO! Mama will smack!" and smack my hands together to mimic the sound. Today, when I said that, he smacked his hands together and said "Da!" I couldn't help but laugh, then cleared my throat and tried my best to say seriously, "Yes, Da. Mama hui da ni. BU XU DONG!" (Yes, Mum will smack. DO NOT TOUCH!")

He's really picking up sounds and words quickly - today he pushed his little car in his hand all around the living room saying "Brrrrrr......oooooooorrrmmmm". Wow! How did he figure that out?

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just to keep track of my day (and to validate my existence), I've decided to jot down what I did today:

1. Confirmed details with Ps. Tim for house church tomorrow.
2. Threw out the rubbish (which EG was supposed to do last night) and Aidan's dirty diapers.
3. Collected the mail.
4. Prepared and fed Aidan breakfast. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
5. Had my own breakfast, and fed Aidan some again (he demanded "MORE!!").
6. Washed the laundry. Hung the laundry.
7. Collected the dry clothes from the last batch and folded them.
8. Read Aidan a story then put him down for his morning nap.
9. Packed the DVDs he'd pulled out of the bookshelves.
10. Did the dishes.
11. Loaded another batch into the dishwasher.
12. Unloaded the dishwasher and put away the crockery.
13. Organised final details for this Sunday's communion lunch.
14. Prepared and cooked Aidan's lunch.
Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
15. Replied and wrote some emails.
16. Played with Aidan.

17. Cleaned the walls that Aidan marked by scratching an electrical plug against it.
18. Put him down for his afternoon nap.
19. Scrubbed the downstairs toilet.
20. Met a guy regarding quotes for evaporative cooling.
21. Rang around and sourced for more quotes for evaporative cooling.
22. Fed Aidan his dinner. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
23. Re-cleaned the walls, as he's just marked it again while I'm writing this post. Argh!!

Not bad! I feel better now!

On another note, here's his progress:

1. All that training's finally paid off - now he knows to keep out of the kitchen! He'll stand at the edge and either whine so that I'll pick him up, or he'll stand (yes, stand!) there and chat with me. Hee!
2. Speaking of standing, he's doing quite well standing on his own and walking with the walker or using furniture to cruise around. I pretty much think he can walk on his own already, just that he doesn't want to! Anyways, my point is, he now likes to climb the stairs one step at a time, one foot on each step! How cute!
3. He's tumbled enough times over the edge of my bed to know not to do it again. Now he just wavers at the edge tremulously, and whines so I'll pick him up.

Hmm. Must do something about all that whining.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oh I forgot to add in my previous post, he did the cutest thing the other day. Y'know how he's been saying "more" when it comes to food - quite vehemently I might add - especially when he wants our food? The other day he shuttled back and forth between his dad and me on the couch, asking for noodles! We were eating dinner in front of the telly, and he'd go up to EG say "more", then when EG gave him a noodle strand from his chopsticks, he'd tip his head back, as far as he could, and bite the noodle. And 'coz he hasn't learned how to slurp yet he'd press his lips together to inch the noodle into his mouth. Think of a mama bird feeding her chickies worms - yup! Then he'd move down the couch towards me, and repeat the same thing all over again. Too cute!!

Cuteness aside, the past couple of weeks he's been waking in the middle of the night again, and won't sleep on his own after I've calmed him down. It happened again last night, he was screaming and crying and the only way we could all get some sleep was for me to cuddle him to sleep. Yup, another night on the futon in his room. Sigh. I really wonder what it is - hunger? Separation anxiety? Teething woes? Whatever the reason, I hope it resolves soon. It's hard enough for EG to rest as it is, with his long days at work, let alone with a wailing baby waking you in the middle of the night!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New photos

Some shots from Singapore Day a couple weeks back. Loved the freebies, hated the queues and bureaucracy ("Sorry you must queue all over again....")

Mama SO doesn't heart SG day...

Daddy, me and my SG day thingamabob

My handsome hubby and chubba bubba Maddikins!

All right. Now the following is a series of b-boy shots we took with Aidan's new cap. (Only $1 at the baby 2nd-hand market - we got lotsa steals from there.) Be warned - you just might collapse from his ultra-cuteness!!

Ordinary Clark Kent...

...posing with Daddy

But with a flick of his cap, he transforms into...

B-BOY-BOY, the cutest baby popper/hip-hopper ever!

This is a picture of an average B-Boy.

This is B-Boy-Boy, super cruncher, popper (pooper?), and styl-o krumpster!

Word up yo' me homies!


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but we've been busy! Setting up the new bookshelves, still sorting out house stuff! Plus we bought a painting at yesterday's Women's Conference at Life* Expedition to hang on the wall!

Speaking of the conference, Aidan was really well-behaved throughout - well looked after but Uncle Zakky and Uncle Aun, amongst other friends who love playing with him. Such a darling - he can really walk now with assistance! You should see how black his feet were after yesterday! As usual his socks came off and off he went, teetering and crawling around super fast! But I really got some got "refreshment" at the conference, hearing from the two speakers. Especially Ps. Shirley Osborne who spoke about the roles that tend to box women in, within societal constructs or institutions like the church. The loud "Mmm hmm!" from the back came from me, when she said "All I did was cook and clean all day!" Heh! But then again, she did have 4 kids by age 23...

On another note, we also got some great bargains and freebies at the Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo on Friday. Bought him a baby wetsuit and swim nappy so he'll have his first go at swimming! Or at least water familiarisation. Loved the freebies we got at the expo though, from nappies and creams to drink bottles etc. Even a Poo Cracker from the potty training booth - basically you toss what's essentially a packing peanut into the toilet, and your child's meant to aim for it. Lasts 2-3 flushes. Interesting! Although potty training's one of those things I wish we can stave off for as long as possible!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby's 1st bump

Poor bubba! The nice painted canvas sign sitting on top of his toy shelves toppled onto his head this morning! Small but nasty bump on his head now. But he only cried a little, what a trooper! Back to his normal curious bouncy self almost immediately. He was pretty brave yesterday as well when he had his 12-month immunisations! I think he was upset more at the fact we were restraining him than he was at getting pricked by 3 needles.

You can't see it too clearly, but it's the purplish area under his baby hair

Speaking of injury, I've also got a cut from Aidan's sharp nails - on my EYEBALL. Eek. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, and I didn't even quite feel it till I saw myself in the mirror. Here's hoping it'll heal naturally.

Should I do something about his bump? Massage or ice it?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jailbreak jailbait

This has been happening very often lately. Looks like the playpen ain't enough to keep him in no more!

If you look closely, the playpen was originally located on top of his playmat, where the window is. He's actually managed to push it around the corner! You can even hear him grunting with sheer exertion!

Other than this new display of superhuman
strength ("Aidan, Super Baby Extraodinaire!"), his physical dexterity has translated into mental deftness as well. Teach him something new - be it words or actions - and he picks it up almost immediately! He can now point to his nose when you ask him "Aidan, where's your nose?", clap his hands when you ask him to, and the cutest gesture, raise his fist to his ear (or if there's a phone handy) when you say "Hello?" or "Wei?" ("hello" in Mandarin). I'm working on teaching him numbers from 1 to 5 with his fingers - mind you I've been doing it for awhile, since he was about 3 months old - and now I've expanded to teaching it to him in Mandarin and Italian as well! He does the cutest thing when he sees me counting out the digits on my hand; he leans into my palm once I reach the number 5 'coz everytime I count and hit 5 I cover his little face with my hand. Now he expects it! Heh!

His vocabulary has extended beyond Deh deh and Ma ma too, to Door!, Ball! and most commonly - and insistently - MORE!. He says MORE! for everything, and especially when he sees us eating - even after he's had a full meal! The other night, after a HUGE bowl of porridge, he still insisted on having some of our pizza - I gave him a couple of crusts - and when we undressed him for a bath we could see his distended belly sticking out! Like some African kid! It was hilarious.

In other news, I had my first Bodypump session this morning... in FIVE years! So my arms are quite wobbly and weak...eeks. On the upside though, Aidan did terrific at the gym's childcare - the minders there actually said he was a joy to have, was well-adjusted and sociable, and played well with the other kids. All this on his 1st time there! So proud of little bubba, especially since he really hated his previous childcare place. Not sure if it's 'coz he's older and adapts quicker to new environments, or if it's the centre itself that's more welcoming, but I'm glad he did well. Hooray!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Two nights ago, I had YET another dream where EG had an affair. Suffice to say, it's pretty disturbing how I keep having these dreams - EG says it's my unconscious insecurities seeping in. I doubt that. Maybe I'm subconsciously wanting a fresh start but am too chicken to, so being the victim leaves me both free, and sympathetic. Win-win! ;-)

Over the years he's left me for:

1. another Uni student
2. some random woman (these women always appear faceless and nameless)
3. Tan Kheng Hua!!

Incidentally, she'll be at Singapore Day at the Sidney Myer Bowl tomorrow

With this latest incarnation, I do think my psyche has evolved. Rather than play the hurt and confused victim, I actually felt calm, distant, in control. I remember my dream-self thinking, "All right, that's enough, this is the last straw. I'm going to take Aidan and leave." Apparently I was the long-suffering wife who's just had enough of her husband's infidelity!

The crucial matter here folks, is that I actually said "I'm TAKING Aidan with me!" Whereas previously the thought would've scared the bejesus out of me, and I'd rather leave the poor kid so they could both fend for themselves while I restarted my life as a brilliant (and beautiful!) career-woman, this time I took the bubba with me.

SO! I reckon the dream spoke volumes more about my feelings as a mother, than as a wife. Hah! It could actually mean I've come to a point where I'm confident enough as a mum to survive on my own! Although I have to say, I was more than a little testy this morning while changing Aidan's nappy - he kept grabbing his crotch even though there was poo there, and it really really annoyed me! This, added to the fact we were out of bin liners and I couldn't dispose of the soiled nappy properly, leaving it to balance precariously on top of the bin cover. Ewww.

Hmm. Might have to reconsider dumping the adulterer after all. He could come in useful with nappy-changes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New developments

Some new updates:

1. He's really getting the hang of the meaning of words. Like if I say "Kiss Mama", he'll lean over and give me a drooly smacker on the lips or cheek!

2. Man o man he's great with the walker on carpet! He's gonna take his steps pretty soon!

3. He can repeat words after me. Today I was showing him the flashcards, and saying "Daddy" or "Aidan" or "Mama" and he can repeat it after me. Audibly, still a little garbled for the 1st 2 words, but "Mama" is pretty clear. Heh! That's my reward!

I really wanna take some pics and videos of his progress, but I just can't find our darn chargers! I hope it turns out soon, don't wanna miss his 1st real step! Especially since he can stand for like 10-15 secs (according to EG) on his own without support now!

*NEW, JUST ADDED* (1.52pm)
Oh I forgot to mention, he finally slept through the night last night! The previous nights he'd wake up and I'd have to resettle him, Sunday night he woke, cried, resettled himself, last night he didn't cry at all! Woopee! The offset is though, that he didn't want to have his morning nap, and I only just put him down for one after lunch. Finally, I can eat!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Silly Songs with Sarah

For those who've known me for awhile, you know that I've been writing silly songs for awhile. My little collection has grown well over the years, and it's been real fun composing new ditties when Aidan was born. Now I just need to find my old diary where I wrote everything down! SNIFF! Can't remember which box I've put it in for the move...hope it comes up when we unpack...

Anyhoo! Here's a brand new one I came up with while feeding Aidan lunch yesterday. He seemed to like it, smiling as I sang/composed it while he ate. He's my muse! ;-)

To the tune of "Bicycle Built for Two":

Pumpkin, pumpkin
I'd like to chew on you
You look so yummy, with that golden orange hue
You'd taste so fine and dandy
And if you don't, you won't offend me
'Coz you're so sweet, like a root or a beet
In a belly that's made for you!

Just in case you can't figure out how to fit the third-last line to the tune, you've gotta sing "and if you don't" super fast, on a triple-beat.

Here's another one I came up with before Aidan was born!
As with all my best songs, this one came in the shower.

Squidgy, squeegy,
squishy little hippo
Squidgy, squeegy, squish!
I love to play with all kinds of hippos
Squidgy, squeegy, squish!

Flippy, floopy, flappy little birdies
Flippy, floopy, flap!
I love to play with all kinds of birdies
Flippy, floopy, flap!

I think I had another verse about a bat? Or some
other kinda animal, but I can't remember what!

If I do find my Silly Song diary, I'll jot them all down in upcoming posts. Look out for it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reflections on turning 1

Now that our family has left, the house is much quieter. And lonelier! Although this gives me a chance to get Aidan back on routine, it's just not the same! It was so wonderful to have Aidan hanging our with his cousins and Ah-Bor E-Laine, Mai Po, Gran and Grandad, and they've been such a blessing helping out with the big move and the birthday party.

Although of course with all the revelry and going-outs, and especially 'coz of the move, his routine has been a little off, and he'd been having a hard time getting to sleep on his own in a strange room. The last two weeks was spent cuddling with Mama and Dada in bed, and I don't think he was all that comfy either 'coz he kept waking up crying. But yesterday and today he's getting there - pop him down on the bed and he'll sleep on his own again, phew! At least, for the day-sleeps. He still wakes up at night (last night twice), but he'll adjust eventually. He'd have been there sooner, but he was actually having a fever the last couple of days, reaching 39.6 degrees the other night! The doc said he was probably fighting off a viral infection, so it was a "good" fever. But worrysome to me nonetheless, especially since backup support (Gran and Grandad) have left for home!

I can't believe how the past year has, well, I wouldn't say flown by, since some days are interminably long! But it has moved forward, and we've really progressed. I emailed Simone from, whose book Calm Baby Confident Mum (available on her website and at Koorong too) has been a lifesaver and my baby-caring bible, recounting how it's been a year since we 1st corresponded when Aidan was only 2 weeks old! I wouldn't have known about routines and how to handle some situations (and the crying, oh GOD the crying!), if not for her support, her quick replies via emails and encouragement. She's an amazing lady!

Aidan's 1st birthday feels like a birthday of my own too. An anniversary, something to commemorate a year of hard work and humility, of dying (dying dying dying!) to self, putting someone else 1st in my life (besides EG of course). It hasn't been easy - Aidan's such a lively vivacious precocious child, and I've been thoroughly blessed - but boy I don't have enough energy to keep up! Even my in-laws said they can't keep up either! So thank God we can celebrate this past year, this year of joys, frustrations, heartaches, tantrums, sleeps (or lack therof) and crying - his and my own!

Thank you for reading too! And your support... here's to the next one!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been ONE year...

I can't believe how quickly the past year has flown. I'll probably do a post on my reflections for the past year next, when I've the mind space for it (still lots to do in this new house!), but in the meantime, here're some pics from Aidan's b'day party on Saturday.

Aidan's 1st Birthday

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New developments

We finally have a new home! All ours, no more rentals. Brand new off-the-plan, and phew it's better than we expected.

A shot of Warren, THE friendliest customer service rep I've ever encountered in Australia, as he presents Master Soh the keys to our new home!

Here're some other recent shots of Aidan:

Check out his rave pants! Woot woot!

A random Duh look. He saw the camera and came straight to me.
Check out the drool stains on his shirt.

A photo at one of our mother's group meetings. We know Aidan's priorities!

Charlotte & Darcy love their toys...but Aidan loves the camera!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shaking foundations

Aidan's doing the most adorable thing lately - he waves bye bye! So whenever someone says goodbye, he waves! How cute! Also he knows how to say Dada and Mama to the appropriate person, though not always on command - he mimics us. :-) And most importantly, his first word - Nana! For Banana, when he sees one! Or Mum-mum, when he means food, or the baby mum-mum rice crackers he loves. Although lately, his way of communicating that he wants food, especially food I'M eating is to launch into a high-pitched scream. Yikes!!

His day naps and night-sleeps are also doing VERY well. I feel we've hit a major turning point - he's been able to sleep through since 8 months, although wakes early at about 5.30am or 6am, and requires resettling, but the last week or so he's been able to stretch till 7-ish, and last couple days, 8 - 8.30am! And he's gone back to being able to sleep on his own without having me to rock and sing him to sleep - just give him a yummy cuddle and kiss, lay him in his cot, let him cry for about 2-5 mins, and he's sleeping like, well, a baby! All the way 'til the morning, good bubba. And if he does wake at night, he can generally resettle himself on his own.

So since things with Aidan are going so well after 2 months of turmoil (he's beginning to be able to occupy himself in the playpen again), what do we do? We MOVE HOUSE, so that we can shake up his world again! Gahh.... crazy fools we are, the timing's really off, but what can we do? Seems like God's dead keen to stretch and challenge us each step of the way!

In all fairness, I have to say that I'm still grateful for what we have, for my in-laws coming to help with the shift this weekend, for the relative problem-free encounters we've had with transacting for the house (the customer service rep. for AV Jennings, Warren, is SUCH a sweetheart and fantastic to deal with!), and the new house looks better than we've expected - lots of light!, we had a great recommendation for a vendor for the blinds (also very accommodating with the changes we (read: my husband) kept making), so all seems to be going well. Now we just need it to all fall into place! Settlement's on Thursday!

Sunday, August 24, 2008 (take on me!)

At a friend's 30th birthday yesterday... we were relivin' the '80s heydays.... woot woot!!

Daddy as a breaker, momma as a tea-dance queen. Me? I'm NORMAL!

Check out mummy's ultra-hip leg warmers!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There're some days where I think I must be CRAZY to do this all on my own, in a foreign country. No parents, no in-laws, no helpers. Full-time house duties. And we're talking about just ONE kid!

No more more more house work please!!

A series of unfortunate events...2

It's been awhile since the elements have all come together to create a cosmic crunch that can really stretch and test the best of us, not to mention the least of us (meaning, me). This last week, in no particular order,

- Aidan's had an eye infection
- Aidan's had a fever (probably 'coz he's teething)
- We opened the cafe finally!
- We had our launch party
- Our new home's occupancy cert's been issued!
- Our car's been broken into (GPS's safe, phew)
- Window's smashed (not phew)
- Cut myself on glass from broken window
(not phew)
- Saved Aidan from being cut by glass from broken window by removing a small bit on his car seat which he could've swallowed (phew)


To top it off, as I left the party to pick Aidan up from Ivy's, it started raining! Driving with a broken window in the rain... now that's the stuff sad songs are made off. That and discovering a huge welt on my cheek when I finally reached home (Aidan was SO cranky Ivy had to drive us back, with Stephen fetching her home after. This, at midnight! These two are my HEROES!), probably from a mozzie in Aidan's room.

What more can happen? I discovered bumps on his hands and feet, and took him to the doc's yesterday. Thankfully, it's probably a post-viral thingy from his eye infection. And last night, he woke up crying at 3am, and I couldn't go back to sleep after, so I'm pretty much a wreck today.

But thankfully, today's almost over. And Aidan's been cheerful at dinner-time. He was pretty cranky after his nap in the arvo and I stupidly gave him a bath thinking it'd calm him down (nope! Plus he peed on the bathroom floor!) And I discovered rotating his toys in his playpen FREQUENTLY at least lets him enjoy sitting in there.

Whatever the case, I believe God's really stretching my patience through all these challenges. With his 12-month mark nearing, and the toddler years (toilet-training, gulp!) coming up, I'll need oodles of it!

Monday, August 11, 2008


With our moving date nearing (I hope! We still don't have an actual date date), I'm thinking of ways to decorate Aidan's room. He's already got some furniture from his current room, like a cot and his Ikea dresser/change table.

I really REALLY like these Threadless/Blik wall decals cute!


The Day the Fire Brigade...


Or how about some Super Mario?

Anyway, if anyone has any good ideas on how we can decorate Aidan's room, post some comments!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Blech. It's the worst time to fall sick. The cafe's opening this week so EG is definitely busy, and Ellie's started work, so that means it's me and my weak body trying to keep up with my little energizer-bunny of a son! He woke up several times last night - once every two hours, so it was really hard to sleep. Plus I was feeling ill. Gagh... I'm not sure what I have, I just know I'm constantly cold even under the blanket and with the heater on, and I'm a little nauseas (NO, I'm not expecting number 2!). Hopefully after I take some panadol I'll feel better!

Anyways, here're some pics we took recently!

Aidan in Zoe-Grace's ergo-carrier. We were testing it out. He looks a little stunned.

His first 1st-birthday present from Aunty Ivy & Uncle Stephen.

Look at me and my Pooh bear push-car

I still don't quite know how to ride it, but Mama pushes me around in it. Wheee!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man

The new Bonds underwear commercial has got Aidan rapt with attention. I wonder if it's 'coz there are 30-odd skimpily-clad women in it - so he's thinking, "Mmmm! Food!" - or whether it's because of the clappy beat. Whatever the case, whenever it's on, his eyes are glued to the screen for those 30 secs, and I have some respite from trying to shovel more pasta into his mouth.

See it here.

In other news, Aidan's turning 11 months this Sunday! Yay! We're happily preparing for his first birthday party next month... hope the new house will be done by then!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dear Eliot...

Oh gawd this really puts things into perspective on those bad days. Thanks a lot mum, you made me cry! ;-)

99 Balloons


Some updates!

1. My clever boy woke up from his nap in the spare room yesterday (I'd left earlier to wash up after our yummy morning snuggle-time) and managed to OPEN the door (it was slightly ajar), and started crawling towards my room to find me! I'd emerged from my bathroom hearing his cries and was leaving my room to head back to him where lo and behold! The little boy was half-moaning as he crawled down the hallway to me! It was a good thing he'd completely by-passed the stairs - we don't have a stair-gate for protection (yet). But EG and I thought it was pretty incredible he knew which room to head to.

2. He's never EVER done this before, so it was much to my surprise (and chagrin) that as I plonked him into the bathtub on Sunday night, I saw bits of orange
stuff (think mashed sweet potato) floating up. From his butt. YIKES! In the 3 minutes I'd left him on his own in his room to play (after having wiped his bum in preparation for bath time), he'd managed to deposit a little something on the carpet for me. I'd wanted to give him some reprieve from the stuffy confines of his nappy, but well, I guess that's what I get for letting him free-ball it!

3. He had his first taste of chicken today! I tore some strips from the chicken breast we were having for dinner, and he really seemed to enjoy it! Kept doing his version of the "more" sign - clenching his fists and squeezing down into his chair. Heh. Cute.

I guess you can tell that he's really our son, since his first recognisable and indicative word seems to be "mam-mam". As in "Aidan, do you want food?" and I gesture the sign for food, and he goes "mam-mam! mam mam mam mam mam....mmmmmm...." Yup, he's a Soh (& Wong) all right!

4. Ok, I had one more update at the top of my head but I just can't remember it! Here I was, storing a neat mnemonic A.P.C. so I could remember what to blog about, and I can't remember the "A" part. Darn nappy-brain! Anyhoo, when I do, I'll update this entry.

Some pics for your viewing pleasure...

Look at me help Daddy carry the umbrella! See how STRONG I am!!

I'm doing this all on my own. Can you believe it??!!

I get really engrossed in my TV programmes. Just like mummy does.

No one can tear me away!

Don't you just love my new aviator-style beanie?

Teehee.Too cute!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I purchased this book today as a gift for a friend.

But it's really something I wish I had for myself, especially 10 months ago when Aidan was born (and this morning when he was being fussy at 5.30am! I ended up only having 4 hours of sleep, tearfully sms-ing my mum at 8am, and talking to her at 8.30am --> 6.30am Singapore time!)

It's an amazing book with REAL expectations and encouragements. The author, Karen Miles is "an expert on the impact of motherhood on women's identity and career" (according to her website). She also writes in her blog on the impact motherhood has on a woman's identity. Interesting stuff.

It's a topic we touched upon at Hitched (our couples cell-group) today, how mums are often judged harshly, regardless of whether they choose the life of quiet (in our case, NOISY) domesticity, or the corporate spectra. To wit, allow me to quote Ms. Miles:

"Stay-at-home mums are not 'lucky', 'lacking in ambition' or 'on holidays'. Equally, mums who work are not 'heartless' or 'selfish'. Be careful not to judge other mothers and their kids. Especially at the supermarket. Don't compare your baby with others. No one wins the game of one-up-womanship. Aren't we all just doing the best we can..."

Lovely sentiment. I also resonated with

"The bigger your life was before having a baby, the harder the adjustment will be. Go easy on yourself."

I fear the night coming
"You're not alone. It's 3 am and there are millions of mothers around the world feeding their babies with you."

And perhaps my favourite:

"Stop trying to 'get it right'. STOP."

Hmm. I might just keep the book for myself... ;-)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb

The world, I reckon, are split between two types of people. Baby-people and non-baby people. Baby people are those who coo and blubber whenever your baby's around. Non-baby people are those, like the guy sitting at the table next to our's during lunch, who flinched and turned away whenever his partner/friend cooed at Aidan. Aidan was being really friendly, gesturing and "waving" towards her. But her sour-puss friend just kept looking away uncomfortably. All right, I do admit I'm being more than a little indignant, but MY BABY IS CUTE DAMMIT, so cute in fact that Mr Uncomfortable-around-babies must renounce his non-baby loving past, stand up, and take the pledge of allegiance to all that is cute and slobbery!

It is in rare cases like these, when my adorable young son fails to elicit the requisite oohing and aahing and "oh my gosh, he is gorgeous" comments (to which I usually nod my head and smile benignly), that I unleash my most fiendish curse ever upon them (hastily muttered under my breath as we leave of course).

"May a thousand flies from a camel's bottom INFEST your armpits!!"

Harrumph. To prove to the world how cute my son is and what a great non-baby person proselitiser he is, here are some pics we took tonight. Bee-suit courtesy of my brother Aaron, who's been haranguing me to fit Aidan into it. Heeheehee...

Look at me buzz around like a busy buzzy bee!

More photos and video to come!