Monday, June 22, 2009
New photos
Here're some new photos Aidan's biggest fan took recently. To check them out on Facebook, click on the photo below (you don't need to log in)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Some recent photos
Here're some pics taken by Ivy recently. I'll post up the FB link to the album once she gets it to me! :-)
Happy June Father's Day
Since it's Father's Day in some parts of the world today (we celebrate it in September over here), I thought it'd be pertinent to remind Aidan on how much E-Gene loves him... ;-)
Dear Aidan
As you edge closer to your 2nd birthday, here's a gentle reminder of how much we love you. And especially how much your Dada loves you.
- loves cuddling you and playing with you in the room he's setup and decorated for you.
- is grateful for all the cuddles you return, especially today when he's sick, and you walked up to him to give him a hug, saying "cuddle".
- is always patient with you, even when he has to discipline you for being disobedient.
- is always supportive of your mama, and goes to work so that she can stay home and care for you full-time.
- loves teaching you new things, like how things work, and animal names.
- isn't afraid to show you how much he loves you. He says his favourite time of the day is when he gets to hold you as you fall asleep in his arms.
- is always on the lookout for ways to protect you (like straightening the rugs so you won't trip and fall).
- works hard each and every day, waking at 5.30am, is on his feet all day with no breaks til 5.30pm, then comes back to play with you, wash you, entertain you, before finally crashing into bed at 10.30pm. Is it any wonder he's lost so much weight? ;-)
And as you grow, you'll discover the many different sacrifices he makes each day to care for you and provide the best that he can for you. May you grow to trust his wisdom and love, as he's showed you how much his Creator has loved and cared for us.
Hugs and cuddles and heaps of love,
Mama and Dada

Dear Aidan
As you edge closer to your 2nd birthday, here's a gentle reminder of how much we love you. And especially how much your Dada loves you.
- loves cuddling you and playing with you in the room he's setup and decorated for you.
- is grateful for all the cuddles you return, especially today when he's sick, and you walked up to him to give him a hug, saying "cuddle".
- is always patient with you, even when he has to discipline you for being disobedient.
- is always supportive of your mama, and goes to work so that she can stay home and care for you full-time.
- loves teaching you new things, like how things work, and animal names.
- isn't afraid to show you how much he loves you. He says his favourite time of the day is when he gets to hold you as you fall asleep in his arms.
- is always on the lookout for ways to protect you (like straightening the rugs so you won't trip and fall).
- works hard each and every day, waking at 5.30am, is on his feet all day with no breaks til 5.30pm, then comes back to play with you, wash you, entertain you, before finally crashing into bed at 10.30pm. Is it any wonder he's lost so much weight? ;-)
And as you grow, you'll discover the many different sacrifices he makes each day to care for you and provide the best that he can for you. May you grow to trust his wisdom and love, as he's showed you how much his Creator has loved and cared for us.
Hugs and cuddles and heaps of love,
Mama and Dada

Sunday...blandy Sunday...
Sadly my two boys are pretty sick today, although one's still up and chirpy, while the other's mooching in bed. Guess which one's which? ;-)
Aidan's got a slight fever, runny nose, and a chesty cough. EG is nursing a really bad headache - he says he's never had one this bad before (and being allergic to panadol, nurofen and whatever else is in the NSAID family doesn't help!) I guess this means I might have to miss little Adrienne's 1st birthday party today to take care of them - bummer! :-( We've already stayed home from church.
On a cuter note, A's vocabulary has been increasing exponentially (airplane, chicken porridge, wiggles, maht0 (tomato), cumber (cucumber), all with perfect enunciation!), as well as his ability to 'read'. He can point out Os in words, and recognise a few other letters. And since I've been sticking up labels on items in his room, we've been playing games like "Where's the word 'Bookshelf'?" and he'll run to point it out. He can also point out colours! Keep it up bubba!
The cutest thing he's doing lately is saying "Sorry". As in "Sorry, please excuse me". He'll try to scoot around his Dad or Uncle Jon or Uncle Jeremy and say "Sorry, Jon" or "Sorry, Jeremy", or even "Sorry, Percy" when his little Percy tank engine falls off his train track. Hilarious!! I'm just amazed he can use it in context. How terribly polite!
Aidan's got a slight fever, runny nose, and a chesty cough. EG is nursing a really bad headache - he says he's never had one this bad before (and being allergic to panadol, nurofen and whatever else is in the NSAID family doesn't help!) I guess this means I might have to miss little Adrienne's 1st birthday party today to take care of them - bummer! :-( We've already stayed home from church.
On a cuter note, A's vocabulary has been increasing exponentially (airplane, chicken porridge, wiggles, maht0 (tomato), cumber (cucumber), all with perfect enunciation!), as well as his ability to 'read'. He can point out Os in words, and recognise a few other letters. And since I've been sticking up labels on items in his room, we've been playing games like "Where's the word 'Bookshelf'?" and he'll run to point it out. He can also point out colours! Keep it up bubba!
The cutest thing he's doing lately is saying "Sorry". As in "Sorry, please excuse me". He'll try to scoot around his Dad or Uncle Jon or Uncle Jeremy and say "Sorry, Jon" or "Sorry, Jeremy", or even "Sorry, Percy" when his little Percy tank engine falls off his train track. Hilarious!! I'm just amazed he can use it in context. How terribly polite!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fame!!! part 5
Aloha everyone! The ad's finally out! Presenting.... Aidan's first print ad!!
I kinda wish I had the nerve to snap pics during the photoshoot, but somehow thought if I was being a busybodies our chances would be slimmer! Weird I know! Maybe next time (if there is one)?? ;-)
July '09 issue of Practical Parenting, Page 8
I kinda wish I had the nerve to snap pics during the photoshoot, but somehow thought if I was being a busybodies our chances would be slimmer! Weird I know! Maybe next time (if there is one)?? ;-)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Singin' in the...bathtub.
Ages ago, when I was a child, my mum did a recording of me singing "One elephant went out to play..." from The Elephant Show. I got up to six elephants and you can hear my mum going "okay okay, enough already lah", and me saying "no!!! more elephaaaants!!"
Well, the tradition has carried on!
It took me FOREVER to get this audio file up 'coz Blogger doesn't allow you to post audio files, so after trying HEAPS of different methods, finally used iMovie, dragged a photo and added the audio (that in itself took awhile too, since I'm pretty tech unsavvy!!)
Oh gosh, I sound EXACTLY like my mum! Not only do I look like and act like her, now I sound like her too! Creepy... ;-)
Well, the tradition has carried on!
It took me FOREVER to get this audio file up 'coz Blogger doesn't allow you to post audio files, so after trying HEAPS of different methods, finally used iMovie, dragged a photo and added the audio (that in itself took awhile too, since I'm pretty tech unsavvy!!)
Oh gosh, I sound EXACTLY like my mum! Not only do I look like and act like her, now I sound like her too! Creepy... ;-)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And since I'm blogging...
Rainy Day afternoon
So we've abandoned the healthy-cookie baking idea this arvo in favour of making...Playdough! Yes, coloured sticky fun for everyone.
The recipe I used:
2 cups of plain flour
4 tablespoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 cup of salt
2 cups of boiling water
Food colouring
Yes, the delicious (I'm sure you've snuck in a piece or two when you were a kid, come on, admit it) recipe calls for ONE WHOLE CUP OF SALT. What the?!! That's half my bottle at home! That's a heck of a lotta sodium in one sculpture.
Anyhoos, here's the photos taken from my iPhone. Grazie to PhoneView's trial version which allowed me to transfer the photos from my iPhone to my comp.
Mix mix mix...

Voila! A lump of dough. Then I split it in half,
and coloured one lump pink, the other green...
Fun on a rainy day indoors...
The recipe I used:
2 cups of plain flour
4 tablespoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 cup of salt
2 cups of boiling water
Food colouring
Yes, the delicious (I'm sure you've snuck in a piece or two when you were a kid, come on, admit it) recipe calls for ONE WHOLE CUP OF SALT. What the?!! That's half my bottle at home! That's a heck of a lotta sodium in one sculpture.
Anyhoos, here's the photos taken from my iPhone. Grazie to PhoneView's trial version which allowed me to transfer the photos from my iPhone to my comp.
and coloured one lump pink, the other green...
We had lots of fun, creating "snow" men, logs with button-balls, "cookies", cut out animals, and I even created a "map" using the dough to explain to Jeremy D (who's staying on my couch for a couple weeks) how to get to the bus stop. Isn't Playdough useful?!!
Note: As I'm typing this blog, A is sitting next to me with the iPhone learning new words, and recognising shapes. He actually knows "SUB!" and "WAGON!" now. What a clever kid!!
Note: As I'm typing this blog, A is sitting next to me with the iPhone learning new words, and recognising shapes. He actually knows "SUB!" and "WAGON!" now. What a clever kid!!
Happy 21 Months!
So much has happened in the past month it's hard to pen it all down. But I'll do my best!
He loves bike rides, especially since his Grandad brought him cycling around the neighbourhood when he was here, he's learnt how to fake a snore, and he got up to heaps of mischief with his cousin Ariel while she was visiting.
He's really learned a lot in the last few weeks, new words, an EXTENSIVE vocabulary, and he's really recognising numbers and alphabets now. He can point to the correct word (I've been sticking up labels in his room, like "Clock" or "Wardrobe"), and we've started potty training - he can tell us "Poo Poo", although sometimes it's a false alarm. But now he gets out of his bathtub to pee (we'd put the his bathtub into the grown-ups bathtub, and he steps into the big one to watch himself drip a couple drops), instead of weeing into his bathwater. Although for the very very first time, he pooed into his bath on Monday.
Charles has just taught him 'kah' and 'chiu'. (Can we start with English first before Hokkien?!!) And he's also learnt to say a mumbled grace before meals (which sounds something like "isygwehvviuhwiheioheoif.... AMEN!"), as well as sing "Twinkle twinkle little star", while filling in the last word in other songs we sing together. And he's changed "Oh my hairbrush" to "Oh my Gong Gong (what he calls my dad)!" Bob and Larry would have a fit!
Nowadays he's been playing with my iPhone and learning words and shapes through the Apps. He actually sits still! But I limit it to a couple of minutes, so his eyes won't deteriorate too quickly - ack, video games at 21 months! Terrible!
He's also got his first haircut on Monday. It was meant to be a trim, to retain his Zac Efron look, but I think I've turned him into Moe from the Three Stooges. Although I think it's calmed down since then, and it looks a little better. Will post pics soon.
As for today, we were well on our way to our first swim class, but it started raining...again! Battling howling winds, piercing drizzles and a runaway pram for the 30 minute walk to the (indoor, heated) pool was NOT the way I'd imagined it. And I didn't exactly relish the thought of having to corral the little munchkin in the ladies' locker room for a post-swim shower either. I finally decided to turn around. Sigh...maybe next week...when we actually have the car!

So today's rainy-day activity... baking (healthy) butter cookies!
Also... Aussie readers, look out for his Heinz ad in the July issue of Practical Parenting, out this month!!
He loves bike rides, especially since his Grandad brought him cycling around the neighbourhood when he was here, he's learnt how to fake a snore, and he got up to heaps of mischief with his cousin Ariel while she was visiting.
He's really learned a lot in the last few weeks, new words, an EXTENSIVE vocabulary, and he's really recognising numbers and alphabets now. He can point to the correct word (I've been sticking up labels in his room, like "Clock" or "Wardrobe"), and we've started potty training - he can tell us "Poo Poo", although sometimes it's a false alarm. But now he gets out of his bathtub to pee (we'd put the his bathtub into the grown-ups bathtub, and he steps into the big one to watch himself drip a couple drops), instead of weeing into his bathwater. Although for the very very first time, he pooed into his bath on Monday.
Charles has just taught him 'kah' and 'chiu'. (Can we start with English first before Hokkien?!!) And he's also learnt to say a mumbled grace before meals (which sounds something like "isygwehvviuhwiheioheoif.... AMEN!"), as well as sing "Twinkle twinkle little star", while filling in the last word in other songs we sing together. And he's changed "Oh my hairbrush" to "Oh my Gong Gong (what he calls my dad)!" Bob and Larry would have a fit!
Nowadays he's been playing with my iPhone and learning words and shapes through the Apps. He actually sits still! But I limit it to a couple of minutes, so his eyes won't deteriorate too quickly - ack, video games at 21 months! Terrible!
He's also got his first haircut on Monday. It was meant to be a trim, to retain his Zac Efron look, but I think I've turned him into Moe from the Three Stooges. Although I think it's calmed down since then, and it looks a little better. Will post pics soon.
As for today, we were well on our way to our first swim class, but it started raining...again! Battling howling winds, piercing drizzles and a runaway pram for the 30 minute walk to the (indoor, heated) pool was NOT the way I'd imagined it. And I didn't exactly relish the thought of having to corral the little munchkin in the ladies' locker room for a post-swim shower either. I finally decided to turn around. Sigh...maybe next week...when we actually have the car!
So today's rainy-day activity... baking (healthy) butter cookies!
Also... Aussie readers, look out for his Heinz ad in the July issue of Practical Parenting, out this month!!
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