Having been Aidan's sleepmate for the last 2 nights, I've observed some very interesting things about his sleeping patterns.
1) He sleep crawls.
Sometimes when he stirs in the middle of the night, he'll get onto all fours and start crawling and then eventually sit up and whine. I know that he's still semi-asleep cos his eyes are closed.
2) He likes cuddles
When he wakes up I realise that the only thing that can put him to sleep is to hold him. Just like Sarah, he likes to cuddle up really close to me. Very sweet little boy that needs that physical touch before he calms.
3) He drools
Oh yes and just like Sarah, he drools when he sleeps too.
It's been an interesting and bonding time the last 2 night but it has to stop. He's definitely harder to put down then before now that he's been getting a lot of cuddles due to him being sick.
I'll miss him tonight...
Oh and another thing. He ripped out 2 of the keys from my laptop, lucky I don't use them very much. He's very fast with his hands.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The bestest
Yay EG blogged!
I simply am very grateful for where I am right now.
Even though little bubba's running a temp and is crankier than a trapped possum, I'm still relaxed and happy. Why? Because I'm got the bestest husband (yes, gush) ever, who always does more than his fair share of taking care of the little prince. Especially since he's around heaps while we wait (the interminable wait!) for the new cafe to start up. And even though he suffers from horrible insomnia in the night and barely sleeps (usually at 5am!), he's still up and ready to care for Aidan when we need him. What a champ! Somebuddy's gonna get a great Father's Day trophy...
Between the three of us (me, EG and Ellie), this boy is simply PAMPERED! We cuddle him, kiss him, carry him, wipe his snot, clean his drool, feed him, dress him, bath him, change his diapers, play with him, pick him up when he's tired of playing, and sleep with him when he's sick.
Yes, co-sleep. Tonight will be the 3rd night one of us shares our bed with him (the night shift), while the other sleeps in the a separate room so they can care for him in the day. This fever and cold is taking quite a toll on all of us! I hope it passes soon...
I simply am very grateful for where I am right now.
Even though little bubba's running a temp and is crankier than a trapped possum, I'm still relaxed and happy. Why? Because I'm got the bestest husband (yes, gush) ever, who always does more than his fair share of taking care of the little prince. Especially since he's around heaps while we wait (the interminable wait!) for the new cafe to start up. And even though he suffers from horrible insomnia in the night and barely sleeps (usually at 5am!), he's still up and ready to care for Aidan when we need him. What a champ! Somebuddy's gonna get a great Father's Day trophy...
Between the three of us (me, EG and Ellie), this boy is simply PAMPERED! We cuddle him, kiss him, carry him, wipe his snot, clean his drool, feed him, dress him, bath him, change his diapers, play with him, pick him up when he's tired of playing, and sleep with him when he's sick.
Yes, co-sleep. Tonight will be the 3rd night one of us shares our bed with him (the night shift), while the other sleeps in the a separate room so they can care for him in the day. This fever and cold is taking quite a toll on all of us! I hope it passes soon...
Our booboo is sick
It's hard seeing Aidan sick. It started 2 days ago with a bit of a cough, then the cough got worse and now he's running a temp.
For the last 2 night, we've had to hold him to sleep cos he just wouldn't resettle by himself. The night before, I put him in the bed with Sarah cos he wouldn't resettle but in the end he probably kept Sarah awake most of the night with either his cough or his snore (yes he snores quite loudly). The last night even after he slept in my arms, he wouldn't let me put him down. So I ended up sleeping in the study with him in my arms. But through the night i could feel his temperature going up again like the day before, and by the morning Sarah took his temperature and it was 39 degrees C, so off to the doctors he went.
Anyway, the doctor said that it's a viral fever and he must have caught it from daycare the other day. So we stayed home today and didn't go to church.
Really pray that he gets better soon.
For the last 2 night, we've had to hold him to sleep cos he just wouldn't resettle by himself. The night before, I put him in the bed with Sarah cos he wouldn't resettle but in the end he probably kept Sarah awake most of the night with either his cough or his snore (yes he snores quite loudly). The last night even after he slept in my arms, he wouldn't let me put him down. So I ended up sleeping in the study with him in my arms. But through the night i could feel his temperature going up again like the day before, and by the morning Sarah took his temperature and it was 39 degrees C, so off to the doctors he went.
Anyway, the doctor said that it's a viral fever and he must have caught it from daycare the other day. So we stayed home today and didn't go to church.
Really pray that he gets better soon.
Friday, June 27, 2008
More precious moments
Lately Aidan's been doing the most adorable little gestures. Like blinking then rolling his eyes heaven-ward when he eats his mini rice-crispies, as if in total rapture.
Or finally swallowing his water from a cup, instead of spitting it out immediately.
Or tugging at his bib to try to yank it off (which he's done before successfully).
Or going "mam-mam-mam-mam-mam" when he wants something (I think he associates "mam" with food? He says it and reaches for his bowl! While kicking his legs repeatedly in the highchair).
Or sticking his tongue out a la Gene Simmons from Kiss, so he can feel his two baby teeth (the baby website says teething children often do this!)
It's all too adorable! Here're some of my favourite moments:
Daddy and I outside our neighbour's house. On our way to my first day at childcare!
Daddy! You're supposed to have your eyes open when we take pictures!!
Or finally swallowing his water from a cup, instead of spitting it out immediately.
Or tugging at his bib to try to yank it off (which he's done before successfully).
Or going "mam-mam-mam-mam-mam" when he wants something (I think he associates "mam" with food? He says it and reaches for his bowl! While kicking his legs repeatedly in the highchair).
Or sticking his tongue out a la Gene Simmons from Kiss, so he can feel his two baby teeth (the baby website says teething children often do this!)
It's all too adorable! Here're some of my favourite moments:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My Signature
Here's something I created today as a signature for a mummy forum I just joined.

Hehe! It took me a couple hours 'coz I'm pretty crap at Photoshop, but I got there in the end. I couldn't figure how to stretch/blend the background, so thanks to Xiaxue for her neat trick!
Hehe! It took me a couple hours 'coz I'm pretty crap at Photoshop, but I got there in the end. I couldn't figure how to stretch/blend the background, so thanks to Xiaxue for her neat trick!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Child Care
We spent a couple days last week checking out some long day-care and occasional care centres for Aidan, just to see what's out there, and if we can even afford it. Day-care is impossibly expensive, even with the childcare benefit and tax rebates we'll get, and the changes in July! Geez louise batman, the nice places can go up to $80, the not-for-profits are cheaper, but have long wait-lists (and everything's just a tad older). It's probably more worth it for me to stay home and collect the dole than to work and miss out on spending time with Aidan.
That said, I do feel I'm sometimes suffering from cabin fever, and my brain is slowly atrophying. So I thought I'd sign up for a class that starts in July, and put Aidan in occasional care ($7.80 an hour, phew!) for a few hours.
Yesterday we tried our FIRST day in child care to see how he'd go. Just for the minimum 2 hrs. He's usually pretty good when he's baby-sat by Ellie or Ivy & Stephen, or over at May's, so I wasn't too worried. As we left him playing on the mat though, EG confessed his unease at leaving him with strangers (even accredited ones), and I felt more than a little guilty too. In the end though, 2 hrs flew past pretty quickly amidst running errands and having lunch, and we were back to pick him up again.
He was supposed to have lunch there, which we'd packed for him, but apparently he was so distraught from our absence he refused to eat. They said he wouldn't stop crying until they carried him, so he spent the 2 hrs being shuffled from one embrace to another. Poor bubba. It was a good thing Monday's quiet day, so they could give him extra attention. He didn't seem too upset when we went to pick him up though, just sucking on his dummy in the carer's lap, reading a story together. But he did make whingy noises when he saw us enter the room!
They suggested we put him in twice a week so he could get used to the new faces and the place. Frequency breeds familiarity I suppose! He's never been a fussy baby with strangers (though I suspect racial profiling's at work haha - he's not used to all those white faces!), so it's heartbreaking to hear that he was upset. But we're trying again tomorrow and see how he goes. I'm wondering if I should just cancel my class. What's the point if it just makes him upset and hubby uneasy? I can't help but feel selfish for doing this.
EG has been good though, saying if that's what I need to keep my sanity then it's worth it. If it makes me a better mum in the end for him, to just focus my mind on something else for awhile, then it's worth a little distress (for him, and me!) I do hope he adjusts quickly though!

That said, I do feel I'm sometimes suffering from cabin fever, and my brain is slowly atrophying. So I thought I'd sign up for a class that starts in July, and put Aidan in occasional care ($7.80 an hour, phew!) for a few hours.
Yesterday we tried our FIRST day in child care to see how he'd go. Just for the minimum 2 hrs. He's usually pretty good when he's baby-sat by Ellie or Ivy & Stephen, or over at May's, so I wasn't too worried. As we left him playing on the mat though, EG confessed his unease at leaving him with strangers (even accredited ones), and I felt more than a little guilty too. In the end though, 2 hrs flew past pretty quickly amidst running errands and having lunch, and we were back to pick him up again.
He was supposed to have lunch there, which we'd packed for him, but apparently he was so distraught from our absence he refused to eat. They said he wouldn't stop crying until they carried him, so he spent the 2 hrs being shuffled from one embrace to another. Poor bubba. It was a good thing Monday's quiet day, so they could give him extra attention. He didn't seem too upset when we went to pick him up though, just sucking on his dummy in the carer's lap, reading a story together. But he did make whingy noises when he saw us enter the room!
They suggested we put him in twice a week so he could get used to the new faces and the place. Frequency breeds familiarity I suppose! He's never been a fussy baby with strangers (though I suspect racial profiling's at work haha - he's not used to all those white faces!), so it's heartbreaking to hear that he was upset. But we're trying again tomorrow and see how he goes. I'm wondering if I should just cancel my class. What's the point if it just makes him upset and hubby uneasy? I can't help but feel selfish for doing this.
EG has been good though, saying if that's what I need to keep my sanity then it's worth it. If it makes me a better mum in the end for him, to just focus my mind on something else for awhile, then it's worth a little distress (for him, and me!) I do hope he adjusts quickly though!
First day at Child Care with Daddy and Mummy!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Growing so quickly
I think Aidan may have inherited the Soh hand-holding genes. It's a genetic predisposition that was present from day one - curling his tiny tiny fingers around one of mine, his little fist grasping on for dear life. Even now, his iron-grip is unrelenting as I lay him down to sleep in his cot - he fusses when I pull away, calms when my hand returns. What a cherished bubba. Just like his daddy, and his granny, both displaying generous affection with their loving hands. How warm, this family.
Some new updates! He's displaying his other lower front right-incisor, another little half-tooth to accompany his current one. Man, they are sharp, especially as he gnaws on my fingers to soothe his gums. Also, he's a super fast crawler! You should see the way he charges ahead to any object, especially power plugs and Wii remotes. That's when a firm, deep-voiced "NO, Aidan, stop!" is warranted, and he's actually learned to obey that command! He stops, looks at you, and as you beckon he crawls away or towards you. Other times, he cheekily checks my reaction before touching the forbidden object, ignores my NO, and that's when I have to get up and displace him in order to reinforce my command. I either place him in another part of the room, or in his playpen (without toys) - to which he protests loudly.
That's another new development; he's always enjoyed playing with his toys on his own in his playpen, but lately once he's in he starts to whiiiinnnneee and whiiiiiiinnnneee. I reckon it's 'coz he wants to be mobile and crawl around. The cutest is when I leave him in his room for a bit to go down the hall and rinse his face-cloth in the toilet. Unable to bear my absence (aww, how sweet), he starts this half-crawl, half-cry slowly down the hall, his face screwed up pitifully. Like a puppy dog looking for its owner. Poor bubba! Either way, he's being very clingy, and with his fast-crawling action he manages to chase me into the kitchen while doing his signature hiccupy-whinge. Three seconds and he's there! Which could explain how he toppled off my bed this morning.
Gulp! Yes, ok! I'm sorry! I had to brush my teeth somehow, and he usually just sits there in the middle of the bed, but today he wanted to follow me into the toilet and even when I'd placed him on the floor earlier he just kept following me into the bathroom which has germs I tell you so I just put him on the bed which is waist-high off the floor and turned back to the mirror and the next thing I knew I heard a ker-plunk and I screamed and he was crying but more out of anger than of pain and when I picked him up he was ok and settled fairly quickly and there's no damage done so I'm not a bad mother ok?!
His nose is still a little red though.
Some new updates! He's displaying his other lower front right-incisor, another little half-tooth to accompany his current one. Man, they are sharp, especially as he gnaws on my fingers to soothe his gums. Also, he's a super fast crawler! You should see the way he charges ahead to any object, especially power plugs and Wii remotes. That's when a firm, deep-voiced "NO, Aidan, stop!" is warranted, and he's actually learned to obey that command! He stops, looks at you, and as you beckon he crawls away or towards you. Other times, he cheekily checks my reaction before touching the forbidden object, ignores my NO, and that's when I have to get up and displace him in order to reinforce my command. I either place him in another part of the room, or in his playpen (without toys) - to which he protests loudly.
That's another new development; he's always enjoyed playing with his toys on his own in his playpen, but lately once he's in he starts to whiiiinnnneee and whiiiiiiinnnneee. I reckon it's 'coz he wants to be mobile and crawl around. The cutest is when I leave him in his room for a bit to go down the hall and rinse his face-cloth in the toilet. Unable to bear my absence (aww, how sweet), he starts this half-crawl, half-cry slowly down the hall, his face screwed up pitifully. Like a puppy dog looking for its owner. Poor bubba! Either way, he's being very clingy, and with his fast-crawling action he manages to chase me into the kitchen while doing his signature hiccupy-whinge. Three seconds and he's there! Which could explain how he toppled off my bed this morning.
Gulp! Yes, ok! I'm sorry! I had to brush my teeth somehow, and he usually just sits there in the middle of the bed, but today he wanted to follow me into the toilet and even when I'd placed him on the floor earlier he just kept following me into the bathroom which has germs I tell you so I just put him on the bed which is waist-high off the floor and turned back to the mirror and the next thing I knew I heard a ker-plunk and I screamed and he was crying but more out of anger than of pain and when I picked him up he was ok and settled fairly quickly and there's no damage done so I'm not a bad mother ok?!
His nose is still a little red though.
Monday, June 16, 2008
9 months on...
His eczema seems to be clearing up a bit, thanks to the praying EG has been doing over him. I really believe it's that more so than the assorted creams we've been using on him. Thank God!
Today we started on a new routine since he turned 9 months old last week, moving on from his usual 4-hr one (2-hr up, 2-hr nap). Today went well actually, we started at 8am with brekky, nap at 11am, up again at about 12.30pm, lunch about 1pm, another nap (he fell asleep in the car on the way back from mother's grp at May's) at about 3.45pm till 5pm, then up again, dinner at 6pm, bath and goodnight by 8.30pm. Basically stretching out his feeds and wake-times :-)
Ivy, who works in childcare says it's a good idea for us to put him into it once a week so he can socialise with other kids, and it'll free me up to do some stuff without having to worry about him. It does sound like a good idea, especially to have some me-time - been feeling a bit of cabin-fever lately!
In other news we're heading to the Essential Baby fair at Flemington racecourse tomorrow. Hope it's good! Looking forward to the freebies and prizes hehe!
Today we started on a new routine since he turned 9 months old last week, moving on from his usual 4-hr one (2-hr up, 2-hr nap). Today went well actually, we started at 8am with brekky, nap at 11am, up again at about 12.30pm, lunch about 1pm, another nap (he fell asleep in the car on the way back from mother's grp at May's) at about 3.45pm till 5pm, then up again, dinner at 6pm, bath and goodnight by 8.30pm. Basically stretching out his feeds and wake-times :-)
Ivy, who works in childcare says it's a good idea for us to put him into it once a week so he can socialise with other kids, and it'll free me up to do some stuff without having to worry about him. It does sound like a good idea, especially to have some me-time - been feeling a bit of cabin-fever lately!
In other news we're heading to the Essential Baby fair at Flemington racecourse tomorrow. Hope it's good! Looking forward to the freebies and prizes hehe!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Leap of faith
As the title of this post suggests, being a parent can be an incredibly difficult decision to make. Some take years to consider the step, some jump in with feet (and find their other limbs dangling precipitously behind), others and pushed. Whatever the case, it takes and inordinate amount of strength, perseverance and patience to pull it off. And it never lets up - you'll still be a parent whether it's now or later in your sunset years...and you pray you done right by them, and done right by God.
Speaking of diving into the unknown, I rescued an enterprising young jumper today. My little joey sprocket decided that the change table wasn't enough fun, and since mummy was bending down to pick a pair of pants for me to wear, why don't I join her down there? So he took a plunge into the deep abyss below. WEEEEEEE!!!! I yelped and grabbed him right in the middle of his free-fall, by the tummy, and held on to him tightly while he hung upside down, laughing and giggling away.
I just thank God that I'd decided a couple of days ago to swap his pants drawer over from the built-in cabinet. Can you imagine if I'd taken those few steps away?
In other news, I think his other little tooth is emerging from his lower gum to accompany his present one. We shall see!
Speaking of diving into the unknown, I rescued an enterprising young jumper today. My little joey sprocket decided that the change table wasn't enough fun, and since mummy was bending down to pick a pair of pants for me to wear, why don't I join her down there? So he took a plunge into the deep abyss below. WEEEEEEE!!!! I yelped and grabbed him right in the middle of his free-fall, by the tummy, and held on to him tightly while he hung upside down, laughing and giggling away.
I just thank God that I'd decided a couple of days ago to swap his pants drawer over from the built-in cabinet. Can you imagine if I'd taken those few steps away?
In other news, I think his other little tooth is emerging from his lower gum to accompany his present one. We shall see!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
WARNING: The following paragraphs contain descriptions of a graphic nature. Reader discretion advised. GRANDPARENTS - DO NOT continue reading if you are going to react adversely. We have everything under control, and are performing due diligence in preventing this sort of incident from occurring again.
Today I picked him up from his morning rant (at 4.30am), where he was once again standing at the edge of his cot barking at the door. He was pretty furious I took my time to come get him (like, 4 mins!) As I calmed him down and held his hands, it occurred to me his little fingers felt rougher than usual, as if there was some sort of adhesive on it. I figured it could've been the dry air in his room. After settling him down, I returned him to the cot and went back to bed.
Later that morning when I returned to change his nappy and as I glanced at his cot, shock horror! Blood! Again!
Now, I'm no stranger to seeing spotting on his sheets, or even on our clothes (see previous post). But this looked like something out of a crime scene. Or a blood donation drive gone horribly awry.

Egads! My faint and bleeding heart.
Well, we've started on the Coconut Oil treatment that my in-laws are advocating - a teaspoon-ful consumed a day, and applied topically as much as possible. We'll see how it goes!
Today I picked him up from his morning rant (at 4.30am), where he was once again standing at the edge of his cot barking at the door. He was pretty furious I took my time to come get him (like, 4 mins!) As I calmed him down and held his hands, it occurred to me his little fingers felt rougher than usual, as if there was some sort of adhesive on it. I figured it could've been the dry air in his room. After settling him down, I returned him to the cot and went back to bed.
Later that morning when I returned to change his nappy and as I glanced at his cot, shock horror! Blood! Again!
Now, I'm no stranger to seeing spotting on his sheets, or even on our clothes (see previous post). But this looked like something out of a crime scene. Or a blood donation drive gone horribly awry.
Egads! My faint and bleeding heart.
Well, we've started on the Coconut Oil treatment that my in-laws are advocating - a teaspoon-ful consumed a day, and applied topically as much as possible. We'll see how it goes!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pitter Patter
It's really adorable when Aidan gets underfoot. Sometime it's dangerous of course, but in general it's lovely to see him explore and discover our living room. Save for the times when he's actually tugging at our bright red (read: ATTRACTIVE! COME TOUCH ME BABY!!) toolbox, or the dustbuster. Or the black light-weight stool that keeps toppling on top of him.
Tonight, it's DATE NIGHT! One of those rare occasions I get to enjoy my husband's company without worrying about the little bubba's needs (or hear his whining!) Thankfully Ellie and Ivy & Stephen (the soon-to-be newlywed Lims, who're also gonna be our neighbours in Maidstone) have offered to babysit so EG and I can have some me-time.
Anyhoos! As I'm typing this, bubba's advanced upon Ellie's laptop (sitting in the corner of the room), so I've planted him in his high-chair to watch cartoons on TV. It doesn't seem to interest him though. (Oh yay! EG's home from his meeting. Time to put bubba to sleep!) The next item on TV's the news, and he seems enthralled by the newscaster. Looks like he's keen on pretty blondes! Hmmm....
Tonight, it's DATE NIGHT! One of those rare occasions I get to enjoy my husband's company without worrying about the little bubba's needs (or hear his whining!) Thankfully Ellie and Ivy & Stephen (the soon-to-be newlywed Lims, who're also gonna be our neighbours in Maidstone) have offered to babysit so EG and I can have some me-time.
Anyhoos! As I'm typing this, bubba's advanced upon Ellie's laptop (sitting in the corner of the room), so I've planted him in his high-chair to watch cartoons on TV. It doesn't seem to interest him though. (Oh yay! EG's home from his meeting. Time to put bubba to sleep!) The next item on TV's the news, and he seems enthralled by the newscaster. Looks like he's keen on pretty blondes! Hmmm....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Cheeky bum
This little bubba can be quite the handful! It's tiring sometimes to keep chasing him around, getting him out of sticky situations. Even as I type this, he's playing with his new toy. As in, rather than throw the balls through the little plastic tiger-hoop, he starts chewing it instead!
Yup, he just upends the whole toy and chews the tiger's tail. Cheeky!
In other news, we've finally got an appointment with the RCH eczema dept on 30 June, for a 2-hr appointment. Hopefully it'll give us some solutions to his skin problem. Poor bubba, maybe that's why his sleeps have been erratic, and why he keeps waking at night (last night he woke several times!). That and he's teething too. I'm just glad EG's off work for awhile before the new cafe starts up - gives us time to be together and to treasure moments, before he starts being crazy-busy!
In other news, we've finally got an appointment with the RCH eczema dept on 30 June, for a 2-hr appointment. Hopefully it'll give us some solutions to his skin problem. Poor bubba, maybe that's why his sleeps have been erratic, and why he keeps waking at night (last night he woke several times!). That and he's teething too. I'm just glad EG's off work for awhile before the new cafe starts up - gives us time to be together and to treasure moments, before he starts being crazy-busy!
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