Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This blooming hayfever is really taking a toll on me. My nostrils have run raw, I'm a constant dripping tap, my eyes are watery reservoirs and I can barely rest at night. Breathing through my mouth is drying it out, which also adds to the dehydration, the subsequent refuelling, and constant pee breaks. Eeks.

On the upside though, Obama won!

There's something so Hopeful about impending (good) change. The news headlines highlight the celebrations around the world at this landmark event, from Kenya, to Jakarta to Obama, Japan. Wow!

On the baby front, this has been occupying my little nimble-fingers lately:

Yes, my boy learns early. Mama's power resides in her wallet.

I've had to tell him off a couple times for other offences - like touching electrical outlets, X-Box controllers etc. I usually say "Aidan, NO! Mama will smack!" and smack my hands together to mimic the sound. Today, when I said that, he smacked his hands together and said "Da!" I couldn't help but laugh, then cleared my throat and tried my best to say seriously, "Yes, Da. Mama hui da ni. BU XU DONG!" (Yes, Mum will smack. DO NOT TOUCH!")

He's really picking up sounds and words quickly - today he pushed his little car in his hand all around the living room saying "Brrrrrr......oooooooorrrmmmm". Wow! How did he figure that out?

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