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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finders Keepers market

Shots my friend Shaun took at the Finders Keepers market over the weekend...

Pucker up!


pinto said...

My goodness Sarah, your lipstick looks so red in the photos!

Aidan looking adorable as usual.

My cousin just gave birth. Her son's name is... Aiden!

Saz said...

teeheehee yeah it's pretty red in real life too! ;p

Yay! another aidan/aiden! :-) y'know, it's gotta be the most popular boy's name of their generation (probably like 'Michelle' is in ours...)

I've men an Aiden, Ayden and Aydin already!!!

Unknown said...

Oh gosh.. he looks so cool with his backpack!

Saz said...

Yeah his "backpack"...

muahaha it's really a leash...the monkey's tail loops around my wrist so he can't stray too far!