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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy 6th Anniversary!

According to my son, who's in his superhero phase, he's Batman, EG is Superman and I am Wonder Woman.

And there's no other week that I've felt more heroic than this! A's been down with a terrible phlegm-y cough and fever since Tuesday (YET still has his usual hyperactive energy), EG's just caught it and is so under the weather he may as well be buried (in fact, he is, under the doona at the moment), and I've been tasked with keeping the house running (passable), neat (failing) and that they're BOTH fed, washed and put to be on time.

All this on top of making a wedding cake for Wennie and Josh's wedding today (congrats guys...double date next year??) AND the usual cupcake order for the store!

I'm so busy this weekend, we've had to put off our anniversary celebration til...well...soon... I think? Because next week's another round of baking for Buttercup Bakeshoppe's first market at the North Melbourne Market NEXT SUNDAY!

But back to topic, it's just as well we're home. EG's so sick (yet he still attended the wedding, then promptly spent most of the time lying in the car) I don't think he can sit through a candle-lit dinner tonight. And I've got to get back to baking cupcakes.

And at least it'll buy me some time to think of what to give him for our anniversary...can't believe we've been married 6 years! GAH! We've had our ups and downs, and how quickly the time has flown - I still remember spending our first anniversary crying in Footscray park after having a major fight with him, and refusing to pick up his 20 or so calls. And May had to come looking for me and talk some sense into my emotionally distraught self. Yet we've celebrated five more years since. One up for the Sohs!

Anyways, six days leading to our Sixth anniversary, what does he do? He starts by giving me a dark chocolate Lindt egg, and says "You're going to get six little presents each day until Saturday!" Then gives me a pack of cheese and crackers next (because he overheard me telling Ivy I hadn't had cheese in a long time - he LISTENED!), then a gorgeous teapot brooch with a floral motif, and a bunch of purple roses...and then he fell sick.

So I feel bad asking, "What about the other two pressies??!"

Basically, he's the Phil Dunphy in our relationship. Only after 12, I mean TWELVE years in our relationship did I finally get it right for his birthday this year, by getting him this:

I'd seen it in a store, thought he might like it, got it off book depository, waited 6 weeks for it to arrive, and was absolutely rapped when it turned out he'd been eyeing it for awhile after seeing it on Design Files. Two up for the Sohs!

But that still doesn't solve my dilemma. What do I get him this year??

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw... take heart! I'm sure you'll get to celebrate your 6th year somehow! Yes, man flus are never fun. And anniversary presents are tough to work out. I got Tony a nice manly-man watch at our 6th anniversary, because the other watch I bought him when we just got married was starting to give him a rash. Omen much?