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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The folks are back in town

So the in-laws have been here for a week, and it's been a blast, albeit noisy! Everyone's found a groove to make the household work - Mai Ling's the cook, MIL packs the house with speedy efficiency (OMG it's so neat now, I hope I can maintain it), DIL does the laundry, Ming Hui looks after the kids...what's there left for me to do?

Bake of course! ;p

Trialing some new stuff for the market next Sunday, as well as our Australia's Biggest Morning Tea collaboration with Fashion Deli in Toorak. Head there for gorgeous finds for your lil' chickadees!

Anyways, thought I'd put up some shots we took a short while ago at Wennie and Josh's wedding Photobooth! Plus the cake I'd made for the gorgeous couple:

Cheeky boys!

I LOVE how photogenic Aidan is...his eyes are just so 'bright' in pictures eyes look a little weird in this one...

The Happy Couple!!

Two-tiered chocolate fudge cake, with chocolate ganache and white fondant.
It's themed to match their wedding invite.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, you are SO, SO PHOTOGENIC! I mean, I've known that for years but I'm always struck by just how much, every time I see another photo! I have hawt friends. :)

Saz said...

you're no so bad yourself Mrs Hibberd!! (hawt enough to be a car model. A chevy perhaps LOL??)