Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Fourth!

This post is a little overdue, but better late than never!

Can't believe how quickly my little one's turned a grand ol' four. FOUR! That's the age where we REALLY start to remember how I used to swivel the fan away from my baby sis late at night because I was SO HOT and who cares if she suffocated in the heat?

I was not a nice child.

That said, my bubba has grown leaps and bounds in the last year, he's now 103cm, a grand leap from the 96cm measured at his third birthday.

We've always had crazy conversations, and lately their getting more grown up. "So, Ma, how was YOUR day today?" He then turns to his Dad. "So, Dad, how was work today? Good?"

Precocious preciousness!

We celebrated his birthday with some time away in Perth - saves us on the big ol' birthday party (I feel terrible for him though! I really have to brush up on my caking skills to make that Bumblebee-Transformer cake he wants). It was a short holiday, but lovely weather, and great to see the cousins and Aidan's great-aunt and great-uncle again.

Here with Amanda-jie. He's been doing the sticky-out tongue thing lately!
With the cousins at Kings Park, Perth. Beautiful day for the Wildflower Festival!

My Aunt and Uncle, happy as ever.
(And my uncle's as crazy as ever - it's in the genes I tell ya!)

He LOVES the sunshine!!

With some Corica Apple strudel to celebrate his birthday.

Cheeky tongue again!!
Love our pyjamas - all in bright colours! heh

We met up with the Chuas  who were in Perth too - 
JoJo and Aidan had SO MUCH FUN in the water!

SO! Reflection time... as I do whenever we hit milestones...

2011 has been a tremendous time for my growth personally, since I've found a vocation I can be passionate about - cake decorating. And Art! It's been terrific to be able to involve that dormant creative side of my self, and allow it to grow and grow, especially through the Bakeshoppe. I think keeping busy and purposeful (Proverbs 29:18) has allowed me to Breathe again, and while I don't think I've perfected the art of parenting, I'm getting there.

Yesterday and today, I've been pretty sick. But thankfully I don't have any big orders in this week, which means I can get much needed rest, and that has allowed me to really step away from everything (especially Facebooking ack!!) and spend meaningful time with Aidan. Who's also pretty sick btw, we're both down with the flu AND fever.

We memorised Scripture as part of our church's 40 days of Prayer (to the tune of "Spider-Man, Spider-Man..." in a groovy '60s beach-boys vibe LOL!!), read books, played lego, told stories, cuddled, watched heaps of telly.

This, and our trip to Perth has really made me treasure the current opportunity I have with Aidan, that we can spend days together and hopefully I won't waste it! Once he starts prep...*sigh* My baby's growing up so quickly!!

Special times...

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