Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Colds and sniffles

The past few days have been pretty hard, 'coz Aidan's down with a cold again. Snotty nose, drool, and 'coz of the dehydration, dry stools. Poor baby!

That also means the day-sleeps are erratic (if he does sleep at all), although thankfully he still sleeps for a stretch at night. But it's been tiresome having to cajole him to take his naps, or entertain him when the cajoling fails. He's being extra clingy as well, so it's tiring!

Right now he's still half-crying, half-whining in his cot. I hear smatterings of other syllables which is a good sign - that just means he's complaining too, and not just crying the whole way through! He actually fell asleep earlier on, but I made the mistake of covering him with his blanket and he woke up and has refused to return to sleep since then! How tiresome... poor bubba. His skin's not helping either.

Sigh! It's gonna be a long day again... 3 days stuck at home without stepping out once! (Didn't want the cold air to affect him) The spell will break tonight - I'm heading out to catch up with some of my old house-church girls and see how they're doing!

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