Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Blech. It's the worst time to fall sick. The cafe's opening this week so EG is definitely busy, and Ellie's started work, so that means it's me and my weak body trying to keep up with my little energizer-bunny of a son! He woke up several times last night - once every two hours, so it was really hard to sleep. Plus I was feeling ill. Gagh... I'm not sure what I have, I just know I'm constantly cold even under the blanket and with the heater on, and I'm a little nauseas (NO, I'm not expecting number 2!). Hopefully after I take some panadol I'll feel better!

Anyways, here're some pics we took recently!

Aidan in Zoe-Grace's ergo-carrier. We were testing it out. He looks a little stunned.

His first 1st-birthday present from Aunty Ivy & Uncle Stephen.

Look at me and my Pooh bear push-car

I still don't quite know how to ride it, but Mama pushes me around in it. Wheee!

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