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Monday, January 12, 2009

Missing the family

I don't think that you ever really know what it feels like to miss someone until you've had a child.

As some of you might already realise, I'm back in Melbourne while Sarah and Aidan are still in Singapore till Chinese New Year. That means that I'll be apart from them for over 3 weeks. We did this last year but I don't remember really feeling as lost as I do now. Especially since I've had their company everyday for over 2 weeks straight and now to not have them around is torturing.

I think that when Aidan was 3 months, he hadn't really started to respond so much and wasn't very interactive, therefore I had not fully developed my relationship with him. But now that he's so chatty and loving, I can't help but feel like a part of me is missing. Coupled with that, not having Sarah around has kinda made me lose my bearings. To not have her by my side when I sleep or when we are watching TV, is really...can't find the right word, but you know what I mean.

3 weeks is such a long time apart and after only a few days, I'm really not sure how it's going to be. The house feels empty, the room feels empty and worse of all I feel empty.

Come home soon...


Saz said...

don't worry...we'll be back before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear brother. Your life will never be the same again.... They'll be back soon.