Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 9, 2009

The little one is growing up

Today's Labour Day here in Melbourne and we decided to spend the day having a BBQ in Studley Park with our good friends, The Chews, the Khoos, the newly-wedded Lims and the Chuas.

Anyway, as usual, we would sit there eating while Aidan runs amuck getting his hands in the dirt. Incidently, he's getting really good at calling people's names. The current list includes, Amy (Ivy's sister), Ivy, Steve and just tonight, Ellie. Pronounces them quite well too. I digress...anyway, he came over to me after a whole afternoon of running around and I picked him up and told him to sit still to rest for a awhile. Well, he got upset and actually smacked me on the face. So I decided to discipline him. I told him sternly that because he was misbehave he was to sit on the bench and not be allowed to get off.

I proceeded to go and play ball and he actually sat there (though unhappy) and not get off his seat, and periodically yelled to me "DAH DAH!" "Peeeaasse!" while making the sign for please. It was soo funny but at the same time it showed me that he understood my instructions and followed it. He also kept stretching his hand out to anyone that walked by to carry him. Well, he sat there till I came and picked him up.

Our little one is growing up quick and as he learns we too need to learn how best to discipline him.

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