Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Holidays are here again

It's been awhile since we've last blogged...that's because so much has happened!

The grandparents came and went, along with Aidan's Kao Gong (Great Uncle) Yeong, Kao Fu (Uncle) Gideon and Sai Yee (Aunty) Tessa.

And the car's been horribly dimpled by the storm on Sat.

A shot of how bad the damage is on my car's roof. on Twitpic

Anyhoos! Thanks to the new blogger interface, I can load my pics way quicker, so... ENJOY!

Aidan jing cha to his grandparents. 
Couldn't spend CNY in SG, so they brought CNY to us! 
(Complete with cheesy music and decor)


Collecting ang pow from Kao Gong

 Our daytrips!

At the lavender fields in Daylesford's Sault 

Chomping down his scone at Miss Marples in Mt. Dandenong. LICK! He said...

Outside GB Southbank...Dada's gonna make us a coffee!

Mama and Sai Yee are complete poseurs. But isn't Sai Yee gorgeous?! 

Our attempt at the Toyota ad in the middle of the Brunswick St. Fest

Lady on the left! Cannot make it lah!

Speaking of posers....

Whaddup yo'

Kao Fu Gideon's turn. I think Aidan looks hotter, no?

Or maybe Mama? 
(Greedy much?)

 Nah... Aidan's way cooler!

Especially with his "cigar"


Kao Fu Gideon helping him start up his car.


With the Lims at Mart


Hail stones on the roof of the NGV later that day. 
So loud, it drew more onlookers than the exhibits!

A taste of the Epic Flood...
Good thing we were on the opp. side of the road & could maneuver onto the M1.
(Never thought I'd ever say this, but the West Gate was jam-free!!) 

So much has happened in just ONE week!


Missus D said...

I likee updates, gimme updates!

Saiyee! said...

i miss you aidan!!!

heehee you look great too sis!

i'll figure out how to send the video and audio clips to you guys soon...