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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I do...

I just bought 2 new ballet flats from the Country Road sale...and they're so gorgeous! One's cream with black trim, the other's red with red trim. Love them to death, especially now that I can't really totter around in heels, or wear my birkies 'coz it's winter.


I have failed to account for the swiftness of pregnancy change. Thought my feet fit nicely into those size 7/size 38 shoes last week, this week is another matter altogether.

My feet, sad to admit (and I still won't admit this to EG) have swollen a little with my expanding girth (27 weeks and counting!) resulting in a proportionate stretch to the shoe leather.

My poor new flats are beginning to bite back! The delicious black trim has developed barely-perceptible incisors that fang into my bulbous toes, while the beautiful round top-edge of the shoe has conspired to wedge my aching feet under my groaning weight.

I DO feel like a giant, waddling, walrus.

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