Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 20, 2007

At the cusp

All right...37 weeks and counting, and today's the first day of maternity leave. Woohoo!

I have grand plans for today: pack my hospital bag, the nursery, maybe do a little baby reading, my SOAP devotions, and prepare for the core team meeting later, when the girls come over for dinner to talk about Thursday's house church gathering.

So far, and I've been awake for 4 hours, I've accomplished....NONE of the above. Except maybe decide what to cook tonight.

Yes! I woke up at 8.30am, had brekkie, watched Sunrise and the Morning Show on Channel 7 (which introduced the Raising Children website & DVD, a comprehensive initiative from the Australian govt.), felt a bit sleepy from my full breakfast, headed upstairs and curled up in bed again from 11am-noon. Hey - I'm finally on leave, I get to sleep in if I wanna ok?! ;-)

But I'd better get up and about. No sense in wasting the sunny day!


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