Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Love this quote I got off Rozz.

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”

This week has been the busiest and most tiring in a long while. Yet fulfilling.

Worked through the weekend and I'm just so terribly glad to return home and have the bright shiny smiley faces of hubby and bubba. Even if I still have to cook!!

Sometimes it seems that regardless who brings home the bacon, it's the wife and mother who has to cook it! Meaning, even though EG has a long day at work (12-hr days on his feet everyday), and even though it has been draining for me as well caring for a rambunctious 2 y.o., I still pick myself up, greet him with a smile, cook (wish I can say I enjoy it a lot more), clean-up, AND still head to work after. (Which is what I usually do on Mon nites).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.

Just whingeing.  ;p

My days are now filled with:

Work, usually once every weekend (if I'm lucky!)
Drilling Italian verbs into my brain each Tuesday
Caring for and picking up after Aidan
Caring for and picking up after EG
Playdates (which are TIRING I tell you!)
Kids Church volunteering
Groceries (for home and Guava Bean)
And, coming soon...cupcake baking for GB.

But I am still grateful. That I have the time and energy for all this!

Now...if only Aidan will sleep through the night and stop coming into my room! This transition from cot to big-boy bed HAS NOT BEEN FUN! Been rather sleep-deprived...

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