Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The bestest

Yay EG blogged!

I simply am very grateful for where I am right now.

Even though little bubba's running a temp and is crankier than a trapped possum, I'm still relaxed and happy. Why? Because I'm got the bestest husband (yes, gush) ever, who always does more than his fair share of taking care of the little prince. Especially since he's around heaps while we wait (the interminable wait!) for the new cafe to start up. And even though he suffers from horrible insomnia in the night and barely sleeps (usually at 5am!), he's still up and ready to care for Aidan when we need him. What a champ! Somebuddy's gonna get a great Father's Day trophy...

Between the three of us (me, EG and Ellie), this boy is simply PAMPERED! We cuddle him, kiss him, carry him, wipe his snot, clean his drool, feed him, dress him, bath him, change his diapers, play with him, pick him up when he's tired of playing, and sleep with him when he's sick.

Yes, co-sleep. Tonight will be the 3rd night one of us shares our bed with him (the night shift), while the other sleeps in the a separate room so they can care for him in the day. This fever and cold is taking quite a toll on all of us! I hope it passes soon...

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