Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just to keep track of my day (and to validate my existence), I've decided to jot down what I did today:

1. Confirmed details with Ps. Tim for house church tomorrow.
2. Threw out the rubbish (which EG was supposed to do last night) and Aidan's dirty diapers.
3. Collected the mail.
4. Prepared and fed Aidan breakfast. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
5. Had my own breakfast, and fed Aidan some again (he demanded "MORE!!").
6. Washed the laundry. Hung the laundry.
7. Collected the dry clothes from the last batch and folded them.
8. Read Aidan a story then put him down for his morning nap.
9. Packed the DVDs he'd pulled out of the bookshelves.
10. Did the dishes.
11. Loaded another batch into the dishwasher.
12. Unloaded the dishwasher and put away the crockery.
13. Organised final details for this Sunday's communion lunch.
14. Prepared and cooked Aidan's lunch.
Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
15. Replied and wrote some emails.
16. Played with Aidan.

17. Cleaned the walls that Aidan marked by scratching an electrical plug against it.
18. Put him down for his afternoon nap.
19. Scrubbed the downstairs toilet.
20. Met a guy regarding quotes for evaporative cooling.
21. Rang around and sourced for more quotes for evaporative cooling.
22. Fed Aidan his dinner. Cleaned the highchair and surrounding areas.
23. Re-cleaned the walls, as he's just marked it again while I'm writing this post. Argh!!

Not bad! I feel better now!

On another note, here's his progress:

1. All that training's finally paid off - now he knows to keep out of the kitchen! He'll stand at the edge and either whine so that I'll pick him up, or he'll stand (yes, stand!) there and chat with me. Hee!
2. Speaking of standing, he's doing quite well standing on his own and walking with the walker or using furniture to cruise around. I pretty much think he can walk on his own already, just that he doesn't want to! Anyways, my point is, he now likes to climb the stairs one step at a time, one foot on each step! How cute!
3. He's tumbled enough times over the edge of my bed to know not to do it again. Now he just wavers at the edge tremulously, and whines so I'll pick him up.

Hmm. Must do something about all that whining.

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