Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oh I forgot to add in my previous post, he did the cutest thing the other day. Y'know how he's been saying "more" when it comes to food - quite vehemently I might add - especially when he wants our food? The other day he shuttled back and forth between his dad and me on the couch, asking for noodles! We were eating dinner in front of the telly, and he'd go up to EG say "more", then when EG gave him a noodle strand from his chopsticks, he'd tip his head back, as far as he could, and bite the noodle. And 'coz he hasn't learned how to slurp yet he'd press his lips together to inch the noodle into his mouth. Think of a mama bird feeding her chickies worms - yup! Then he'd move down the couch towards me, and repeat the same thing all over again. Too cute!!

Cuteness aside, the past couple of weeks he's been waking in the middle of the night again, and won't sleep on his own after I've calmed him down. It happened again last night, he was screaming and crying and the only way we could all get some sleep was for me to cuddle him to sleep. Yup, another night on the futon in his room. Sigh. I really wonder what it is - hunger? Separation anxiety? Teething woes? Whatever the reason, I hope it resolves soon. It's hard enough for EG to rest as it is, with his long days at work, let alone with a wailing baby waking you in the middle of the night!

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