Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 10 months!

Wow I can't believe it's only a couple of months to go before we hit the grand milestone, when bubba turns ONE!!

Been so excitedly thinking and planning for his party already...I've gathered some good ideas, and gearing up for it, especially since it's coming at a time when we're moving to the new house, opening the new cafe, and the in-laws are in town! So much to do!

Today's 10-month marker means there're only 2 months left for planning and getting everything done, and also only 2 months left to lost my last 7 kilos. Which is, coincidentally (not!) the same amount I needed to lose 2 months ago.

They say One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know. For me right now, that number is 7! Haha...

In other news, thanks for the well-wishes and encouraging sms, Aidan's been really good the last couple days since we returned from Queenscliff, sleeping through last night, resettling himself, having longer naps. Tonight he's even resettled himself a couple of times without needing me to keep comforting him physically!

I think it's 'coz the other day I just let him cry for almost an hour in the early morning so he got the point that I wasn't coming. Sorry to the bleeding hearts, but it actually worked (after only 1 try instead of long drawn-out weeks when I had to put up with crying from 7am to 11pm everyday!), my resolve has thickened, especially when it comes to disciplining him lately. No touching wires, no touching DVDs and stereo equipment, no toppling the heater, no touching his water vapouriser, no opening drawers.

The latter he learnt the hard way when he opened the kitchen drawer today and clipped his little finger. Not too hard, not to worry, but 'coz his left had was pushing against it, and his right index finger had slipped in, he got an Owie. I grabbed it quickly before it got wedged further, but I think I could've done it a little gentler! (Panicked mum at work!)

The little sugar plum wailed - but recovered almost immediately! It wasn't even a "I'm in paaainn!" cry - rather more like a "ow...that really hurt! Oooh. Biscuits..." kinda cry.

Good thing he's a cutie. Here's the proof.

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