Because lately he's been doing the cutest thing; whatever he holds in his hand, he offers it to us! Like his pacifier for example - he plucks it out of his mouth, smiles the most adorable crinkly smile and offers it to me, as if to say, Here mum, you should try this too! He does that with his bread & rice crispies as well, and I take a small bite and say thank you, and he continues munching on it. TOO CUTE!
He's gotten really adept at maneuvering items with his hands, from big blocks to tiny raisins. According to the BabyCenter website, babies should be developing their pincer grip at his age, and true to form (he's really a textbook case on physical milestones for babies) he can grasp these objects really well with his index finger and thumb!
Ah yes...communication. We're getting there - he doesn't really gesture the "more" sign so much as grasp his high-chair table and make the "mmmmmmmmm!!!" sound while kicking his legs to let me know he wants a second helping! And he's also developed a nasty habit of standing and bouncing in his chair too. We've really had to tighten the belt on that thing, because he does his slithery sloth impression and manages to contort and squirm his way out of the restraint! He starts by pulling one foot up, then sits cross-legged, then stands, and hey presto! Prison break.
Mealtimes can be quite frustrating nowadays, with his distractions and monkeying around, playing with his food and trying to feed me his avocado sandwiches. Well. At least he's learnt to share!!
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