1. My clever boy woke up from his nap in the spare room yesterday (I'd left earlier to wash up after our yummy morning snuggle-time) and managed to OPEN the door (it was slightly ajar), and started crawling towards my room to find me! I'd emerged from my bathroom hearing his cries and was leaving my room to head back to him where lo and behold! The little boy was half-moaning as he crawled down the hallway to me! It was a good thing he'd completely by-passed the stairs - we don't have a stair-gate for protection (yet). But EG and I thought it was pretty incredible he knew which room to head to.
2. He's never EVER done this before, so it was much to my surprise (and chagrin) that as I plonked him into the bathtub on Sunday night, I saw bits of orange stuff (think mashed sweet potato) floating up. From his butt. YIKES! In the 3 minutes I'd left him on his own in his room to play (after having wiped his bum in preparation for bath time), he'd managed to deposit a little something on the carpet for me. I'd wanted to give him some reprieve from the stuffy confines of his nappy, but well, I guess that's what I get for letting him free-ball it!
3. He had his first taste of chicken today! I tore some strips from the chicken breast we were having for dinner, and he really seemed to enjoy it! Kept doing his version of the "more" sign - clenching his fists and squeezing down into his chair. Heh. Cute.
I guess you can tell that he's really our son, since his first recognisable and indicative word seems to be "mam-mam". As in "Aidan, do you want food?" and I gesture the sign for food, and he goes "mam-mam! mam mam mam mam mam....mmmmmm...." Yup, he's a Soh (& Wong) all right!
4. Ok, I had one more update at the top of my head but I just can't remember it! Here I was, storing a neat mnemonic A.P.C. so I could remember what to blog about, and I can't remember the "A" part. Darn nappy-brain! Anyhoo, when I do, I'll update this entry.
Some pics for your viewing pleasure...
Teehee.Too cute!
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